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His hands were rough and weathered against her smooth, soft skin, but he was gentle when binding the shoulder wound. Amber's arm was hot with pain, and tears stung her eyes. She angrily blinked them away, irritated that her response was to cry for she did not want to appear weak. Bravely she bit her lip to keep herself from crying out, and she continued to stare over his shoulder at a spot on the wall.
When he saw that her eyes were glistening and her teeth were clenched tightly, he grumbled angrily, "The dog should be killed for harming you!"
"Captain, I am certain it was an accident," she replied nobly.
He then eyed her fiercely, and his intense gaze made her shrink away. His voice was stern but gentle. "His dragging you into the ally-way and attempt to rape you was no accident."
His bluntness made her uncomfortable, and she looked away, a harsh blush spreading across her face. She was ashamed for not heeding his advice. It was because of her stubbornness he was now binding her shoulder. "I am sorry for not listening to you," she said, her throat constricting painfully.
He glanced at her, but she did not meet his gaze; she continued to stare past him, her jaw clenched tightly.
His hands had paused at their work, and they were now resting lightly on her bare shoulder. His touch sent a tremor of excitement through her, alerting her of his nearness, but she reprimanded herself. I know nothing about him! Any attraction I feel towards him is purely physical. They both felt the tension, and her cleared his throat and resumed his work. "It is my fault for not taking more responsibility where it was needed. It was foolish of me to let you take off like that. I can't believe I-"
"It was not your fault. If I hadn't have been so stubborn this wouldn't have happened. It was my fault, and I take responsibility for it." she said.
He stared into her eyes with a sign of conflict but decided to drop the argument.
It was then that she met his gaze: His was filled with compassion, and hers was filled with gratitude. She broke the silence. "Where is William?"
A fire filled his eyes that she had never seen before, not even when the men had brought her aboard against his orders. "Down below, chained to the wall."
"What will become of him?"
"And why should you care?" he asked, his voice dangerous, but he saw her fear, and lowered his voice. "I apologize. His fate is not yet decided. But he shall be punished severely for his behavior towards you." He lightly tied a knot, and his work was finished, but still his hands lingered.
"Thank you..." and after hesitating she added, "Carson, for everything. You saved me from a fate no girl deserves to endure. I am very grateful."
His hands, almost reluctantly, left her shoulder, and she replaced her sleeve. He replied softly, "You're welcome, Amber."
She smiled, and he couldn't help returning the gesture. "Why Captain Reed, is that a smile?" she asked teasingly.
"It is, and it's a rare happening so don't count on seeing it often."
"Well, you should do it more. It makes you appear so much more welcoming."
"I will keep that in mind." He then stood and strode from the cabin without a glance behind him.
The following evening Amber stood on the deck, enjoying the sensation of the wind whipping against her face. Some men sat in a huddle by the main mast, drinking, gambling, and telling stories. For a moment she eavesdropped on their tales but found no interest. Her full attention was on the stars, and she gazed intently at the sky. The moon shone brightly, its eerie beams rained down, and a chill raced through her. Suddenly she heard her name spoken softly behind her.
She turned to find one of the men starring at her. He was young, no older than Phil, but he was tall and had a strong build. Slowly he approached her and said, "We were wondering if you would like to join us. But I will understand if you decline the offer."
She was opening her mouth to say no, but something in his gaze caused her to reconsider. A few seconds passed before she replied, "Thank you, I will."
They walked back over to the group, and she was offered a seat on an ale keg. "We were actually wondering if you knew any stories."
"I don't know any stories," she hesitated, "-but I can dance."
At this she saw the all too familiar fire leap into their gazes, and instead of being intimidated, she was only spurned on. Somewhere she heard the soft strains of a crude flute and gradually a tambourine joined in. She stood, compelled by the music, and slowly, ever so slowly, she began to dance.
Captain Reed, hearing the music, had come up onto the deck, glancing around, his eyes fell on her. Her hair was waving in the wind, and her skirts billowing around her as she twirled. The jewelry she was wearing jingled seductively, and he found that he could not rip his eyes from her, no matter how hard he tried.
Her surroundings began to melt away, and suddenly she was no longer on a ship in the middle of the ocean, being held captive by the most notorious pirate of the seas; she was in her place of calm, the place where turmoil, sadness, and strife did not exist. All she heard was the continuous beat of the tambourine and the mellow sound of the flute. She threw herself into the dance, listening to the music and letting her body guide her. She closed her eyes and twirled, embracing the spinning sensation until she felt that she would fall over, and then she abruptly stopped, feeling the world spin about her.
Suddenly the ship lurched, and she was thrown off balance. Her head was still spinning, and she clumsily fell and landed in the lap of the young man who had asked her to join them. He blushed crimson, as did Amber, and she quickly stood, smoothing her skirts and smiling sheepishly. "I apologize, sir. I had no intention of-"
"There is no need for apology. How could you be sorry for something that is not your fault?" he asked, genuinely.
At a loss of words, she left the group and returned to the railing where she gulped large gasps of the cool night air. She felt the humiliation churning in her stomach, and she scolded herself for appearing vulnerable before such men. Why did you even think of dancing for them? You could be endangering yourself by putting such thoughts into their heads!
She was so engrossed in her thoughts that she did not even hear him approach. "You were wonderful." She turned to find the young man. "Please, don't be embarrassed. It's just that we don't-well that is to say-it is not often that we are in the company of respectable ladies."
Amber couldn't help herself, and so she snorted. "Me? Respectable?" She laughed half-heartedly. "I am a gypsy, which makes me little better than yourself."
"Oh, I beg to differ. You are a much better person than any of us could ever hope to be." he said.
His words went straight to her heart, and being flattered she said, "Thank you very much. What is your name?"
Just when she was going to inquire on how he had become a pirate, she heard someone clear their throat from behind them. They turned to find the Captain, and inclining his head, Victor took his leave.
Amber was suddenly nervous, and so she turned her attention back to the sea and did her best not to notice how close Carson stood next to her. However, the sound of his low, melodious voice easily commanded her attention. "Is that what you did, in your caravan?"
She thought for sure that when she opened her mouth to speak, no sound would come out for her throat had gone dry, and her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth. But she managed, "Yes."
He was silent for a few beats before replying, "Well, if you don't mind me saying so, you were quite good." He cleared his throat and rushed on, "And I thank you on behalf of my men. It is not so often that they are able to have decent entertainment."
"So I have heard," she mumbled.
The awkward silence returned, and she shifted nervously. He acted as though he wanted to say something else to her, but finally he sighed and whispered, "Goodnight, Amber." She turned and watched him briskly walk to the cabin, and as she heard the soft thud of the door, she wished he hadn't gone.
Amber laid in her bed listening to the slosh of the sea against the side of the ship. The moon's silvery beams fell through the small window, and she gazed up into the skies, admiring the constellations that seemed so much more vivid out in the middle of the ocean. Sleep was evading her grasp, because every moment she felt herself drift off, she would hear his voice, or his face would pop into her head. This is silly! She told herself over and over again. I cannot possibly be falling in love with my captor. I don't even know him! But then she saw his clear, sea-green eyes staring at her, and she felt a smile creep onto her face. She wondered what his soft, full lips would feel like pressed to hers. Heat began to course through her, and she shook her head to clear her mind.
Restless, she stood from the bed and crossed to the window. The water was black and threatening, crashing against the ship as if it wished to smash it to pieces. The wind blew across the water, catching droplets of the sea and raining them against the ship. She shivered, and as she reached for a blanket to wrap around her, she heard footsteps in the hall outside the door. She froze and became suddenly alert, her hands still stretched out to grab the blanket. The footsteps traveled down the corridor and up onto the deck of the ship, and Amber, possessed by a power she could not identify, silently crept to the door and carefully turned the handle. The guard outside her door was sound asleep, and as she wore no shoes, her footsteps were muffled by the soft wood panels beneath her. Upon reaching the deck of the ship, she pressed herself to the doorway and looked around cautiously. She recognized his form immediately, but she made no move to approach him.
Captain Reed stood leaning against his hands that clutched the railing of the ship, staring out at the open sea stretched before him. His eyes were sorrowful, and his brow was creased with worry. He sighed and felt eyes on him. Turning swiftly, he automatically reached for his sword, but upon seeing Amber, he stayed his hand, and his features softened. They were silent for a moment, staring at one another, but when the captain spoke, his voice was gentle. "Amber, you should be in bed. It isn't safe."
"I couldn't sleep. My mind seems to be occupied with other things." she explained.
He made no reply but continued to gaze sightlessly into the distance. "It sure is peaceful out here," she attempted, leaning against the railing and breathing deeply from the crisp, sea air. Again he did not reply, and she was slightly frustrated by his apparent lack of interest in her presence. But as the silence grew, she found that she did not mind it, and that it was not awkward in the least. They merely stood, side by side, admiring the way the beams of the moon fell on the water, causing it to turn a silvery blue. His presence was soothing, and she was acutely aware of every breath he took, every blink of his eyes, and his hair that blew in the wind. His hands were mere inches from hers, and suddenly she was overwhelmed with an urge to touch those hands, yearning to feel their texture, their warmth. She was so enrapt that she did not feel his eyes upon her, watching her watch him. And, at length, she glanced up but quickly looked away, hiding her blushing cheeks behind a curtain of hair.
Carefully, Carson reached out his hand and brushed her hair behind her ear. "Amber," he began, and she finally lifted her gaze to his. His lips were slightly parted, his eyes serious, as if he desperately wanted to say something, but instead he smiled gently, taking her hand in his and uttered one word. "Come." He began to walk towards the cabin, and she followed, her curiosity piqued and her heart pounding. He chuckled quietly at the guard who was dead asleep, still clutching a bottle of rum in his hands, and Carson stepped over the guard into his cabin.
Once inside, he shut the door, poured two glasses of wine, and began rummaging in his desk. He finally removed an object that Amber recognized as a small golden cross, identical to the one he wore around his neck save for a single diamond in the center. He gestured for her to sit on the bed, and he handed her a glass of rum. "Amber, I was not always a pirate. I was a privateer employed by King Larson of France. I had won great favor with the King because of the vast amounts of gold that I was contributing to the Royal Treasury. I was very successful and very good at what I did. It was during this time that I fell in love with his daughter, Isabelle, and she with me. She had been promised to James, the Holy Roman Emperor of France since she was two. It was forbidden, and both of us acknowledged this fact, but because of our love for one another, we began to see each other secretly. However, it wasn't long until somebody learned our secret. Christina, Isabelle's lady in waiting, betrayed our secret to the King, but because of my social standing, His Majesty granted me two days to flee the country."
Here he paused, passing a heavy hand over his face and taking a large swig of rum. When he finally continued, his voice was thick and gruff. "Saying goodbye to Isabelle was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. Our time was short. She gave me this cross to remember her by, promising that we would be together again." he stood up and poured himself another glass of rum. He offered one to her, but she declined.
"The very next morning my crew and I took to the open sea. I did not have a particular destination in mind, but Tortuga was always a safe haven for runaways and pirates; so I set our course in that direction. We had been three days at sea when one of the members of my crew approached me. He said that the ship was haunted, and that several of the men had heard strange noises coming from the hold, and one of them had even seen a dark form. Knowing how superstitious sailors are, I appeased the men's fear by investigating, and that was when I found her." he continued.
"Isabelle had snuck aboard the ship, endangering not only her life but mine, and the lives of the men on board. There was nothing to do but take her back to France and plead my life before the King. But she begged me, saying that there was another way, that we could flee to one of the less inhabited islands of the Caribbean and start a new life there with new aliases." Crossing the room, he once again stared sightlessly out at the sea, a wistful expression on his face. "I refused her. I went against every selfish desire within me that urged me to listen to her, even the part of me that loved her. I wanted to listen to her, to believe that we could be happy and at peace, but deep within my soul I knew that it would never be possible. We would be hunted for the rest of our lives, forever running from the Crown, and I tried to explain this to her."
"I never chastised her for her foolish error. Instead I secretly moved her to this very cabin, and I ordered the ship to be redirected to France. Then it happened. I didn't even see them coming. The Endurance was attacked by pirates and amidst the mayhem, Isabelle was taken from me." Finally he left the window and returned to his seat on the bed. "Ever since then I have been searching for her."
Hardly daring to speak, Amber finally found her voice. "But what of King Larson? Has he not taken action to find his own daughter?"
"For five years his soldiers scoured the sea and the islands of the Caribbean to no avail. She was never found, and the King gave her up as dead. However, he has offered a reward to any man or pirate that can find her. The one who returns the princess to her rightful home in France will be granted full clemency for any offenses paid to the Crown, as well as treasures beyond anyone's imagining. It is my wish to find her and so regain my honor that was unfairly lost. It is also my hope that I will finally be granted the one desire of my heart, and that is to be eternally united with her, either in life or in death. After she is returned to her rightful position as princess, it will be very difficult for her to obtain a husband because of her reputation." He clenched his teeth. "It will be very likely that by then she will be robbed of her honor, her maidenhood, and nobody wants a bottle of wine after it has been sampled. Therefore, it is my desire that with my newfound respect, honor, and wealth as her rescuer, I can provide a match that will be acceptable."
"Ever since her capture six years ago, I have been scouring the Caribbean, searching for clues as to her present whereabouts. I refuse to believe that she is dead. My crew, however, has remained oblivious to the fact that Isabelle was ever on this ship. They believe that all our excursions are purely self serving, and in many ways they are. I learn my information, and I allow them to do what pirates do best. They think we are merely sacking and pillaging, however, it is much more than that. In this way, they are left in the dark concerning my true intentions, and I am free to pursue my own ends."
"And have you been successful?" she asked curiously.
"Yes. The reason I was on Devonport was because I had learned that her lady in waiting, Christina, had taken up residence there, and I hoped to learn some information from her. I am truly sorry about your town, but it was the only way." he said, softly.
She was silent as she remembered the mass chaos that Captain Reed and his crew had caused. But then a thought occurred to her. Could this be the same Christina that Luke planned to marry?
"I always give them strict orders not to harm anyone, especially women and children." Still she did not respond, and the Captain mistook her silence as indignation at her own imprisonment. "I had no choice as to your situation. You would have told anyone that would believe you about the actions that I had planned against the english galleons, believing that my purpose was to sack and sink them. I learned from Christina that she had received a letter from Isabelle, saying that she had been taken prisoner on the english treasure ship, the Indigo. That is why I must board the ship."
"And if your men ever found out about your alternate intentions..." she said, hesitatingly.
"There would be mutiny, and it is more than likely that I would be killed, or at the very least marooned. So you see now why I must hide behind this shroud of deceit. If I make but one miniscule mistake, my chances of being reunited with Isabelle are lost forever." he said, sadly.
She was moved by his tale, and she sympathized with his cause, but simultaneously, she felt her hopes and dreams come crashing down around her. There is no room for me in his life. Isabelle is the woman that holds his heart, and I, a plain gypsy, could never compare with the daughter of the King.
Word Count: 3505
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