Chapter 6
"Calm down-" I attempt to soothe her, but she quickly interrupts.
"Calm down? Your location says you're in the arse end of nowhere behind a load of warehouses? You didn't call? Didn't text? I thought you were dead!" Tori finishes with a shriek I'm sure everyone in the room can hear if the looks on their faces is anything to go by.
"Tori, firstly breathe." I say, modelling taking a deep breath.
"I am breathing, but you won't be much longer if you don't tell me what the hell is going on." She mutters darkly.
I pretend not to hear her. "Second of all, I'm fine." I notice Crow raise an eyebrow. "Ok, well, not fine, but I'm alive and in one piece. I may have had a slight...encounter with that dick from the bar."
"An encounter? What happened? Did he hurt you? Did you call the police?" She says, her tone full of concern.
"Weren't you talking about murdering me a second ago?" I tease.
"Irrelevant, and stop trying to change the subject. Did he hurt you?"
I roll my eyes. She's like a dog with a bone. "A little, but I'm fine now. I was helped by a nice man called Cr- Christopher and his, his dad." My eyes flicker between Crow and Pops as I speak and I spin to face the window as I continue, not wanting to see their expressions.
"So why aren't you at the hospital getting checked? I know that-"
I interrupt. "I've seen a doctor, but I'm not going to the hospital, Tori."
Her voice softens, "I know how hard it would be to go there but you really should get checked out Gemmy."
"I'm fine, really." I promise.
She pauses and I can almost hear the thought process as she decides whether or not to drop it. "None of that explains where you are." She says finally.
"Cr-Chris and his Dad own one of the warehouses near the bowling alley, we are just behind there so I could get checked out by their friend who is a doctor."
Even I don't believe my stammered attempt at an explanation but I hope Tori is tipsy enough not to notice.
"By Bee Bowl?" She asks after a beat.
"Yep, right near it." I smile.
"I love that place." She says, still sounding thoughtful.
"Yeah, me too."
"Do you want me to get Zak up and we can come and get you?" She offers.
I seriously consider it for a moment. I'm sure anyone with any sense would accept it in a heartbeat and get the hell out of the dangerous bikers house. But me? Well I have the self-preservation skills of a bunny on a b-road apparently because I open my mouth and reply, "Nah, I'm good. I know he's got that big presentation tomorrow. He needs his sleep. I'll be fine, I promise."
"Are you sure?" She hesitates and I can tell she really doesn't want to leave me with random strangers after I've been hurt.
"Positive. I'll call you in the morning, OK?"
She sighs, "Ok, no point arguing with you but if you need anything, I don't care what time it is, you call me ok? I love you Gemma Borella."
"Will do, I love you more Titch." I grin and hang up.
I take a breath and fix my expression into one I hope is suitably apologetic but seeing as I can't feel my face I'm not certain.
When I turn to face them, Pops is barely restraining laughter and Crow looks bemused.
"Christopher?" He asks.
"I had to think on the spot." I protest, "What was I supposed to say? Oh I got rescued by someone called Crow, he's from another biker gang and despite the fact these ones are actually nice they call themselves Devils and took me to their biker hideout?"
"We prefer motorcycle club." Pops says mildly.
"Did you come up with a whole backstory to go with these fake rescuers?" Crow asks, looking a little amused now.
"Why yes, you are father and son...mechanics and fix bikes and stuff." I reply, thinking quickly on the spot.
"You make that up just now?" Pops snorts
"Maybe." I say with a dismissive flick of my hand.
Pops shakes his head in response, "As much as I am enjoying this conversation, I've got a girlfriend and my bed calling me so let get you kids settled into the guest room so I can go and be with her."
Crow let's out a heavy sigh that says he is about as impressed with this idea as I am, "Lead the way."
Pops chuckles and heads for the door leaving us to trail behind him.
"You don't have to stay with me all night, I really am fine." I whisper to Crow.
He raises one eyebrow, looking over my newly stitched face and grime covered clothes as though they don't fill him with confidence, "If the boss wants me to stay with you, I'll stay with you."
"But it's pointless." I protest.
"So is trying to argue with me about it."
I roll my eyes and jog slightly to catch up with Pops, "Heya, sorry to be a pain, but do you have anything I can wear to sleep in?"
Pops glance sideways at me, "Sure, we can stop by my room first and see what Katy has."
"Thanks." I give him my sweetest smile as though it doesn't feel weird that I'm going to be wearing his girlfriend's clothes. A woman I've not only never met, but have no idea what size she is.
He leads us through to the back of the building and up a winding staircase. This area has clearly been decorated recently and the freshly painted smell hangs in the air. The landing area is big enough that it easily fits two large leather sofas and an assortment of cans and wrappers litter the small coffee table between them.
I see Pops frown at them for a second before clearly deciding to deal with them later and leading us off to the right.
We reach the final door on the left and he knocks twice before calling out, "You decent?"
"Never." Comes a woman's giggled response and Pops grins at me, clearly proud of her.
Less than thirty seconds later the door opens and a small, pretty woman with a warm smile greets us, wrapped in a purple silk robe. Her face is creased with laughter lines and her glossy black hair is piled on top of her head in beautiful braids.
"Hi, I'm Katy-" She smiles as though we are already best friends and then takes in my injuries, "Oh goodness, what happened?"
"I'm OK," I reassure, "My name's Gemma."
"Gemma here had a little run in with someone and Crow brought her back here to get checked after she refused hospital." Pops explains.
Katy is looking at me worriedly, "How can I help?"
"Well she's going to be staying the night so she will need something to sleep in." Pops explains.
"Oh of course." Katy spins on her heel and disappears back into the room before he can say anymore.
When she returns, there's a small stack of clothing in her hands, "I wasn't sure what you'd prefer dear." She laughs as she hands it to me.
"Thank you." I smile back unable to help myself. Her positivity is absolutely infectious.
"Are you ok darling?" Katy says over my shoulder and I turn to glance at Crow.
"I'm good thanks Katy." Crow says politely with a small smile.
"You're a good boy." She reaches past me to pat his arm and I see him freeze at the contact but attempt to hide it.
"I'm a good boy too." Pops chuckles, swatting Katy's bottom and making her squeak as she retreats back into the room, "I'll show you how good once I've got these two settled in the guest room."
"Oh but there's only one-"
"Yes one room. Sorry, Katy is remodelling a lot of the rooms at the moment so this is the only one that's not a state." Pops says apologetically as he hurries us back down the corridor.
"Thank you Katy." I call back with a little wave as he shoos us back towards the landing area.
We cross the landing and head down the left hand corridor this time until we come to another door. Pops unlocks it slowly, "Well I hope you're both comfortable and have a good night and I'll see you in the morning. Crow, if she's unwell call me or Doc. He's staying in his room here tonight in case he's needed."
"Understood." Crow gives a small nod.
"Thank you." I smile.
"No worries, night kids." Pops grins and hurries back towards his room.
We stand for a moment watching him and then Crow pushes the door open and swears making me turn to see the cause of his annoyance.
The room is simple enough. Pale lemon walls, pine furniture and door in the corner leading to a small similarly decorated bathroom.
Then I see what made Crow swear and a few choice words come to mind.
There's one bed.
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