Chapter Five
-Iskall's POV, 1st-
When I woke up, I saw Grian hugging me loosely around the chest. He was asleep. I wss confused. Then the memories from earlier that day came flooding back to me. No time to ponder them, though; Grian seemed to be unusually warm. Warm as in burning hot. Was he sick? I felt his forehead, but it burned my hand. Och... Maybe I should get a thermometer? He must have one somewhere. I checked throughout his infinite throng of disorganized chest before I finally found one.
I went over to Grian, and took his temperature; 104 degrees Fahrenheit. I called Stress and Doc, telling them of the situation. Doc texted me back, "Be right there". Stress said she was busy with something important but that she hoped that it worked out. In the meantime, I got a washcloth, and soaked it in cold water. I placed it on his forehead, and hoped to God that he wasn't sick. At least, not with something serious. Then, I brought over a chair and sat down next to him.
Doc arrived a moment later, his cyborg-like face etched with concern. "What's his temperature?" He asked. "104 degrees Fahrenheit, last I checked..." I answered. "Oh my..." Doc moved to his side. His eyebrows creased with concern. "You might want to leave for a bit, so I can figure out what's wrong with him." I nodded and left the room. Outside, I paced the length of the entrance, waiting for an answer.
-Doc's POV, 1st-
I had never seen anything like what Grian had before. Sure, I had seen colds, flus— Lymes Disease, even— but never this. His temperature was still rising, and there was no reason for it to do so. Nobody was sick, so he couldn't have gotten it from anyone else. He didn't seem to have any tics, so at least I could rule out Lymes Disease for now. There was also no rash. He wasn't abnormally pale, either. He seemed basically fine, aside from the fact that his temperature had now risen to 106 degrees Fahrenheit.
"What is wrong with you, eh, Grian?" This made no sense whatsoever. What was going on? He started twisting in his sleep, muttering about something that I couldn't discern. "This guy..." I sighed. How did he always manage to get himself in these situations? Suddenly, he started crying. But he was smiling... What could he possibly dreaming about?
-Grian's POV, 1st-
I awoke in a weird void-like area, like I was watching from afar as the dream itself took place. It was me, I was the person talking. I remembered this. Tears came to my eyes at what was to come. The dream continued on, forcing me to watch. I watched as the other Hermits stared at me, I watched as Joe got taken. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't. I watched as they all raced into the portal, leaving to go back home. Mumbo stayed.
"No..." he said, but I didn't listen. I watched as my past self used their magic, sending him flying back through the portal. I had never seen his reaction before, but what I saw broke my heart. Him, screaming my name, crying. I wanted to comfort him but I knew I couldn't. I was forced to watch as I was handed the mask, that familiar symbol adorning the face. I wanted to cry out, "Don't put it on!" But I couldn't. And it was too late, anyway.
I watched as it went dark. Then, I heard a faint voice calling my name. "Grian..?" The voice was far away, almost like a wall of static was separating me from it. "Grian?" The voice spoke again, getting clearer and more discernible. It was clear enough that I could tell it was Doc speaking. Suddenly, I awoke. A cold sweat streamed down my face and my body burned.
"Doc..?" I managed to whisper. I felt like total shit. What was happening..? "Are you feeling well, Grian?" He asked as I tried and failed to sit up. "Not really... I feel like crap." I responded. Even to my own ears, I sounded awful. He looked at me with concern. "Do you want some water?" "Sure..." He went to go get it, and came back a minute later carrying a bottle of cold water. "Here."
"Thanks, Doc..." I said, accepting the bottle from him, and taking a big sip of water from it. "That feels a lot better..." I said, my voice still quiet but slowly returning to its normal state. Somewhat. It was still a bit coarse. "Do you feel hot or uncomfortable at all?" I thought about it. Did I? Not really... I felt... cold. "Not anymore, but I did before I woke up..." He nodded. "If that's the case, I'll send Iskall in here. He seemed quite worried about you." Doc said, raising an eyebrow at me.
"What's that look for?" I thought as he left. A minute later, Iskall entered and walked over to me. "Are you feeling better?" He asked. I nodded. He sighed a heavy, relieved breath. I grinned. "Why, were you worried?" I asked. He nodded slowly. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to worry you. Come here." He obliged, and I hugged him tightly.
I could've stayed like that forever, but sadly, I had more to worry about. "You think EX and Mumbo are okay?" He asked. I wondered for a moment. I hadn't seen them (except for in my dream) since yesterday. "Maybe we should go check on them..?" I said. "Sure." He responded. Then we were off, searching for Mumbo and EX. Doc had evidently left so there was no need to say goodbye.
Anyway... They weren't at Mumbo's base, nor were they at the Shopping District. That only left the town, and the other Hermits' bases. We decided to check the town first, and were about to leave to continue our search, when I heard a familiar voice saying softly, "I'm sorry, I really am..." I motioned Iskall to come join me from across the way. He gave me a questioning look but walked over regardless. "Hm?" He hummed. I gestured at the building. He seemed to get what I meant.
We approached the building slowly— not that I could walk much faster, even if I did the still feel sick. "Mumbo? Mumbo Jumboliooooo? You in here..?" I asked. I saw movement from the shadows and then heard him respond. "Grian?"He asked. Yep, definitely Mumbo. "Yeah, it's me. Listen; Are you and EX both in here?" He nodded, though it was hard to see in the dimly-lit room. I took out a lantern and placed it on the ground. "That's better. Now I can see you."
Iskall, looking put out, frowned. "We've found them, nice..." He murmured quietly. I still heard him. Before I could respond, however, a huge shock of lightning hit outside the building. I hadn't realized before but a storm must have started while we were searching for the other two. We sat down, deciding to take cover in the small storage building with the others. This was sure to be a while, with our luck.
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