Chapter 4
Avenge the dead
For you're the only one left
Korr burned to the ground
Now you shall burn their heads
I blessed you with the infernal power
Now you shall use my gift accordingly
Sacrifice the Vampire King's heart on the temple of Savai
And my word will be done
Ren jumped awake with the Godess's voice ringing in her ears. She breathed deeply, running a hand through her dark hair. It had been long since the Godess had spoken to her and reminded her her mission.
"Ren, oh Gods you're awake."
Ren felt someone crash into her body and hug her tightly. It was Saun that grabbed her shoulders and shook them hard.
"You had me worried sick! I prayed to Soduhr all night for you when you passed out. Oh I swear I'm going to kill that bastard..."
"Saun, please calm down. I'm alright. Nothing that happened was against my will," Ren lied, biting her tongue.
"Are you serious Ren?! You got here naked and bleeding, you can't fool me!" Saun yelled, making a few heads turn inside the barracks. "Lie all you want but I know what he did to you wasn't right!"
"Saun, enough!" Ren's voice rose in volume, and the halfling instantly regretted it.
"You know what, I'm done caring for you," the demon said bitterly. Whispers followed her statement. "I thought I was being a friend. I guess you don't feel the same. Good luck, Ren."
Ren lifted her hand to stop Saun but the demon had already stormed off. A deep feeling of regret filled her, like a stab to the heart. She needed to apologize to Saun, but for now the demon was best left alone. It wasn't wise to mess with Saun's temper.
"General Ulran wishes to see you all urgently. He says new members for his ranks will be selected today."
The servant at the door nodded at them nervously before taking his leave. His statement immediately caused a wave of panic and excitement through the barracks. Loud conversation sparked and the demons began to gather their armour.
Ren's eyes shined. This was her opportunity to be selected. Quickly, she put on her armour and grabbed her sword, following the rest of her companions outside. Her eye caught Saun somewhere between the crowd but immediately Ren lost sight of her.
They made lines in the field where the Generals arrived, General Ulran leading the way. He was as imposing as it had been told, his dark eyes falling on each of the demons and finally on her.
"Recruits, the General has carefully examined your journey within Gharnadul's army and has selected a number of you to join his ranks. Those of you who made it should expect to perform with excellence in battle from now on. Now if you hear your name, step forward."
"Saun Thundervalour."
Ren's head snapped to her right, where Saun stepped forward with a sure smile. The halfling smiled proudly as her friend was selected and turned her attention back towards the Generals.
"Rys Staghorn."
"Amria Covendall."
"Ren Narogner."
Ren's eyes widened in shock. Had she heard right? For a moment all eyes turned towards her, confirming she had heard right. As if in a dream, Ren stepped forward with the rest of the recruits.
So Lord Sargdon had not been lying. He had indeed spoken to the General about her. The rest of the names that were heard didn't quite reach Ren's ears. She was too busy frozen under General Ulran's icy gaze.
Soon the rest of the recruits were gone, leaving the newly selected knights with the Generals.
"Congratulations to the ten of you that made it to the ranks. I expect a lot from you. Now the Generals will lead you to your new barracks. Your first battle will be tonight," General Ulran spoke, tall and imposing.
As Ren began to walk she felt her arm caught in an iron grip, yanking her back. She twisted her head, coming face with General Ulran. "A word with you."
Ren swallowed and nodded. "Yes Sir."
"I suppose you know why you have been selected," the General said, pulling her aside. His gaze was cold. "You will not be missed when you die in battle, whore."
Ren was stunned. The General's words pierced through her like a well sharpened dagger. Yet all she could do was nod and watch the demon leave her behind.
At nighttime, the barracks were full of life.
General Ulran's knights were rushing to wear their armour and prepare for battle. For some of them it was the first time on the battlefield, while others were more experienced.
After being subjected to the General's hurtful words, Ren had spent the rest of the evening by herself. Desperately, she tried to forget what she had heard but the memory painfully stung her chest, tearing down her pride. Surely the General expected her to die in this first battle but she was going to prove otherwise.
Ren slid her sword to her belt and exited the barracks along with the rest of the knights. No one had bothered to talk to her, although Ren could feel their curious glances on her from time to time. She didn't mind being ignored, she was used to it. But what Ren was worried about was Saun. She hadn't gotten a chance to speak to her friend as the demon was nowhere to be found all evening. Avoiding her, perhaps.
The knights mounted their horses and began to exit the castle's grounds. Ren followed with mild excitement building up inside her heart. This was going to be her first battle. Her first kills.
General Ulran led them forward into the forest. They were heading west, towards one of the small villages that was apparently infested with beasts.
The road was quiet, the sound of leaves brushing against each other keeping them company. They had been travelling for 2 hours when suddenly General Ulran stopped in his tracks.
"Halt!" he ordered. "Something isn't right..."
A scream tore through the silence. One of the knights fell to the ground lifeless as an arrow had been lodged in his throat.
"It's an ambush!" someone yelled.
Ren felt her heart begin to race. She panicedly looked around, seeing no one.
"Knights, get ready to fight!" General Ulran ordered, trying to compose them.
And then from the trees figures emerged, jumping on the horses and taking the knights down with them. Ren drew her sword, breathing hard. It was time to fight.
Repeating the Godess's words in her mind, Ren rushed into battle, slashing at the bodies of the beasts below.
Grunting, she swang her blade beheading one of the beasts swiftly as it leaned over one of her companions. The battle was rough between demons and vampires, the latter trying to push the first off their mounts.
Suddenly Ren felt a searing pain on her arm, making her groan loudly. She looked to find an arrow piercing her skin. The pain was hot, travelling through her arm to her neck and face, making her dizzy. For a moment everything around her spun.
When Ren saw clearly again the sight was frightening. Most of the knights were on the ground, the rest struggling against the beasts. They were outnumbered. Vampires all around them created a vicious circle, trapping them in the middle.
"Retreat," Ren heard the General yell over the ringing of her ears. She tried to run yet in its panic her horse stood on its back feet, neighing loudly. An arrow flew over her head and Ren found herself losing balance.
Coughing loudly, Ren fell to the ground, clutching her injured arm. In the distance she could see the General and a few other knights trying to escape, no more than three.
"You five, follow them! The rest stay here!" a cold voice ordered. Ren grunted and tried to stand to her feet, yet the dizziness made her fall back down. Had she been poisoned?
It was getting harder to breath now. Where was Saun? Was she safe? What were those steps?
Ren screamed as someone grabbed her by the hair and lifted her face up. Her vision was filled with white and black spots, but through the confusion she could see the face of a man staring at her with a vicious smile.
"Look what we have here... a halfling. So rare to see your kind these days little one."
He then looked back up. "We'll keep this one. Kill the rest."
"No!" Ren screamed, her voice drowning in her throat. The black spots in her vision were growing and soon began to take over.
And when she could see again, nothing was the same.
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