Chapter Twenty-Six
(Quick note! Etho and Beef did get healed by the reset, and can't really remember much before it, like the others. I thought I should point that out in case of confusion. Alright, that said, bye, and have a nice rest of your day/night!)
-Etho's POV, 1st-
I sighed. I had been doing this for a long time, just staring out the window. Why, might you ask? Because I couldn't remember, and I was bored. I had finished up all conflicts, disappeared from all fights, been healed of all curable injuries. It was truly the most dull thing, however that could be. I missed fighting, gaining new scars, not having to care about what would happen next because nobody would stop me. That was freeing. That was fun. This, however, was not. This was awful. And I could feel how gray it was. Lifeless. Depressing. Cold. I hated it, so much. So. Much.
There was nothing to do. I had nobody to worry about, and I wanted that. To worry. Maybe just for a minute, to see how terrifying it could be. I had nobody to follow. Nobody to love. Why I didn't prefer that over the hassle of humans, I don't know. But then, a human came along. I knew this one, he was quiet. Beef, my best friend. Someone to hang out with. He wasn't just passing by, either, but heading right towards my base. Towards me. He would've looked intimidating if I didn't know him with his big, butchers axe, and white apron bloodied by both animals and humans alike.
He didn't bother with an elytra, climbing the tall trees nearby, and dropping down on the floor of my odds and ends base neatly. He didn't hesitate to walk over to me after his entrance, holding out a hand, which I blinked at, then shook. "Hood to see you, Beef." He nodded. "Likewise, Etho. How's it going?" I hesitated between the truth and a lie, shrugging. "Absolutely shit, 'scuse my language. Nobody has visited me, and I got nothing to do. I'm bored, man." He nodded in understanding, laughing a bit. "You're antsy, eh? So am I, happen has it. I actually came to ask if you wanted to hang out, catch up, etcetera." I smiled, nodding in response. "Well then let's call it coincidence."
We both laughed quietly at that despite having all the room to be open, and he came in properly, taking off the brown coat that he had been wearing. Then, after he had done that, he held his coat over his arm, looking around hesitantly. I guess it had been a while since we'd hung out, maybe he was overwhelmed. I didn't know. What I did know, however, was that my throat was dry, and that I should get a glass of water. That said... I don't remember where the fresh water canteen is, so I guess I'll suffer in silence. Remembering Beef, I smiled under the mask ever so slightly, grabbing his arm, and showing him around. He had been here all of about once, or so it felt like, and it had only been briefly, so I figured I should show him all that I'd done.
He simply nodded as I explained about each room we entered, such as what it's purpose was, what it would/ did hold, and why it was significant, though it was getting extremely harrowing to do so because if my lack of hydration. Sighing rasping, I held up a hand, signaling that I'd be elsewhere in the base, before going to find water. Beef looked at me with a lost yet understanding stare, and I returned it semi-apologetically, before moving towards any direction that I thought might have water, potions, or anything like that. After what seemed like a long time, I came upon my chest room, quickly scanning it for any form of H2O- Yes yes, fancy wording, I know.
On a chest across the room, there was a case of water bottles, each of them half filled with ice because of the cold temperature filtering in from the now normal storm outside. Perfect. Walking over, I grabbed a bottle, having the normal "it's not off but it looks like it's off" trouble with the lid that always almost always seems to occur if not the "robots have sealed the lid shut" gig. Finally, though, I got the lid off, flipping it into a crate, stumbling a bit, and just barely managing to catch myself, deciding to sit down, just in case. After that, I pulled down my mask, and took a long swig from the bottle, the cold and clean of it refreshing.
Quickly standing up, I rushed to recap the bottle, before making my way back to Beef. When I found Beef, he had his eyebrow raised, and just stood there, staring at me. I stared back at him for a long while before realizing what he was staring at, and hastily pulling my mask up my face, which I had forgotten to do. Thank god he hadn't said anything, though, or it would've been awkward. He chuckled quietly, walking over, and ruffling my hair, which- and maybe this is just my opinion- made it extremely awkward. He didn't seem to think so, though, which was fine by me— Why was I even worried again? I shouldn't be. This is all perfectly fine, so why..?
I realized that Beef was no longer in the room, having mysteriously disappeared while I was busy getting lost in meaningless thought. Sighing, I called his name, but he didn't respond. Strange... I called again, this time louder, but still nothing. Calling a third time, I ran right into him, his muscularity making me feel both oddly pathetic and safe at the same time. I quickly pushed the feeling away, as I did him, looking down in embarrassment. "Sorry.." I couldn't see his face, but could feel his eyes blaring into the side of my head like lasers. He then broke the awkward tension that had started with an embarrassed laugh.
It rang in the air, and I looked over at him with a blink. Then I guess I started laughing too. I don't know what we were laughing at, but it felt better than feeling like I had done something wrong. Finally, when we had both calmed down enough to speak, he did so. "We sure are awkward today, huh?" He asked, and I nodded almost sheepishly. "Yeahhhhhh- I guess it's just been a while and we have no idea what to do?" He nodded in agreement. "Wait- Why don't we just watch a movie?" He asked, and I blinked. And then again. How had I not thought to suggest that? Whatever. "Sure, why not?"
He smiled. "Alright, uhhhh- Does your base have a movie room or something, or should we just try our luck at the cinema?" I shrugged. I didn't really have a 'movie room', more like a movie lounge, and by lounge I mean a room full of half unpacked boxes, with one small couch, and an old fashioned television that would be there until I could get a bigger one mounted. "We should probably try the cinema, because I'm not so sure my movie area classifies as either working or comfortable." "Fair enough, let's see what's showing at the cinema then." And we flew off towards the town cinema, checking show times and chatting. Maybe this could be fun.
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