Chapter 7
"I can sleep in the chair." He says at the same time as I say, "We can build a pillow wall."
We both stare at each other and I notice the way his eyes drop down from mine as I bite my bottom lip nervously. I'm not a shy person and I'm confident in my body but something about this guy makes me want to simultaneously rip my clothes off and turn into a blushing, giggling mess.
"I can speak to Pops." His voice is rough and his eyes still on my lips.
"It's ok, we are adults, we can handle this." I soothe.
Thinking about the look on Pops face as he hurried away, I get the feeling he knew exactly what he was doing.
I move gingerly passed him and step into the room, placing the small pile of clothing Katy gave me down on the chest of drawers.
Crow still hasn't stepped into the room so I start to go through the pile of pajamas, deciding on an oversized t-shirt as the best option. Although, considering how tiny Katy is I pray this isn't indecently short.
Glancing at Crow. I notice he's still hovering in the doorway. "I don't bite," I tease, "not unless you ask me to."
Heat flares in his eyes and they shoot up to meet mine. I stumble back at the intensity of his gaze and choke out, "Just going to get changed." Before half running for the bathroom.
As the door clicks shut behind me, my breath comes out of me in a whoosh. Whoa mama! How is a girl supposed to think when a man is looking at you like he wants to take you against the wall like that?
I take a steadying breath and start running some cold water and splash my face. When I look up to finally meet my gaze in a proper mirror for the first time since the attack, I can't help but wince.
Those painkillers are doing a stirling job because biting my bottom lip like I was a moment ago, probably should have hurt. A lot. It's split and swollen, a small trail of blood has dried down my chin and onto my neck.
My right eye has the tell tale shadow beginning of a black eye but it's just above that which looks the worst. An uneven and jagged cut, stitched neatly together goes from about two thirds of the way along my eyebrow and crosses my temple to disappear up into my hairline.
I part the hair, wincing as pieces are stuck to the dried blood at the edge of the wound. Using a small, damp piece of tissue and slowly clean it until I look slightly less gross.
With another piece of tissue, I clean the smears of makeup and dirt from my face and body. I don't have the energy to shower and I probably shouldn't get my stitches wet. Something to ask Doc if I see him again maybe.
My side is definitely hurting now as I slip my near ruined clothing off and the oversized t-shirt on. It's an inoffensive faded grey with 'gorgeous' written across the chest in tiny diamanté.
Whilst the colour may be inoffensive, the length certainly leaves little to the imagination. As I stand on my tiptoes to check the decency of where it falls, I get a small flash of my underwear in the mirror.
I sigh. There's very little I can do about it now. I half hope that Crow has already gotten into the bed and fallen asleep so I can sneak in without him catching an eyeful.
My thighs clench a little at the thought. No, I remind my body, we are not interested in playing with potentially dangerous men. We are supposed to have learnt our lesson.
My old folded clothes in hand, I crack open the door and peek round. The main light is off now in favour of the two table lamps
Crow is sat stiffly in the small bucket armchair. He's not facing me so I try to sneak quickly across the room and slip into the bed before he notices.
Sat propped against the pillows, I look up and meet his eyes. The flaring of his nostrils tells me he likely saw more than he or I bargained for.
"You might as well just share the bed." I point out when he doesn't speak, "That looks very uncomfortable."
"I'm not sure that's appropriate." Comes his stiff response.
"I promise not to ravage you in the night or something!"
He closes his eyes, whether to give himself strength or because he fancies imagining the ravaging is not clear. "I'm not going to force you but I really don't mind you joining me." I say quietly, reaching to turn off the lamp before curling onto my side and pulling the duvet up to my chin.
It takes a few minutes of him grunting and shifting around and me trying very hard to even out my breathing, so he thinks I'm asleep.
Finally I hear him stand and the jingle of his belt followed by the slight squeak of the leather as he discards his trousers.
Presumably the jacket follows and then the bed dips with his weight as he lays on top of the duvet beside me.
He smells good, I note. All musky with a hint of petrol about him that tells me how much he loves that bike of his. It shouldn't smell good but it does.
I fight the urge to roll and snuggle into those broad shoulders. A small yawn escapes me as the events of the day catch up on me. Eyelids heavy I feel the tug of sleep, "Thank you Crow, for everything."
I hear the small hitch in his breathing to confirm that he heard me but he doesn't reply. Before I can say or think anything else, exhaustion overwhelms me and my eyes close.
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