OOOh, That's How You Do That
I watched the trees fly by as me and Laxus sat in the train, headed for Clovertown for that ghost.
My head rested on my hand while I stared out the window, eyes partly closed. I'm pretty sure Laxus is asleep, due to his eyes being closed and he hasn't spoken for a while. Or maybe he's just as anti-social as I am. Either way, I was grateful for some time to think.
Why on earth had it been me and Lyra that was dragged into this world? Of all the people back home, why had it been the two of us in particular? Could it be because of the high magic energy Gildarts pointed out I had? There's bound to be more people back home that would have even more! Unless the amount we had was exactly how much that was wanted...
Gah! I'm over thinking this!
To be honest though, I'm kind of grateful to be dragged into another world. I mean, it'd be nice if I had willingly come here, but I always wanted to travel, so it's pretty nice actually leaving Kitchener for once.
I blinked my eyes, trying to clear my head of these thoughts. I kind of need to deal with the present as of now, not the reasons as the why everything happens to me.
How would someone in a world filled with magic deal with a ghost? Clearly Laxus doesn't have an answer, or else he wouldn't have been so confused with hearing about a ghost.
I sighed, closing my eyes in thought. Man, it'd be nice if Sam or Dean was here. They would know what to do. Or maybe a soul reaper would be good too. If I was in either of those two places, at least then I would know where I was.
"We're here," Laxus's voice broke me out of my thoughts-ok, fantasies that had been going on for too long-causing me to open my eyes. I looked out the window and saw a town as the train pulled to a stop. Then I glanced at the sky, and noticed that it was getting pretty dark out.
Following Laxus out of my first train ride, I asked, "How will we even deal with a ghost?"
Laxus shrugged. "We'll just wing it. I bet it isn't even a ghost, probably someone just playing a prank."
I sweatdropped at his answer. Sure, it made sense, but still. He just wanted to wing it? There isn't even a fraction of a plan somewhere?
I followed Laxus around Clovertown. I was at awe with the lack of technology I noticed. Now that I was paying attention, I could actually feel the magic energy in the air. Home was nothing like this.
When Laxus went inside to talk to the person who asked him about the mission, I decided to stay outside, feeling the cool night air. I watched people walk by, some showing off their magic to their friends as they smiled politely. Others walked alone, clearly lost in thought. Some were speaking so loudly that it was impossible to not listen to them. Others were so soft spoken, I'm surprised even their friends could hear them.
The building Laxus was in resided in a pretty busy area of the town. Despite the time, there was still a fair amount of people walking about, though the numbers were dwindling. The sky was already turning purple, orange, and blue. As I watched the sky, I couldn't help but wonder if this was the same sky my parents are looking at, as they wondered where I was.
I looked down before angrily wiping away a stray tear. I can't afford to be weak in a place like this! For one, without magic, I would be an easy victim. Second, I just don't want anyone to see me sad. I only got here, what? Yesterday? A few days ago? I don't know, I haven't been paying attention. I can't be too sad just yet. Not unless I've been here a month, at least.
I stared blankly in the crowd, wondering if Lyra could possibly be somewhere in there. That would be oddly convenient, wouldn't it? I can hope, can't I?
I turned my head to stare at something else, but through the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a flash of red. I gasped and whipped my head in that direction, but I couldn't see it anymore. I ran towards the middle of the street to see if I could see the red again, but I had no luck.
"LYRA!" I shouted, cupping my hands in front of my mouth to make my voice louder. "IS THAT YOU OVER THERE?"
A few people gave me odd looks, but I just ignored them. I don't have time to seem normal, not if I'm about to become reunited with my best friend.
I took a step forward, ready to launch myself into the crowd, but a hand rested itself against my shoulder. I flinched at the sudden contact, my surprise made me forget for a second what I was doing.
I looked up before relaxing, glad to see that it was only Laxus.
"What the hell are you yelling about?" he questioned, looking annoyed and angry. "Aren't you being hunted by Black Dagger? Do you want them to find you!?"
"S-sorry," I stuttered. "I-I thought I s-saw my friend."
His gaze softened, much to my relief. I watched Laxus scan the crowd before asking, "What's she look like?" After hearing my quick description, he said, "Sorry, I don't see her."
My shoulders slumped in disappointment. "Oh... It must've been my imagination..."
I looked away, not wanting to let him see just how disappointed I really was. I had been so close, but I guess the Fates had other plans.
"So about that ghost...?" I spoke up again after a moment of silence, wanting to change the subject.
"Right." Laxus dropped his hand. I straightened as he spoke up, hoping for this distraction. "According the guy, the ghost only comes out at night, so he'll come out soon. The ghost has been terrorizing people and pulling pranks, but that's about it. It hasn't done anything too serious yet."
"We might have to stay up all night to find it," I said, yawning at the thought.
"You sure you still want to help out?"
I nodded, determined. "I'll be fine. Should we split up to find it?"
Before I got an answer, we suddenly heard a scream. Without saying a word, we sprinted towards the direction it came from.
When we came across the owner of the scream, I noticed that she was blushing profusely. "That damned ghost is such a pervert!" she screamed.
"Did you see which way he went?" Laxus asked. I stood behind him, bent over a little, panting. Its moments like these that I remember running is hell.
The lady pointed in the direction of the train station. "I think he went that way, but it was hard to tell. He was moving so fast, I couldn't see him very well."
A really fast ghost? Is that even a thing?
"Oh I knew it'd be a mistake going shopping last minute," the lady wailed. I glanced at all of the bags around her. Why would she choose only now to shopping if she knew it wasn't safe? You know what? Not my problem. "Can one of you take me home? In case he attacks me again?"
"You help her," I said to Laxus, already running in the direction she pointed. I ignored my legs protesting. "I'll go after the ghost."
"Just trust me! I got this!"
Total lie. I don't know why I said that. I don't know why Laxus believed me.
The streets were empty now, so at least I can run without anyone getting in the way. I haven't seen any signs of the ghost, but I followed my gut and continued running. The only light source I got was the moon. Thank goodness its a full moon tonight, I'm not sure I'd be able to see so well without it.
Suddenly, I noticed something moving towards me. My eyes widened as I realized this could be the ghost. I tried jumping forward, but he nailed me in the side. I fell over, landing hard on the street.
The possible ghost cackled crazily. "Didn't you say you got me? Why are you on the ground then?"
I grunted before shakily standing up, holding my side. Damn that hurt. I looked around, trying to find him. "Come out you coward!" I struggled to steady my breathing. I'm not about to appear weak in front of this jerk.
A flash of light blue streaked the sky for a moment. It only lasted a second, but I know I saw it.
"HA! I just did! I bet you couldn't even see me!"
But I did. And I'll use his ignorance to my advantage.
"Nope, too fast for me! Now come out so we can have a fair fight!"
"Yeah right!"
I saw the blue streak-I swear if this guy looks like Sonic the Hedgehog, I'll kill him-heading towards me. Now, I originally planned on jumping out of the way and let the guy hit the ground or wall, but my instinct had other ideas. I reached out my hand, the palm facing towards him. I could feel my magic energy pulsing through my body. It felt so familiar that I willingly embraced it. A light purple magic circle appeared in front of my hand, another on the floor in front of me. They both glowed as I released my magic. In the circle on the floor, a familiar orange haired soul reaper appeared. He lunged towards my opponent, catching him off guard. The guy stopped using magic, finally revealing his blue clothing and black hair. Beyond that, it was too dark to see anything else.
"But... how?" We both whispered before Ichigo punched the guy in the gut. He wheezed after Ichigo dropped him.
"O-okay! That's enough!" I said uncertainly. "You don't need to make it any worse. I'm sure he's learned his lesson!"
Ichigo began to walk towards me. I watched him move, but I didn't feel alarmed. I knew I created him with my magic. Somehow.
Ichigo placed his hand on my head, messing up my hair.
"Hey! Stop that!"
He only smirked at me. "I'm glad you figured out how to use your magic."
I took a startled step back. "Wait. You can talk?"
"I always could. You should probably get rid of me soon, before you run out of magic energy."
He was right, of course. This is the first time I've used magic. Keeping him here was draining me.
A magic circle appeared underneath Ichigo, sending him away.
I gasped softly. There was something cold and small that had suddenly appeared around my neck. I grabbed whatever it was and looked at it closely. Around my neck, a necklace had appeared. On a black chain, a black diamond had a black moon trapped inside it.
I knew this necklace. It's my necklace. I've had it for as long as I can remember. But I wasn't wearing it the day I got here.
Where had it come from?
I wrapped my arms around my bare shoulder. I somehow forgot I was stuck in a tank top because I lost my sweater. I really wish I had it now. The night air wasn't too bad, but I still had a chill. Did my magic bring my necklace here?
"So, you can use magic."
I turned around and saw Laxus walking towards me. I dropped my arms, thinking about everything that just happened. "Yeah, but I only figured out how to just now."
Maybe without realizing it, Laxus imitated Ichigo by ruffling my hair. "Well, good job with that. Is this the ghost? I figured it was just someone playing a prank."
I nodded, but didn't get the chance to say anything because a wave of dizziness crashed into me. My legs buckled from underneath me, but Laxus caught me in time.
"Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah. I'm just really dizzy." I waited for it to leave before standing up. "I-I think I'm good now."
Laxus's concerned look wouldn't leave. "You sure?"
I nodded, glad that the wave of dizziness had now passed, though it only lasted a few seconds. "C'mon. We should probably take this guy in."
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