Chapter Nineteen
-Keralis' POV, 1st-
When Bubbles walked into the room, I knew something was wrong. He was dressed to go out, and carried a piece of parchment, which he handed to me, before running off. I stared as he left the room, confused, before looking down at the small piece of paper. It read: dear Ker, I'm off to go look for Mumbo, because we both know that he doesn't deserve to just rot away somewhere awful. I'll be back, hopefully with the mustached man himself. Love you, Bdubs. I read the note a few times through, to make sure I had seen it right. My brain wasn't working, I wanted to cry again, and I was just plain confused. He was gone..? Where was he?
Obviously, someone had to notice. Shishwami walked over, putting a hand on my shoulder. He looked scared, which was unlike him. "Are you okay, Keralis?" He asked weakly, his calm, strong voice reduced to cinders of what it once was. "I don't think anyone is okay right now Shishwami... I'm doing, eh, not so bad, though, what about you?" He sighed, giving a faint chuckle. "I guess so, in terms of, 'I'm not insane yet', though you guys might make me go insane, if I ever do." I laughed a bit. "That's fair..." A few rogue tears fell from his eyes, but he tried to hide them. "Why you crying, Shishwami?" I asked, staring at him with a slight worry. "It's just... I didn't expect them to... You know..." I nodded. "We can't just stay sad. Is no good. We try to be happy, yes?" He looked at me. "How can you stay so upbeat, Keralis? They're dead, permanently, and you don't even seem affected by it." Maybe I was overreacting with what I said next, in retrospect.
"I don't know anymore Shi-Xisuma. Maybe it's not easy being sad, because then I actually have to feel emotions." I covered my mouth. Had I really just said that? There was a look on his face that I couldn't quite place, but I didn't like it. "Fine, then. If you're not going to tell me, I have no reason to pursue the topic any further. You'll be glad to know that I've terminated any possible threats to the server." He stalked off, glaring at me. Terminated? He wouldn't hurt a fly... And what was with this attitude? I had been a bit brash, maybe even heavy headed, but it's not like I offended- wait... "Shishwami, wait!" I tried to help him, probably the biggest mistake I had made that day. A flash of pain hit me, and I withdrew my outstretched hand away from him. Had he just hit me?
-Doc's POV, 1st-
Me and Bdubs were lost after an hour of searching. Where the Hell could Mumbo be?! We had searched as many bases as we could, scanned every inch of the Shopping District, and then circled around to double check, but he was nowhere to be found. We were nearing Mumbo's base now, and checked inside. I was about to give up, when a familiar face poked out from behind the bed. It was Mumbo, and he looked terrified as all get out. "D-Doc..? B-B-Bdubs..? Where's Grian..?" Bdubs gave him a look that said, 'am I delusional, or is that Mumbo?' I stared back with a look of 'we're either both delusional, or Mumbo is actually there'. "How are you alive? The game said you earned the achievement, and you were nowhere to be found, and-" Mumbo stopped me. "First off, I don't know. Second off, what achievement? Third off, uh..." Mumbo seemed to be awkward after that.
I looked at him. "'Third off, uh...' What?" I asked, suspicious of his sudden loss for words. He fidgeted with his hands, avoiding my eyes. I asked again, but he evaded the question he had been so keen to answer a moment ago. "Mumbo, what is it?" Bdubs asked, taking the kinder approach. Mumbo mumbled something inaudible, and Bdubs sighed. "Can you repeat that please?" He asked, and Mumbo slightly raised his voice, still not loud enough to hear. This was taking forever. "Spit it out man." I said, earning a glare from the mustached man. "The reason you guys couldn't find me is because I wanted to die, okay?!" Mumbo covered his mouth, looking at me fearfully, and backing away. "F-Forget I said a-anything..." Before I or Bdubs could say anything, he ran right past us. I stared at Bdubs in shock, before my brain started working properly again, and I walked over to Mumbo.
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