We are still in the elevator. I check my watch. It is 6:00 pm. Well, we have been here for at least two hours. Sun must be almost gone. We are sitting next to each other. "So, do you have any siblings?" He asks. "No, I am the only child." I say. I kinda like that I am the only child. If I had any siblings, it would have been harder to leave my house. Specially if they are younger than me. "You?" I say as I look at him. He's looking at the ceiling of the elevator. He's staring at it as if is a dark sky full of stars. His side profile looks good. "Yeah. One. She's entering high school this year. Her name is Vanilla. We call her Vani." He says. I think it is a cute name. I smile. I mean calling a girl Vanilla. "Cute." I say as I smile. "Yeah." He says. "Where are you originally from, Coraline?" He asks. He's looking at me now. "Chicago. What about you?" I ask. "New York." He says. "I heard it is cool there. Why would you leave?" I ask. "Well, I got bored from living with my parents. So, I decided to pay grandma a visit." He says. "So, you're just visiting?" I ask. "Oh, no. I am staying. I can just leave you after we spent this much time together." He says as he smirks. I smile. Well, Charlie is really one of the unique people I have ever met. He really understands me. He gives me what I want. He might have made me smile and laugh. But, he's also one of the few or only people I ever talked with about my personal life. "Well, I am bored. Do you have some makeup in this bag?" He asks as he points to my bag. "Lipstick, mascara and some blush." I say as I grab my bag. "Well, get them out. I will give you a new look my lady." He says as he grabs my bag. He gets the stuff out. I don't usually put on make up. "I am just doing this because I am bored. You're absolutely beautiful without any." He says as I feel more heat rising to my whole face.
We are laying on the floor. "Are we going to talk after getting out of here?" He asks as he looks at me. I look at him. "Maybe." I say as I look back at the ceiling. I mean maybe. I don't really know if we are going to talk again after this. I liked spending time with him. He's cool and funny. We can be friends. I never had friends. I hope I don't actually suck at this. I check my watch. It is 9:00 pm. "Can you show me where to get a tattoo after we get the hell out of here?" He asks without looking at me. "Yeah, of course." I say. I feel his fingers between mine. "Charlie? Dear, are you in there?" We hear a woman's voice. We look at each other in complete shook. He starts to gasp for air all of the sudden. I get up on my knees. "Hey, hey?" I say as I grab his face between my hands. I reach for his coat. I search its pockets for his inhaler. I found it. I place it to his mouth. "It...is..emp" he says gasping for air. God. "Help! I have a sick person here!" I shout hoping this woman would hear me. I turn back to him. "Stay with me. Hey, hey." I say as I hold his face to keep the eye contact. He passes out all of the sudden. I start to panic. I try to do the mouth to mouth artificial breathing. "Charlie?" I whisper so close to his face. "Can you hear me?" I ask trying to keep myself calm. He doesn't move. Shit. Please don't be dead. The elevator's door opens, revealing a man with a uniform and Miss Johns. "He needs an inhaler." I tell her with a very fast voice. Luckily, she understands me. She runs into her apartment. She comes back as fast as she could with a new inhaler. I run back with it to his laying unconscious body. I place his head into my lap. I place the inhaler into his mouth. "Come on, breath." I whisper in fear. He takes a deep breath. Or we both do. He looks at me. "Told you you're too hot." He says with a smirk. I laugh lightly. I help him up. He gets his coat. I grab mine along with my bag. "I will fix it tonight. I promise." The guy in the uniform says. Miss Johns is hugging Charlie tightly. She walks into the apartment after taking his coat. We just stand and look at each other for a while. "Good night, Miss Black." He says with a smile. "Good night, Charlie." I say smiling softly, before I enter my apartment. I hang my coat by the door. I jump onto bed. Maybe love at first sight does exist from books or movies?
I am sitting in bed with a tuna sandwich in my hand. My laptop is laying open in front of me. I write everything. Everything that happened in that elevator. How he made me smile. And laugh. He made me happy. My phone vibrates due to a message that I got. I open it as I stuff the last bits of my tuna sandwich into my mouth. It's a message from a unknown number. "The tattoo shop, tomorrow?" The message says. I figure out it's Charlie. I smile as I enter his name as a contact. "Deal." I type and then hit send.
* Charlie: My grandma won't stop talking about the elevator thing.
Coraline: Well, it was something.
Charlie: I liked it. I mean I almost died but it was all your fault.
Coraline: my fault?
Charlie: Yeah , you're too hot and too damn beautiful too. 😉
Coraline: Good night, Charlie.
Charlie: night night, Coraline. *
I place my phone on my nightstand. I stare at the unfinished typing on my laptop screen. I smile to myself. I don't think I need this. Mot today at least. Cause I don't think I can ever forget Charlie. Charlie Johns.
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