Chapter Eight
-Scar's POV, 1st-
There wasn't much that I didn't understand, but Cub was definitely a hard one to decipher. "So, I see you've been struck by the door thief as well, eh?" Cub joked, knocking on where my door should've been. "Yeah, but I'm used to that by now... Plus, if I replace it, it'll be gone again within the day, if not the hour," I replied, sighing. "Well, speaking of time, I came to ask: are you free, in, like, an hour or two?" I nodded. "Yes..?" I said, suspicious of what he could want. "Meet me at skye's in an hour, then, I have something I want to talk about,"
"I- okay, fine, I'll be there..." He sighed in relief. "Okay, meet you there, Scar," he said, before flying off. "What just happened?" I thought, staring at where he had just been. "Hmm, I guess I should just finish up with what I'm doing, then..." and I got back to work.
-Iskall's POV, 1st-
"Ben was like the monster under your bed, scary at first, but over time, they become like a friend to you. When we met that day, so long ago, he asked me questions, and I him. We were both very curious, and we were both young. He was always present, just under the surface, waiting for my anger to take over, for him to be driving the reigns," "kinda like me and Doctor Locklear..." I thought as he continued.
"Ben told me the answers to all of my questions, and I did him. He would ask me things like, 'what's it like being a mortal?' Or 'Do you need sleep as a human?' It was as though he wasn't human himself, though he never confirmed that. He told me about what had happened to him, such as the fact that his bullies drowned him out of jealousy, and that he had played/ haunted a game called Majora's Mask before reincarnate button paired him with me. I was born with him there, but he hadn't shown up until I was about 5 years old,"
Sounds like me. "Okay, well what happened then?" I asked, intrigued. "Well, we went on for many, many years that way, until the day that I turned 20. We got into a dispute, and he ended claiming superiority. I couldn't allow that. See, if he gained the upper hand, he would delete everything that I had worked so hard on. He would hurt people, all the while looking like me. That's why I fought him. I won, but at the cost of my mental state getting damaged beyond repair. I had to deal with that for a long time, and so, I avoided people altogether,"
"Hmm, so you basically became anti-social?" "Well, that's one way to describe it, yes, but not exactly the most accurate explanation, because it was more than that," I looked at him curiously, waiting for him to explain, but he didn't. "That's enough of that Iskall, let's just lie here, and enjoy the silence while it lasts," he said, continuing to run his slightly pale hand through my hair. I couldn't help but fall asleep. He had a way with that, when he wanted to, though he was normally the I'm-on-a-sugar-rush-and-I-didn't-even-have-candy type of guy.
The last thing I remember hearing before I fell asleep was him singing the tune to a beautiful song. I had never heard it before, but it had a certain tune to it, like dun-dun-dun-dun-dun-dun---dun~dun~. I felt my eyes grow tired, and let the sleep overcome me. "'Night Iskall..." he said, hugging me tightly. "'Night Grian..." I said sleepily.
-Scar's POV, 1st-
It had almost been an hour by now, and I was due to meet Cub in about 5 minutes. "Why me?" I thought, flying over to Skye's. Skye's was a ocean-side restaurant hangout. It wasn't too fancy, but the food there was still fairly exotic. They sold seafood, Chinese food, Indian food, and a bunch of other types of food as well. It had the most amazing view from the balcony on the second floor. I dived down into an almost graceful landing, but I stumbled, losing my balance, and felt myself fall down.
"Are you okay?" He asked, holding out a hand. "Yeah, I'm just not the best flier.." He laughed, pulling me up as I accepted his hand. "What did you need me for, anyways, Cub?" I asked, and he rubbed his neck nervously. "Well, Tango had a request, and I- I couldn't turn him down when it came to you..." "what did you do, what did he ask you to do-?" "Well, um, uh... He may or may not have, um, asked me to kill you..." I stood in shock, before backing away. "You're not gonna- really, you wouldn't think of-" he nodded. "He already paid me, I..."
I backed away, until I felt myself hit the rail of the balcony. I looked backwards, and then back at him. He had taken his elytra off. "Yeah, no, bye!" I said, jumping over the edge of the rail, and flying all the way back to my base, where I deposited all of my stuff in a shulker box, putting the shulker inside of my ender chest. "Now, I just hide, and hope he doesn't find me..." I thought, digging a small hole in the floor, and placing the wood back over me.
I hadn't eaten the past two weeks, as it didn't deem necessary while I was working, so I was slim enough to fit through some pretty small holes. I sat in the small hidey-hole/ mini-bunker, and waited until I heard footsteps. I kept quiet, trying my hardest not to be heard. He was persistent, though, and must've figured that I was here somewhere. I don't think he noticed how slim fit my clothes were on me at Skye's, so he probably wouldn't figure that I was underground unless I made a noise.
"Come on Scar, I don't want to, but I've already been paid! Just make it easier for us both, and come out!" Suddenly, a loud scream could be heard, and then silence. "What the fuck was that?" Cub muttered, running across the floor above me to the outside of my house. "Shit... I heard him say. He was close, probably on the doorstep. "Oh my God, is that-" A scream could be heard, and then a loud thudding noise. "Scar?" A voice asked. It wasn't Cub's, but I couldn't quite define who it belonged to.
"Who's there?" I asked cautiously. "You won't know me, but I heard Cub yelling over at Grian's base, and came to investigate. I'm Evil Xisuma, by the way, but you can just call me EX," I knew that the voice sounded familiar. "Where are you?" He asked. "Um, h-how can I trust you?" I replied. "Well, I suppose you can't really trust me yet, but just tell me, please, I come in peace," he said, sounding genuine. "F-fine... I'm over here..." I said lifting the piece of wood up, and poking my head out.
"Woah, are you okay? You're looking real ghostly, to say the least," I nodded. "How did you fit in a hole that small?" He asked me, and I shrugged, pulling myself out carefully. I slipped up last minute, and fell back down. "A little help?" I asked, and he chuckled. He reached down and grabbed my arm, pulling me up with one heave. "You're unnaturally thin..." He commented. I fiddled with my hands nervously. "Why are you so light?" He asked concernedly. "It's nothing, don't worry about it.." He looked at me skeptically.
"If it was nothing, I wouldn't of been able to lift you up so easily," he said. "Really, it's nothing-" he grabbed my wrist, and I winced. "Look at me." What's gonna happen if I don't? "I said look at me, Scar." I obliged. "I know that you're lying, look at your hands," I did, and gasped. My hands were a zombie-like blue. "You need help, Scar, even if you don't want it." "You- you don't even know me!"
"No, wait, Scar-" "Leave me alone!" I yelled, running to the empty door frame, getting rockets in my off-hand, and flying off towards a random direction. I had kept my elytra and rockets on me, just in case I had to make a run for it. As I flew off, I saw Cub, knocked out on the front stoop, but didn't pay him any attention. I could hear EX's concerned yells behind me, as he struggled with his elytra. I flew for a long time, eventually finding myself marveling at the sight of big purple and white, mansion-like house.
"Hey Scar, what's- oh my Lord, are you okay?!" Wels' asked "Fine, didn't think I would see you today, but whatev-" I stopped mid-sentence, the hunger of the past week finally catching up with me. The last thing I saw before losing consciousness was Wels' worried face, yelling something at me, though I couldn't hear through the ringing in my ears. He took out his communicator, probably calling someone to come and help. That was the last thing I saw before it all went black.
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