Chapter Six
-Iskall's POV, 1st-
I awoke on a cold stone floor, cuddling with Grian, Mumbo, and EX. They were all warmer than I was, so I decided to just lay there in silence, wondering about what was gonna happen today. I felt happy, but I wasn't sure what to do, now that I knew that the other three liked me back. What was I supposed to do, anyways, wake them up? How would I know?
I decided to wait for them to wake up, play it safe. Anyways, about two hours later, Grian and Mumbo were both up, and, I'll be honest, I was just playing on my phone by then. "What happened..?" Grian asked, before remembering the events of the previous night. "Oh..." I nodded at him, as he realized what we were now.
"Okay, so, what do ya wanna talk about?" I asked, and he sat in though for a minute, before coming up with something. "What about we make theories about who else could have a- what would you call our situations?" I thought very hard for a second, before deciding. "What about Crossovers?" He clapped his hands enthusiasticly. "That sounds so cool!" Mumbo nodded in agreement.
"Okay, it's settled, then, we're calling them Crossovers," Just then, the sound of tnt could be heard outside. "Bubbles, I told you not to put that comparator there!" Keralis' voice could be heard saying, coughing following. "Yeah, well, I told you not to be place the tnt down on top of the Redstone torch!" Bdubs's annoyed voice replied.
"Shut up and kiss already!" Grian yelled, even though the other two couldn't see, or probably hear, us. Me and Mumbo had to stop ourselves from bursting out laughing. "Bubbles, did you hear that?" "Yeah, that sounded like Grian, but what is he doing in the storage building?" Grian was about to get up and say something, but I stopped him holding up my hand, before continuing. Then, I suggested my idea to him.
"Pretend that fnaf character, Chris," I whispered as the idea popped into my head. "Genius!" He whispered back. "Hey, what's up with you three?" Grian asked, feigning a slightly fearful voice. "I think he wants to get a close look at this thing, why don't we give him a hand?" I said, pretending to be one of the torturers.
"No, I don't wanna see-," "come on, boys, let's do a pal a favor, and give him a lift." "Hey you, kids, stop that!" Mumbo said, faking a slightly deeper accent. "On the count of three. One," "no, please-!" "Let him out!" "Two," "Just stop it, please-!" "Kids, don't do this!" "Three." Grian took two pieces of Redstone, and made a gruesome sounding crunch.
"Bubbles..." "Oh my God... Keralis..." "Did we just witness a murder?!" "Oh my God, please tell me we didn't just-" "I think we should check it out..." "What if they murder us, though?!" "Doesn't matter, we'll respawn, but we don't know if whoever that was will," Keralis sighed. "You're right, come on, let's go," they could be heard walking towards the building.
"Fu-- fricking fricketh, we have to hide or something," Grian said, restraining himself from cussing. It would've been funny if we weren't about to get caught. "Well, let's get EX, and try to find a hiding spot," Mumbo said, and we turned around to get him, only to find he was already awake. "Okay, then, that simplifies things," I said, and the other two nodded.
"We've gotta find a hiding spot, come on!" Grian said, but I already knew where to go. "Follow me, there's a spot over here-" I said, rushing over to a big heap of boxes. I vaulted it, and helped the others up. Working out really does come in handy sometimes. "Come on, back here!" I whisper-shouted, gesturing behind the boxes. They looked skeptical.
I jumped into the spot, not giving them much choice between trusting me, or getting found out for the prank. "I guess we should go too?" Mumbo said, and they all nodded, jumping down to join me. The place we were hiding was a secret spot, which I had found when I was looking for ways to prank the other Hermits. I was quite shocked to find this spot, but now, I'm just grateful it's here.
"Do you think one of us should put fake blood on the walls?" Grian asked, trying not to laugh, nor hyperventialte at the same time. "I mean, they might know it's a prank if they don't see any blood..." Mumbo agreeed. "How about one of us puts fake blood on our face, and pretends like they just murdered someone?" EX asked.
"I'll do it, I'm good at pretending," I said, and Grian took a bottle of fake blood out of his pocket. "Do you just keep that on you-" he shushed me. "I am a prank God, don't question it." I nodded, deciding not to ask. "Ooh, you look really scary!" Grian whispered Mumbo and EX both agreeing that I looked scary enough to be a murderer.
I took out a knife, and leapt out of the hiding spot. I jumped down, directly in front of Bdubs, who screamed in fright. "Oh, hey Isk-" he stopped, noticing the fake blood, though he probably thought it was real. "Did you-" I laughed, playing the part. The plan was that I would buy the others enough time to fly off, and then say "pranked ya", and run out of the building.
"Oh my God, you didn't really murder-" I laughed again, pretending to twitch. I backed him into the wall, and I heard the sound of rockets. I looked back to see if the others had gotten away, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in my head. Turning around, and falling to my knees, I felt blood on my hands, as I reached up to feel the wound.
I coughed up the red liquid, somehow managing to utter the five words that would probably haunt me later. "I-it's j-j-just a p-prank, b-bro..." I felt my eyes go dark, staring straight up at the black ceiling of the large building. I respawned in my base, but I hadn't lost much. I had given all my stuff to Grian, in case the prank went awry, and all I had had on me was an iron knife.
"F" was spammed in the communicator, as the message had popped up that I had, and I quote, "been decimated by BdoubleO100". I put on my spare elytra, and flew out of the base, spamming rockets. "Guess that prank was a little deadly, to say the least," Mumbo messaged me. "Oh lay off," I sent back. 'Why don't you get revenge, eh, Iskall?' "Good idea."
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