Chapter 13
The car drew too much attention and Grayson is tearing away up the road before I can fully process the scene before me.
Logan lies still on the pavement and I'm pretty sure my heart has stopped. There's a dull roaring in my ears as I stumble the last few steps to his motionless body and drop to my knees beside him. Hesitant hands reach out to see if he's alive.
Then he rolls onto his side and I let out a little sob of relief. "Are you OK Gemma?" He asks in that rumbling voice of his as he sits up.
"Am I OK?" I let out a half-hysterical laugh at the ridiculousness of it all.
Once I start laughing, I can't seem to stop. It's like a dam in me has broken and the fear pours out of me in uncontrollable laughter.
Tears roll down my cheeks and I realise at some point I started crying as well.
"Gemma?" He sounds more concerned as he grabs my shoulder and gives me a little shake.
I'm still giggling when my gaze falls on the mangled remains of his bike and the sound dies in my throat. This is all my fault. "I'm so sorry." I hiccup, feeling thoroughly sobered up at the sight.
"It's ok I can probably fix it." He says it dismissively, but I can see the sadness in his expression when he glances back at it.
"I'm sorry." I repeat, placing my hand over his on my arm.
"Who was that Gemma? Did you know him?" He gestures with his thumb in the direction the car sped away.
Do I know him? Not really. Now that I think about it I'm not entirely sure I ever did. I close my eyes, unable to look at Logan when I nod slowly.
"He did that intentionally?" His voice is gentle as though I'm some sort of animal easily spooked.
He shifts and I can't help the flinch for a hit that never comes. Perhaps he is right to treat me like I'm breakable? In this moment I feel like I'm being held together by threads and the slightest harsh word will shatter me beyond repair.
"Look at me Gemma." He commands and as much as I instinctively want to rebel against the command, I do as he asks. "Did he do that intentionally?"
"Yes." I'm suddenly aware of the phone I'm still gripping so hard my knuckles are white.
I turn it over in my hand and see the call is still going. Swallowing back the dread I lift it to my ear.
"Gemma?" Grayson's too smooth voice says, "Now now, good girls don't lie." He chuckles darkly.
"I didn't lie Grayson." I sound tired.
Tired of him, tired of his games and tired of the control he still has over my life.
"Oh yes you did. I didn't intend to break his silly little bike. I intended to kill him."
He says it so matter of fact that at first I think I misheard him. My hands are shaking whether through fear or the cold I'm not entirely sure at this point.
Logan holds out his hand and I look at him blankly, not comprehending what he wants.
There's pity in his eyes now and that snaps me out of it like nothing else. "Leave me alone Grayson. I'm not yours anymore. If you contact me again I will call the police." I snap.
"Oh has your little bad boy made you brave my angel?" Grayson coos.
Then the phone is slipping from my hand and Logan is raising it to his own ear before I can stop him.
"Hello?" He says in a voice full of quiet menace.
He listens for a reply before speaking again, "Grayson is it? I think that Gemma has been more than clear on what she wants so I suggest you back off."
He's quiet for a moment before he laughs and shakes his head. "Biker club wannabe? I hate to break it to you, but you just brought yourself to the attention of Devils Dice MC and if I were you, I'd start running."
He ends the call before Grayson can respond and hands it back to me.
I take it slowly, the shock really setting in now as the adrenaline wears off and my teeth begin to chatter.
"Let's get you back inside." Logan says gently as he helps me to my feet.
My phone starts ringing again and I feel the panic roll through me again until I see Tori's name on the screen.
"Hey hey, so tell me all about the hottie." She laughs as soon as I answer and I'm forced to swallow back tears.
It already feels like a lifetime ago that I sent that message. "Erm," I try to find the words but my voice wobbles.
For the second time in minutes, Logan eases my phone out of my grip.
"Hi, my names Logan. Gemma just had a bit of a scare with someone called Grayson and I'm helping her back to her flat." His tone is light and friendly in a way I've not seen him use before and I am sure it is to try to put Tori at ease.
He pauses to let her speak, eyes still on me as he uses one arm to guide me to the lift.
"Yes, no I think that would be good. I can wait with her until you get here." He nods even though she can't see as I scan my keys and press the button for my floor.
"Perfect. See you soon." He hangs up the phone and hands it back to me again.
"Thank you." I whisper, "Sorry I'm not usually this much of a state and in need of constant rescue."
"You're not a state." He says, arm still round me in comfort, "And you didn't need rescuing. If anything you rescued me this time. If you hadn't shouted I wouldn't have been able to jump clear before he hit."
He's shaking his head and I know he's thinking about his bike, or what remains of it.
"So what you're saying is we are even?" I give him a watery smile which he returns.
"Yeah Gem, we're even."
Once we are safely back in my home I lock the door carefully behind me, connecting two chains and shaking the handle three times.
My therapist said it was likely OCD which was a perfectly normal response given what I had lived through. My brain controlling the only things it could to an obsessive degree.
I step around Logan and make my way to the living area, my eyes skimming over the arm chair I was sat in when the monster called and the window he was watching me through.
In a few jerky movement I lower the blinds, angling them so it's more difficult to look in.
Somehow he has managed to taint my home without ever having set foot in it.
When I turn back to Logan he's watching me, silently assessing how close I am to breakdown as I curl up on the sofa, pulling a throw blanket over me and patting the space beside me to encourage him to join.
He hesitates and for a second I think he is going to refuse, but then he sits, careful to keep a small gap between us.
"I need to call the club, is that OK?" He asks after a moment.
"Sure, go ahead." I reply, wrapping myself tighter into my cocoon of cosiness.
He dials quickly, "Hey Pops, it's Crow. Sorry we got cut off there."
I watch as his back straightens and he explains what happened and the state of his bike.
Whatever Pops says in return has Logan nodding in agreement. "Yeah, I'll be sure to get some more details too. So how soon can I get pick up for me and the bike?"
I feel a twinge of sadness at the idea that he wants to leave, but hide it by turning my face into the blanket so I'm looking away from him.
"Aww fuck, does it have to be Sin. You know what he like!" He complains after a minute.
It is clear that Pops quickly berates him and Logan apologises before saying goodbye.
The silence after the call ends is uncomfortable. I know he want to know more but I don't think either of us know where to start.
I suppose the beginning is as good a place as any. I turn my head so I'm looking out of the window at the sky between the white wood slats.
"His name is Doctor Grayson Parker and he was my boyfriend. We were together just over a year until...until he nearly killed me." I choke out.
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