The full moon illuminated the forest, it's silver light soft as it washed over the oak trees of DoveClan. Rosekit nudged her brother, Seedkit, who's cream fur bristled with excitement.
"Look! It's Echostar!" She whispered in awe, her paws trembling as she gazed up at the rock, where Echostar was waiting patiently, her eyes bright. Echostar's grey fur turned silver underneath the moonlight and she raised her chin, gazing proudly at her clanmates. A fawn coloured she-cat with bright green eyes padded up beside Echostar, whispering something into her ear before dipping her head.
"That's Mintflower!" Seedkit meowed, his eyes wide as he blinked at the pair of she-cats. "I wonder what she-"
"Rosekit! Seedkit!" Seedkit's meow was broken by Deerflight's impatient hiss. "Come on, it's almost time to go. What on earth happened to your fur? I leave you alone for a minute and-"
"Sorry, Deerflight," Seedkit meowed softly, pressing his muzzle against their mother's brown pelt. Deerflight gave a soft huff, before rasping her tongue over Seedkit and Rosekit's fur. Deerflight's gaze seemed distracted, and she paused to blink at them sadly, emotions hidden behind her warm brown gaze.
"What's wrong?" It was Seedkit who asked, his eyes soft as he peered at Deerflight. Deerflight sighed, before casting a look at Hollyflower, the other Queen in the nursery. Hollyflower was murmuring something to her three kits, but she lifted her head and exchanged a look with Deerflight.
"It's just..." Deerflight sighed, her eyes twinkling with sadness as she pulled her kits close to her. She shook her pelt, before speaking. "Well, I want you both to know that whatever Clan you choose, Emberclaw and I will always be proud of you. Your loyalty to your clan must never waver, my kits, and tonight...Tonight is like a goodbye."
Seedkit pressed against her mother. "I won't leave you! I want to be a warrior for DoveClan," he meowed fiercely.
Deerflight purred, happiness and relief seeming to cloud her eyes as she pulled Seedkit and Rosekit close.
Rosekit swallowed, trying to imagine staying in DoveClan. She cast her eyes to the familiar nursery and the Clanmates that she grew up with. Swankit, Goldenkit and Mistkit were always her playmates, and the elders were always there to tell her stories.
Rosekit ducked her head, guilt stirring in her chest when she realized that the thought of staying in DoveClan filled her with a feeling of being trapped; as if the ivy walls of the nursery were closing in on her.
But how can I leave Seedkit and my Clan?
"Cats of DoveClan!" Rosekit's thoughts were broken by Echostar, whose steady gaze swept the clearing. "It is time to attend the gathering."
With a flick of her tail, Echostar led the way through the brambles that hid their clan from sight, and Rosekit felt a sudden rush of excitement. She bounded ahead, wanting to see the forest.
"Hey, slow down, little one." A cat grabbed her gently by the scruff of the neck, setting her down to Deerflight.
Rosekit found herself staring at Mintflower's kind green gaze, and she ducked her head. "Sorry, MintFlower," she mumbled.
Deerflight blinked her thanks, before sweeping Rosekit close to her with her tail. "Be careful, Rosekit," she hissed warningly, though her bright green gaze shone with affection. "You'll grow up to be a brave warrior," she said, though her meow was laced by a heavy sadness. Rosekit twitched her ears in confusion, startled by the sorrow lingering in Deerflight's knowing gaze.
But all of that faded away when she stepped outside of the walls of her home. She padded through the moonlight's slanting beams that fell on the soft forest floor. Through the intertwining branches of the oak trees, she could just make out the silver pelt stretched out above her, a canopy of possibilities that made her heart race. Seedkit twitched his whiskers, pressing closer to Deerflight as they followed their clan, further and further away from home. Worries still gnawed at her, but she lifted her head high. The feeling of uncertainty aroused a fear inside of her, yet her paws were trembling with excitement as new scents and smells.
The choosing ceremony. The elders whispered stories of their choosing; of them choosing the kindness and compassion that lies with DoveClan. When she was young, Rosekit had always known that DoveClan was here home. The selflessness, the sense of peace. How could she choose something else? She'd always thought her destiny was engraved in stone; laid out before her like a path she'd always known she'd walk.
But as she lifted her chin, letting the new scents of the forest fill her mouth, she shivered in anticipation. Perhaps nothing is decided; not yet, she thought with a flash of hope. She bounced on her paws, almost tumbling into a small stream that cut through the soft forest floor. Perhaps her destiny was like the stream of water; always changing.
She purred, lowering her head as she imagined starting new; starting a life where her loyalty was what mattered the most.
I'm about to choose my destiny
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