3 - Everything Has Changed
All I feel in my stomach is butterflies,
The beautiful kind,
Making up for lost time.
Travis didn't care if he was drunk as hell, this was the perfect kiss. He felt safe. It was if all his insides were being put back in through his left eyeball, which kind of hurt, too, because Lilac pulled away after a few sweet moments. "You're fucking drunk, Travis," she said in a shaky voice. "Yeah, so?" He said. He didn't give three shits. "I'm not going to take advantage of you like that." "You won't be. I'm fine. See?" He said, trying to stand on one foot, then falling over into her arms. He looked up at her, into her gorgeous frosty blue eyes, so blue they were almost white. She shook her head and looked away. "Lilac," he said, not really even having anything specific to say, he just wanted to say her name. She sighed, turned around, and, cupping his face in her hands, their lips met again. He let his hands get lost in her long blonde hair. Her hands lowered to his shoulders, and she hugged around his neck, pulling him closer. He broke the kiss for a moment to whisper, "I thought you said you weren't going to take advantage of me." "You said it yourself, you're fine," she whispered back, then kissed him again.
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