Chapter Thirty-Two
-Grian's POV-
Was she speaking to me? I couldn't tell. Maybe she was? I wanted to believe that. I really did. I just couldn't. Why would anyone wanna talk to an overreactive baby? I dunno. Was my name even Grian for me to respond? Was that my job?
Maybe I should- My breathing... My vision. It wasn't.. Good? But what about- Why could I see him so clearly then? Why would he be the one to appear to me? T- No. He was dead. It wasn't him. So why..? Why did I see him? I knew it was him, he had that stupid smile, and that stupid blue hoodie... Stupid. This was stupid. Though, why couldn't I see his eyes? Why... Why not? Was I not allowed to? Was I too stupid to see them? Was that it? It probably was. I was so stupid. I am stupid. Screw him. Screw Sam. Screw Yuki. They took him away, and I couldn't even remember them... but they would come back. Wouldn't they? Wasn't that what they goddamn promised? Why would I believe their lies though... That's probably what it was. A lie. That they'd come and visit. See how I was doing. Check up on me at least once every year like actual friends would. Yeah right, there's probably about as much truth to that as there is to- well, I don't know, something that's obviously a lie.
Why was I thinking about them again? They didn't deserve my time, not when they wouldn't spend any time on or with me. That sounded bitchy. Meh, it was meant to be anyways. Hah. Hahah. I was laughing at how pitiful it was at this point, but laughing internally made it better... except it didn't. I just- wait.. did that just move? Something just moved! Wait, more stuff was moving... what was this- this interesting phenomenon? Why was it happening? Was it supposed to? Knowing my luck, it was a 50/50. I shrugged, lifting my head. It was oddly light, for some reason... not aching like normal. Nope, nevermind, there it was- it wasn't as bad as usual, though. And I'm pretty sure I was starting to see! Oh my Jesus Holy Hermits it's really bright- Ben h e l p- wait... Ben? When did I know a Ben? Was I even me to know a Ben? Wait... WAS I BEN?? No no, I am not getting that deeply confusing, na-ah!
So instead, I figured looking around was the way to go. Looking around... that felt so weird. To say, and to be able to do. I couldn't just see him anymore, I had just realized that- wait, I couldn't even see him... no wait, I wanna see him! I wanna see his eyes... why were things getting brighter all of the sudden? It was almost blinding how bright things were... no, it was blinding- or wait, what was that? Something was... it was so bright... bright and gorgeous. A face, I think... I think I could see one. And then two- three, four... They were all around me, too many to count in what I couldn't remember. They spoke, one of them. Or maybe it was all of them at once, it was so loud... crisp and clear, too. "You're Grian, right? We've heard so much about you!" I blinked, staring at them. The fact that I could stare was the weirder part than the fact that I could now remember that my name was, indeed, Grian.
So I knew that now, but what was I suppose to do? Was I supposed to talk? It had been so long since I had been completely unsure of anything. Most of the time, it was only a partial uncertainty that engulfed me. I think... one of them laughed, and then... "It's okay to be shy, don't worry. Do you want me to introduce myself first?" ...What? Introduce themself.? Whatever that meant, I wouldn't mind... so I did what I'm pretty sure is still called nodding. Or maybe it's called shaking your head... I can't tell, I'm not used to it. I normally just... talk. I think. I'm not sure about that, like many other things. They smiled, and it gave me what I'm pretty sure is considered too much serotonin just at being able to see said smile. "Alright. I'm ___, though I already know you. You might know me too, but I don't think that's the case." I blinked. What had they said their name was? Something had started ringing in my ears when they said it...
I just smiled back, not sure what else was correct to do in response. I think at some point, the other people started introducing themselves, but all their words blurred together into an incomprehensible mush of chatter. It was very loud... so loud that I had to clamp my hands over my ears, and press hard to try not to hear it, or to at least drown out some of the noise. But then, it stopped. I looked around, only to find a dark void surrounding me. The void was pitch black, with nobody to be found... awful, to say the least. I just had to run away from it, or so I thought. Why, what could go wrong if I simply ran? Nothing, obviously! But was that really the case? No, I didn't think so. Still, I ran. And then... someone else was running besides me. One look showed blonde hair- though darker than mine-, black eyes with red centers (the same red color was oozing down their cheeks), and a blur of green fabric. Ben.
-Evil Xisuma's POV, 1st-
We- we as in me, and my group of badly assembled idiots- were split up now. We had been trying to find Xisuma's dumb base for a while, until at last coming across it. However, Ben disappeared as soon as it came into view, giving the short but obvious message of "human problems, bye". As in, he literally said "human problems, bye", before disappearing. So now I was stuck with two unconscious dolts, one of which being my brother, and I had to get both of them into beds. Color me unhappy. I wish they could've at least been semi-conscious, because then I could shake them awake, and get them to do things themselves. Doing things for them was just boring, and dumb. However, I had no help to call for. The only person I knew other than Hels was Red. Red couldn't pick up solids, and Hels was too dumb to do so without breaking things, so that made two no's.
I did have an advantage though, if only a small one. That was that having Red meant I was doubly durable than I normally would be. So, I could lift these two motherfuckers onto beds, and it would take about half the time. That was nice. Shrugging, I reckoned I should probably do that now. Put them on beds, I mean. So, I scooped the suspected lighter of the two, Joe, into my arms with some effort, and stumbled over to a bed. Rolling Joe onto said bed, I placed another one, and went over to Xisuma. I'll be honest, he was lighter than Joe even with the armor as I picked him up, carrying him over to the bed, and placing him on it. That was easier than expected, shockingly. You'd figure that, given my luck, they would both be so heavy that I would drop each of them at least once, but apparently not. Wow. Maybe whatever fucked up god exists can be lenient, at times. Thanks, whoever the hell you are. So now I just had to wait. Great...
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