Aya and I are getting ready for tonight's Halloween dance. Asher said he's going to meet us there.
I can't wait for him to see Aya's costume! She's gonna look amazing!
I'm now curling my hair to give it a little more volume before I wear my costume, which is an epic pirate dress and boots! I also took the toy sword from Aurora to complete my look. Don't ask why she has a toy sword...she's odd, but we love that about her.
I finish my hair and wear my dress and all the accessories, including my parrot feather earrings, a red bandanna and a crocodile tooth necklace (fake of course.)
I look in the mirror, satisfied with my look and start to put on some make up to make it edgier.
I'm going as the devil to the dance. But a classier version. I'm wearing a long red dress with a black corset around my waist, and a sheer black cape, my hair is down and straightened with red horns topping it.
My makeup consists of a smokey eye and a bold red lipstick.
Asher might make a move on Scarlet today, and I'm so excited to finally have her off my back and stop shipping me with him. Why can't she see that he's perfect for her, not me!
Although he and I have been hanging out more and I think she is getting jealous but she doesn't know that she's jealous because she doesn't know that she likes him nor that we're nothing but friends...does that make sense?
I'm gonna need a drink.
Lydia, Seema, and I are on our way to the dance, as we got ready fast for the first time in our lives. Chris and Rora would be proud.
Speaking of that, we're disappointed they're not going together but hey as long as Rora is happy I don't need anything else. Who knows, maybe they were right and they are perfect as just best friends.
I still hope they end up together though because COME ON THE CHEMISTRY IS REAL PEOPLE!
Anyways, the girls and I are wearing a group costume. We're the powerpuff girls!
I'm Buttercup, Seema is Bubbles, and Lydia is Blossom.
We call it, Galloween.
I can't believe I made a pun...Rora is rubbing off on me...
"NO!! GET THAT STUFF AWAY FROM ME!" I yell running behind the kitchen island.
"Rora come on it's not that bad! It'll make your outfit look better." Ella whined, stopping in her tracks, tired of chasing me around.
"Excuse you," I reply crossing my arms. "My outfit is perfect as it is."
"You are so much work I swear..." She mumbles, walking forward and jumping on the kitchen island, finally getting a grip on me. She tackles me to the ground and sits on me, taking out the eyeshadow brush and rubbing it into a sparkly purple color.
"Close your eyes!" She scolds me as she places her knees on my arms to stop me from moving.
"Over my dead body!" I yell.
"I am over your body and killing you won't be a problem!" She replies sassily.
"I am your princess and possible future queen, I demand you to stop this!" I groan.
"Bitch please, and I'm your best friend." She states, closing my eyes for me. "You have no power over me."
"I have the power of god and anime on my side!!" I yell, squirming around more.
"You don't even watch anime!!"
"I don't care!"
"Well too late anyway, I finished putting on the eyeshadow." She huffs as I open my eyes and glare at her while she pulls out a tube of sparkly pink lipgloss. "Pucker up princess."
I suck in my lips, preventing her from putting that lousy substance on my lips.
She rolls her eyes before pinching my nose, stopping me from breathing and making me open my mouth to take a deep breath. She takes the chance and pinches my lips making me look like an actual duck and putting a thin layer of lipgloss.
"Done." She smirks. "Now was that so hard?"
"You are literally sitting on me, Ella." I glare at her.
She gets off of me and helps me up, giving me a mirror to look at myself. I look good actually.
"Now come on, go put on your flower crown. Chris should be here soon." She tells me, leaving too get her own hat.
I'm going as a fairy princess, and she's going as a female mad hatter.
As if on cue, Chris texts me that he's here.
I wait for the girls to come down so we can go to the dance.I'm wearing my prince charming costume.
Hopefully Calum is ready and at the dance right now. I send him a quick text before the girls come down and get into my car.
"You look amazing, ladies!" I compliment them and they thank me.
Aurora is snickering quietly to herself as I start the car and drive to the dance.
"Why are you laughing?" I chuckle, glancing at her.
"You'd be a good disney prince." She giggles.
I look at Ella through the mirror and she just shrugs and laughs along.
"I don't understand you sometimes." I shake my head with a smile.
I'm late I'm late I'm late I'm late-
I slide down the hall of my apartment as I see Chris' text, almost falling down. I wear my black converse and grab my car keys as I run out, hoping to get there on time and not leave Aurora waiting.
I'm going as one of the characters from grease, the look suits me so I took it as a safe option.
I can't believe I'm going out with her oh my god why did I do this she's too good for me oh no I'm gonna mess everything up HELP ME!
I'm going to ask Scarlet to dance with me. I wanted to make a move on her, but I don't think the time is right yet. Aya is going to be pissed, but I can't do it. I don't want to mess this up. I'll do whatever it takes the right way, no matter how long it takes.
And for the sole reason of needing luck, I dressed up as Lucky Luke.
I told her she's going to regret it. Tonight is the beginning of her misery...until she accepts what is in store for her.
I put on my mask as I see her walk in, admiring the decoration with a wide smile on her face.
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