Chapter Ten
-Joe's POV, 1st-
I woke up in a white valley, surrounded by dead-looking plants. Dwarf-irises, I belive they're called. They didn't look bad, like most dead plants tend to. They looked like they hadn't been picked in years, and it was a sight to behold; a hill, covered with white flowers, dead grass. It was beautiful, in a way. "Monori?" A voice called. Why did that name sound so familiar? "Monori, where's Dee, I need him!" The voice asked in annoyance.
Both of those names sound so familiar. "Hello, I'm Joe, who are you?" I asked innocently. Better to be honest than deceitful. "I'm Xiecu. what are you doing here?" I tried the name out. "Zee-cue?" It was a pretty name. "Yes, spelled X-I-E-C-U, is it that hard to understand?" I shook my head. "It's just so... Unique. I never hear names that cool where I come from, so, I'm adjusting to it," They nodded in understanding. "Are you a male or female?" They asked. "Male, you?" "Female."
I nodded. "Well, Xiecu, it was nice meeting you!" "Same to you, though, I must admit, I'm not used to visitors!" Her attitude changed from wary to trusting so quick... "Sorry if I offend you, but, are you bipolar?" She looked at me like I had three heads. "Bye-pole-er?" She said in confusion. "Like, your emotions change very often?" I asked. "Oh! You mean changi! Yes, I am- what did you call it, bicipole?" "B-I-P-O-L-A-R." She nodded in understanding.
You are both stupid, you know that? "Who are you?" I thought questioningly. The Puppeteer. I already know who you are, Joe. "Okay, and why are we stupid?" I thought. Neither of you know anything about the other, while I sit here, superior. And she doesn't even know I'm here. What a waste! "What do you mean by 'waste', do you know her?" I thought, intrigued. Yes, but as you're in control, she can't see me. "Yes she can." What do you mean, nobody can see me, I'm in your head-
"See?" I said out loud. "Long time no see, Pup, wassup?" Xiecu said, startling the person who had just appeared. He had yellow eyes that glowed with a faint aura. He also had black hair, and pale skin. He wore a black shirt, ripped black jeans, and yellow and black converse. "You know this guy, Xiecu?" I asked. "Yeah, he's my friend. His name is Jonathan Blake, but he goes by Puppeteer, his nickname." "Is it normal for people to just appear out of nowhere here?" I said in question. I want to know more.
-Welsknight's POV, 1st-
"So that means that there's a possibility that he won't be in a coma, right..?" I asked, and Doc nodded. "We'll just have to wait and see, I guess..." He said as I sat down. "So, what to talk about?" I asked, trying to take my mind off of everything. "Hmm, what do you think is happening with, um, Xisuma?" He asked, grasping at a conversation topic. "Umm, probably up to, er, Admin stuff?" Doc laughed.
"Why does that sound so f-f-funny?" Doc asked between laughs. "I d-d-dunno, w-why?" I said. His laughter was catching on to me. We just kept laughing for about 10 minutes, at a joke that wasn't really that funny. It was probably because we knew that once we stopped, we'd have to think about something else to talk about. "So- so anyway, Wels, what about Joe? What do you reckon he's doing right now?" Doc said.
"Well, I- I figure he's probably making a live stream again, it wouldn't shock me," I answered. "Yeah, I don't think I even had to ask to know the answer to that, I just couldn't think of what else to say," Doc admitted. "Well, I have at-t-topic," A weak voice said from the balcony. "Scar, you're awake!" I said happily, racing up the stairs to meet him. Doc raced along behind me, obviously just as eager to see that Scar was awake as I was. I tackle hugged him in my eagerness to see him awake.
"Why would you do that to yourself?!" I asked. "Do w-what?" He asked innocently. He wouldn't meet my eyes. I released him from my arms. "You starved yourself, and now you're asking me what you did?! Scar, I care for you, you could've died!" I exclaimed. "Lemme explain-" I cut him off with a tight hug. "You don't need to explain, just promise to never do it again!" I said, and he nodded. "I promise..."
"I'm just gonna leave you two lovebirds in here, then?" Doc said from the corner. Fortunately for him, we didn't react until a second too late, and he was able to race out the door, don his elytra, and spam enough rockets to get away before we could catch him. Then, it started to rain. I was not the biggest fan of the rain, but I still liked it. Scar, on the other hand, loved the rain. "This is so amazing!" He exclaimed happily, sitting down in the middle of the grassy lawn.
"Sit down, Wels, let me show you the magic of the rain!" I nodded, intrigued. I sat down, and he giggled. "Okay, close your eyes..." I nodded again, and did as he asked. "Then, reach out your hand..." I obliged. "Let the rain guide it..." I reached my arm out hesitantly. It was pulled in many directions by the misty rain, until finally landing on Scar's. I blushed, opening my eyes. "I'm sorry, I did it wrong, didn't I?" No response. "Scar?" I asked, looking over at him.
He was a bright red, and he wouldn't meet my eyes. "Scar, are you okay?! I think something happened, you're bright red, and-" he cut me off. "You know, if your hand had went to the sky, you'd love nobody. If it went to the earth, you'd love someone who was in another part of the world. When your hand goes to another person, it means you love that person." I blushed a deep crimson red.
"So, if we like each other, then you won't mind if I-" I leaned in, connecting the distance between us. He looked at me in shock, before melting into the kiss. I was a little shocked at my own actions, to be honest. I smiled into the kiss, happy nonetheless. I could've stayed kissing him forever, but unfortunately, air was a thing. We pulled apart, and I swear that I've never been happier.
"So, that happened..." Scar said, and I nodded. We were both blushing like tomatoes. "We could do that more often, you know~," I said, making him turn, if possible, even more red. "We could, but we'd have to be dating," Scar said, and I nodded. "I've got an idea, come on!" He said, pulling on my arm. I had forgotten that we were outside in the middle of a downpour. How, I don't know.
I let him drag me over to my house, pull me inside, and plop me down on the couch. "We could watch a movie!" He suggested with enthusiasm, and I agreed. A movie would be fun. He went to the kitchen to make some popcorn, and I selected a random horror flic. He sat down holding a big bowl filled to the brim with popcorn. I didn't question how he had made it so fast. I started the movie, and slowly began to fall asleep. That is, until, Scar started snuggling with me. "What are you doing?" I asked him, but he just whimpered.
"I'm take it you're not a huge horror fan?" I inquired. He nodded. I would normally be insucient in any other situation, but this was no ordinary happening. This was someone that I liked, snuggling close to me because of a horror film. I felt really bad about choosing it now, but at least I knew his preference. I mean, not much of an upside, but I'm trying.
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