Sharing Christ in a Post-Christian Era
How To Share Christ in a Post-Christian Era (I'm not sure who wrote this devotional, sorry)
Do all things without grumbling or disputing, that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world, holding fast to the word of life...
As we look around the globe at what is happening to the Church, it's abundantly clear that North America is slowly moving into what's being called the "post-Christian" era. This shift was predicted over 50 years ago, and is now becoming reality as Christian thinking is no longer guiding our culture.
In addition to a lessening of Christian thought in the public forum, we're also seeing a watering down of the faith in many churches that are becoming indifferent toward issues like premarital sex, abortion, and the exclusiveness of Christ as the way to heaven.
This is happening. So we as the Church can either shake our heads and turn our backs on culture, or we can find new ways to engage people in this post-Christian era with the Gospel. But doing that will take getting outside of our comfort zones and investing more time and energy into connecting with people who know nothing of Christ.
The reward will be worth it, but we have to do the work first. Spend time getting to know the non-Christians around you. Engage them as friends, live out the love of Christ, and let the Gospel flow from there!
It can be as little has leaving notes in library books to doing ministries with your church. If your church doesn't provide any ministries, then make one! Believe me, the word ministry is a scary word, but that's only the title of your work for the Lord. So relax, get involved in soup kitchens, children homes, nursing homes, there's plenty to go around and more people are needed in every possible area. Although I'm not a big fan of talking to people first because I end up stuttering and staring back at the people (Lol. So you're not the only one) it's still important to be a part of God's work. The Bible tells us that God can't use Christians who are scared of everything (I wonder why...)(Can't remember the verses, but I believe it's somewhere in Acts, Ephesians or Romans). So get out there! You'll start enjoying something you could have thought otherwise! Start at school, work, out on the streets. The possibilities are endless.
Authors Note- Yeah. I couldn't resist updating today....
Published: June.3.2017 7:55 a.m.
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