I open my eyes as a sign that I am awake. I get out of my bed. I take my usual morning shower. I stare at my body in the mirror. I am a girl with a milk chocolate skin color. My hair is my elbows length. It is black and wavy to my mother's side. My skin color came from my father's side, along with my eyes. They are a dark blue color. Not the ocean's color but the sky's color. That color you can see when the sun is already gone and you're just waiting for the moon to show up. My nose is small and my lips are medium sized to my mother's side as well. I don't really see my parents in myself. Cause as I leave my face, I spot my crow. That crow I tattooed the year I got here. I just went into a tattoo shop and asked the guy to tattoo a raven black crow across my collarbones. I can feel the crow staring back at me. I can feel that we are so much alike. I just get out of the bathroom. I grab a long sleeved woolen violet blouse and pull it on. I pull on my black pants. I pull my wavy black hair into a high ponytail. I grab a black scarf. I place it around my neck. I put my feet into a pair of black high heeled boots. I grab my bag and walk to my door. I put on my coat as I open my apartment's door. Charlie is standing there. He is probably waiting for the elevator. He's wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a white shirt, along with his black coat. I close the door behind me, which makes a sound that attracts his sight to me. "Good morning." He smiles at me. I stand next to him. "Good morning." I mumble in a low voice. "Looks like we will be seeing each other a lot, Miss Black." He says as the elevator's door opens. He probably knew my name from his grandmother. We just stand there in the elevator as it goes down, so each one of us can go his separate ways. I watch him. I can sense he wants to start a conversation. "Well, Mr. Johns. I am not the chatty type. So we could meet every morning and be all good if we didn't have to talk at all. Okay?" I say as the elevator's door open. I walk right out before hearing any answer from him. I am not being harsh or anything. But, that's usually how it goes. I don't like talking. Specially to guys. I don't know how. In my school, everyone usually stayed away from me. They all knew my father died. They all knew I must be grieving. I hated the pity I had to see in there eyes as they looked at me. And that was one of the reasons why I left home. To be in a place where no one knew that I am sad or grieving. I enter the bookstore. Went by Mr. Banes to say I am here. I sit in a corner as I watch people grab books.
My time in the bookstore is finished. I get up and grab my things from the stuff room. I take the metro to my house like everyday. I arrive at the building. The building I am living in has been here for a long time. I chose it because I wanted to be near the ocean. My father loved the ocean. He adored it. I hate talking about him in the past tense. It reminds me that he's dead. Gone. Forever. I into the building to see Charlie is standing there by the elevator. Why does he have to be here every time I am here? I stand next to him in embarrassment. I still remember how I talked to him this morning. Those are the worst moments. The moments when you can escape the people you just been bad too. But, then fate would just make you bump into them. And then this will be bad. And embarrassing. He doesn't look at me. We are both silent. The elevator's door opens. We both get in. Silence is our guest, until the elevator stops. All of the sudden. It feels like an earthquake has just happened. I open my eyes and I am on the floor. My knees hurt. Badly. I am sitting on the floor, my back is resting on the elevator's wall. I look to my side. Charlie is there. He's unconscious. I panic. I hate being with sick people. I take a deep breath. It is okay, Coraline. You have a Harvard degree. You can deal with this. I get up and knee walk to him. I take off his coat. I try to make him sit in a normal way to breath normally. I open my bag. I search for anything with a strong smell. I find my small perfume bottle. I grab it. I put some perfume on my wrist. I place my wrist by his nose so he can smell the perfume and thankfully get up. I wait with my wrist by his nose. He makes a move. I sight in a relive. His eyes open slowly. He looks at me. He sits down while resting his back to the wall. "What happened?" He asks in confusion with his hand holding his head as a sign of pain in his head. "The elevator broke down or something. I don't know." I say as I sit back next to him. "Does that usually happen?" He asks. "No, never." I say. The elevator never broke down before. The owner of the building always made sure it was all right. But, maybe this elevator needs changing now after all of these years. "Well, is there someone who can help us?" He asks. "I don't know. But we will probably have to wait for someone to try and use it so he or she would figure out it's broken and get us help." I say. That's actually the only thing that might help us now. We both sight at the same time. I am stuck in the elevator with a man. A man that I just told this morning to leave me alone. Fate really doesn't like me. I guess.
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