Welcome! (pt. 1)
Somebody looks into the mirror, a slim, slightly petite figure of 18 with their figure staring back. That's right, it's you! You brushed your hair, feeling its tresses passing flimsily through the brush. You recalled a Japanese legend of the sort, with long dark hair. To your left, a faint outline of a person. Chara, of course.
"You look cute!" They compliment, although only you can hear them. Although you couldn't see them, you can tell their compliment was genuine. You grin in reply, thanking them.
You decide to walk around the neighborhood. Today, a ripe evening. There was a breeze that made you decide that it's the perfect time to walk outside.
A June afternoon, with green meadows, scarfing the slopes, June winds whispering selfishly to you, and a multitude of roofs, ranging in plentiful colors, from red to outrageous pink cover your eyesight. You check your bunny-shaped clock, 4: 32 pm.
"Mom, I'll be heading out!" You yell into the kitchen. Seconds later, droopy ears and short horns pop out and a long purple robe appears in your view. There's a symbol displayed on the robe.
"Out on a stroll, dear?" Toriel, or mom as you call her, asked with a baked pie in her hands. "I was about to ask if you wanted pie, but it seems you're going to be out."
She sighs, placing the pie down on the kitchen table, and eyed your outfit critically. "Be back before 6. Put on a jacket, I don't want you catching a cold with those clothes on."
You head back into your room to do as requested.
The house itself is also of the same layout, still very much in tune with Toriel's style. You love living in this house, it's as if time stopped and you're stuck in the '90s. You head back to the kitchen to see Sans throwing puns, Toriel smiling pleasantly at his jokes. You grin at the scene and went on your way.
"..[Y/N]! [Y/N]!" You snap out of your reverie with a gasp, and Chara laughed at your reaction.
"Yeah?" You ask a bit dazed. You can feel a soft pounding in your head.
"You're almost at the mountain, and you haven't told Sans anything. I don't think you should go there." They advise. You take it, thanking her.
Once a week, you head into the mountain (with Sans, so he can get you out safely) and encourage Flowey to join you. Everyone knows what you're doing, and while a few try to stop you, you're determined to bring him back. You can at least keep him company, you thought. And for Chara's sake as well.
As you continue walking, the soft, constant pounding grows. Without noticing, the ground underneath disappears, and you fell, unconscious. The last thing you saw is Chara's eyes forming in front of you as you trip into the dark abyss beneath.
You came to someone lightly whispering your name. You felt your surroundings, fully expecting Flowey's mocking laugh to fill the air and golden flowers to cushion your fall. Instead, cold, ceramic floors graze your fingertips. You frown, then sit up.
The sight you come to is breathtaking. A courtroom of some sort surrounds you. In front of you, seven chairs, seated with men in strange, clad uniforms and a single tufted black crown- the chief judge, perhaps?- atop the 7 fills your sight, candles, and tall, long windows being the only light fixture available. You squint, and can faintly make out banners with pictures- is that a unicorn in the middle, you absentmindedly ask- as you try to take in the place. Said men on chairs glance your way, and you instinctively ball your hands into fists. Although this is not the best time to say so, you're glad to have been dressed modestly.
"Where are we?" Chara asked suddenly, loud and clear. She's still here, you though, faint with relief. Thank goodness!
You stand up, and notice- Chara's back! Their sweater, her eyes, cheeks nose- it's all so clear! "Chara!" You cheer, wrapping your arms around the figure, arms ghosting through them.
"[Y/N]?" They wonder and wrapped their arms in turn, patting your back. The sense of nothingness is slightly comforting. After noticing several looks elicited towards you, you jump back into place, choosing to place your hands behind your back. You hope they don't think you're crazy.
The man in the seat of the chief judge began to converse. His dark red, cropped hair and golden eyes seem to hold authority, which is also made clear with the difference in uniform, his in red while the others in black.
He is loud and seems excited to see you, although you can't find and don't want to find out why. It makes sense, you thought. You were, in his eyes, hugging air after all.
"Welcome to the Devildom, Rubina." The man frowned. "...Oh, pardon me. Feeling a bit shocked, are we? Well, that's understandable. You've only just arrived, after all."
"And he knows your name? Just what is happening?" Chara wonders in an awed tone.
He continues lightly. "As a human, it will probably take a little while for you to adjust to things here in the Devildom."
"Does this mean you're not a human?" You ask. "Is this, uh, hell?"
The man in front of you looks surprised, then smiles brightly. "Yes, it is. I suppose I should start by introducing myself."
"My name is Diavolo. I am the ruler of all demons and all here know of me. And someday soon, I will be crowned king of the Devildom." No wonder he looks so powerful, you think.
He directs his gaze towards the outside. There is a faraway castle structure with a purple light omitting under it, and a city of lights spread throughout the place. There are even mountains that make up the landscape and stars that twinkle. You would love to spend a night staring at the stars. It's as beautiful as Waterfall, you thought, starstruck.
Diavolo's voice broke through your bewildered gaze. "This is the Royal Academy of Diavolo, though we just call it RAD. You're standing inside the assembly hall, the very heart of RAD. This is where we the officers of the student council hold our meetings and conduct our business. I'm the president of said council."
"Why am I here?" You asked again. Another man, with black slicked hair and red ruby eyes, similar to Chara's, came forth beside Diavolo. His crossed arms showed more power, even more than the prince himself. He wore the same uniform as Diavolo, but it's black, with a blue badge and a red cape. His dress shirt is in a teal color. "I will explain everything to you."
Diavolo gestured towards the man with a smile. "Rubina, this is Lucifer. He is a demon and the Avatar of Pride. He's also the vice president of the student council and my right-hand man...and not just in title, I assure you." Eh? Does this mean you are something.. more? You thought curiously.
"Beyond that, he's also my most trusted friend." Lucifer caves a quick smile at Diavolo's compliment but frowns and shakes his head. "Flattery will get you nowhere, Diavolo."
Chara scoffed at the comment, muttering. "Dirty liar." You grinned at her comment.
He turned his attention to you fully. "Speaking on behalf of the entire student body at this great and storied school of ours, I offer you a most heartfelt welcome, Rubina." You smile nervously. The glare he's giving you doesn't seem heartfelt. You gulp.
"Thank you. But what is my purpose here?" You question again, just in case he forgot.
He gave you an explanation, gesturing towards Diavolo."Diavolo believes that we demons should start strengthening our relationship with both the human world and the Celestial Realm."
"Angels?!" You and Chara gasp in sync. It's always been a topic of interest between the two of you.
Lucifer frowned at your enthusiasm. "...Yes, angels. As a first step toward this goal, we've decided to institute an exchange program. We've sent two of our students to the human world and the Celestial Realm, and we're welcoming 4 students to our school: two from your world and two from the Celestial Realm."
"So, I take it you've probably put two and two together at this point, right?" He looks at you threateningly.
"Is this supposed to be a challenge? We've been through Papyrus' spaghetti." Chara made a face. You smile at their joke.
"You've been chosen from among the people of the human world to participate in this program of ours. You are our newest exchange student. Your period of stay is one year. You will have to work on the tasks that you will receive from RAD. After one year, you will write a paper about your exchange here in the Devildom."
Chara gasps in alarm. "Does Mom know about this?!" You glanced at her in alarm- a whiplash to the left for the demons. "Oh my god, she totally doesn't, does she?!"
"Does my family know about this?" You asked in trepidation, meeting Lucifer's eyes.
"Silence." Lucifer's glare hardens on you. "Do not speak unless I told you to." You nod meekly and suggest another question. "What's the paper about?"
"THE AUDACITY OF THIS MAN!" Chara scoffs, red, cardinal eyes pointing accusatorily at Lucifer. "YOU KIDNAPPED US, AND THIS IS WHAT WE GET?!" You don't comment on their outburst, forcing yourself you stop frowning.
It seems that you failed because this is what he said: "Don't glare at me like that. I'm not telling you to write a doctoral thesis. You can take it easy. It's not like I'll abandon you all by yourself here in the Devildom. You need someone to look after you, and I think that someone should be my brother Mammon." Lucifer frowns in what it looks like, embarrassment as he mentioned the name.
"He's the Avatar of Greed and... how should I put it...?" He sighs. "Oh well, you'll understand soon enough." From his behavior, you can assume that he's the opposite of Lucifer- loud and brash.
He handed you a cell-phone looking device. "This is a D.D.D. It's a lot like cell phones in your world. This will be yours to use for as long as you're here. Now, go ahead and try calling Mammon with it."
You lift your eyebrows but tap on the phone nevertheless. "I've entered all our numbers there, just in case something happens to you."
As the D.D.D. rings, you can't help but feel nervous. Chara snorts, sensing your distress. "We live with thousand-year-old monsters who tried to kill us when we first met! It's not going to be terrible. C'mon [Y/N], you got this!"
You nod in thanks, and just like that, a voice picked up over the phone. "Yooo."
You reply in the same fashion. "Yooo."
"Are ya foolin' around? Who the hell are ya?" He grumbles, irritation clear in his voice.
"I'm a human from the exchange program," You said, drinking in the sight around you again. There's... you can identify 3 people sitting in the bottom chairs, but their silhouettes are undefined.
"What? A human? Geez, I was gettin' all chilly here thinkin' it was Lucifer again. Ya should've told me right away. So, what business does a human got with THE Mammon?" The way he placed himself reminded you of Papyrus.
"You'll be in charge of me from now on." He let out a confused growl. Did he just growl?
"What on earth was that?" Chara wondered, putting her ear close to the speaker.
"What da ya- AAH! I get it now, you're the other human- the new exchange student!" He sighed. "G'luck with that, and see ya."
"Lucifer called for you." You threaten before he got away, looking at the firstborn. He gives you a nod.
Mammon barked. "Whatever. Ya think THE Mammon would listen to ya just 'cause you're tryin' to scare me with that name?" You look over to Lucifer, who's starring crossly at the phone. Lucifer took your D.D.D, Chara following the device.
"Mammon, you've got 10 seconds...9...8..." You can feel Mammon freezing in terror on the other side.
"YES, SIR!" And the phone closed. At this, you and Chara started giggling. "Scaredy cat!" Chara commented. "God, I can't wait to see his face! Probably stupid looking."
"Sounds like you had a nice chat," Lucifer comments as you continued giggling.
"Well, if you were suddenly brought to a strange place and then get told that an unfamiliar face will now take care of you, you'd certainly feel anxious." Diavolo cuts in. "However, Mammon isn't the only one to help you out." You frown at his implication.
"Now then... we still need to introduce our new friend to your brothers, Lucifer. And it's probably better that you do that instead of me, wouldn't you say?"
Lucifer grimaces. "Yes, as much as I dread the idea of doing so, you're right." His response is not comforting in the slightest!
"Oh come now." A high-pitched, but still distinguishably male voice complained. "Really? You should be honored that you get to introduce such a sweet and charming little brother like me!" Wavy, caramel chocolate hair with a pink tint draped down to his face gracefully, with orange eyes.
They must have a lax school uniform, you notice, spotting the alternating pink and lime green nail polish on his hands.
"This one here is Asmodeus. He's the fifth eldest, Avatar of Lust." The fifth eldest instantly pouts. "You totally ignored me! And not only that, you referred to me as this one. How rude!"
Another man who was watching the situation with calm interest began to speak. "At least he didn't ignore you altogether." In place of a normal office tie, he has a yellow bow tie that matches with blond hair. He has his hand(which are covered with bright neon green nail polish) on his chest. Is he trying to blind you? You're not too sure.
"This one here is Satan, the fourth eldest of us. At first glance, he may seem like a responsible demon, but looks can be deceiving." Lucifer explains, giving Satan a cold stare. Is everyone here not on good terms or something?
"What's with all the glaring?" Chara complains, crossing their arms. "Feels like drama I don't wanna get involved in."
"Nice to meet you, Rubina. I am Satan, Avatar of Wrath." He gives you a chilling smile. You feel an involuntary shiver spike up your spine.
Well, that leaves Asmodeus. "Avatar of Lust?" You question, giving the demon a glimpse.
"It basically sums up what I'm about! And my power." He holds you by the shoulders. "Let's give a little demonstration! Rubina, could you gaze into my eyes for a moment?"
Chara shook their head furiously. "Do that, and that's one foot on your grave. Not that you haven't done that before." You ignore their warning and stared into his eyes. They hiss at you. "STUPID! He'll kill you!"
A small smile flitters across the corners of Asmodeus' mouth. "You're not shy at all! I love humans like that..."
"Keep your eyes fixed on mine. Just like that..." His orange pools are of a gorgeous shade. Like tangerine, you notice, gaze fixed on his.
His pupils widened, a small frown forming on his lips. "That's weird, nothing's happening."
Satan protrudes just then, a sneaky smile on his face. "I should warn you Rubina; be wary of Asmodeus' gaze. He can charm and manipulate people and use them to his own advantage. Once you're under his charm, he'll eat you." You quickly cut the gaze off, Chara clicking their tongue.
"I told you." They chirp in victory, crowning over their win as they dance around you.
"Don't go around saying things like that, Satan. Regardless, my power doesn't seem to work this time for some reason. I wonder why." Asmodeus pouts at his 'prey'.
"Are you done?" Lucifer interrupts their shenanigans. "The one with a grumpy look on his face is Beelzebub. He's the sixth oldest."
A man with a frown that is most unbecoming of his face strode to the front, his bulk twice, no, three times your size. His mop of orange hair matches his undershirt on his messy uniform. Like his brothers, orang nail polish shines as he struck out his hand. "Lucifer, I'm hungry." It doesn't take a scientist to guess he's the Avatar of gluttony.
As he introduced himself, his stomach rumbled. You dig through your pockets to see if you have any snacks. You pull out several candy bars you forgot to take out. Becoming the Avatar of Gluttony's meal is definitely not on your to-do list.
"Here." You offer them to him. Chara groaned.
"Of all things, you had to give him the super limited edition of Chocolate Flakes?! Why?" She outstretched their hands in despair and tried to pry Beel's hands off the chocolate. You gave her a look. "What?! I had to save the chocolate!"
"Seriously?" Beelzebub's face light up. Oh, what a change of expression! "Thanks." His big hand took the sweets. "Lucifer, let's keep this one. I like them." You grin sheepishly, despite yourself. Lucifer overlooks his comment and continues his introduction.
"There are seven of us in total, and I am the eldest. Mammon, the second oldest, will be here soon. My other brothers aren't here, but we can get to them later. All in good time."
Diavolo obstructs Lucifer again. "During your stay in the Devildom, the seven brothers will lend you their strength. To keep you safe, you are to stay with them at the House of Lamentation."
Lucifer nods. "Most agree with Diavolo, but that doesn't mean that there aren't vulgar demons out there who wouldn't harm you. If anything were to happen to you, it would be our responsibility. And I won't betray Diavolo's expectations." You noticed the little glance Lucifer gave Diavolo. Hmm? Is something happening between the two of them? Tension, perhaps?
"Of course, you'll have the means to reach us at any given time. D.D.D has a messaging app too. Be sure to add all of us." Lucifer states, pointing at the device.
"I'll send you a text right now!" Diavolo exclaimed, pulling out his. You'll be friends with the future King of Devildom! Lucifer lets out a loud sigh.
"Well, you've got that done now, and it seems the idiot has arrived as well." You hear loud footsteps towards the door and BANG!
Seemingly blinded by this interruption, you rub your eyes before giving the man a proper look. A tan-skinned man, with a mop of white hair, strode in, uniform messily worn. He was gorgeous and looks like the typical rich-kid delinquent, except this one, like his brothers, had white nail polish on.
Before you can stop, a smile made its way onto your face. You quickly look at Chara, who was looking at him in a stupor.
"Oh no, he's hot." You hear them cry in a whisper. "What the fuck, this isn't how its supposed to go." You giggle at their comment. He certainly is handsome, but so are the other people in the room.
"You've got some nerve summoning the Great Mammon! Oi, human, are ya even listening? Stop with the stupid grin on your face." The 2nd born frowns, pressing his finger onto your face.
You take Mammon's hand and shake it. "Please take care of me."
He sputters, confused, before giving you an answer. "W-why the hell do I have to take care of the damn human? And get 'yer hand off me!" He swats your hand away, pinching the bridge of his nose. You pout in reply, but he doesn't notice. "Fine, since you're asking the Great Mammon so nicely and all." Lucifer gives him an odd glance.
"Grimm... is that the currency here?" You ask.
Satan nods. "You catch on quick."
"Oh, and he's a masochist too!" Asmodeus adds.
"What's a masochist?" You ponder quietly.
"Yeah, what is that? Some kind of gross term?" Chera blenches, sticking out their tongue. "Since it comes for that guy, it probably is. Gross."
Asmodeus gives out a delighted squeal. "And she's innocent too! How adorable!" They are most likely gross words. You say nothing, instead choosing to focus on the wonder lusting view of the outside.
"..." Chara frowns in distaste, floating so that they're in front of you. "I don't like that guy." You could only give them a light shrug. After all, what else were you to do?
"Shut it! I ain't a masochist!" Mammon barks back.
Beelzebub notices your excitement. "Mammon, you better take the human. They seem excited to go and explore."
Mammon grumbles for a second or two, before turning to you. "But in return, you better make sure you don't cause me any trouble, got it?!" You give him a cheery thumbs-up.
Mammon nods serious-like. "Good, that's what I want to hear. As long as you do as I say, we won't have any problems. Just be sure you don't forget which one of us is the boss here."
"Superior complex much," Chara mutters. Your memory flies to a certain tall skeleton and you quickly shake your head. Now is not the time to reminisce about the past.
"Not yet. On to the next subject; your tasks. Your task is to finish this year with top marks and write an exchange paper by the end of this ordeal." Lucifer says, getting your attention. "And I won't expect anything less."
"What happens if I don't?" You ask, catching his glare immediately. Oops, bad idea.
Chara was quick to echo your sentiments, shouting: "Ah, you set him off!"
"There are no 'if's in this situation. You will get top marks, do you understand?" You nod frantically, scared to the bone.
"To sum it up for you...You will be an exchange student here at RAD for one year, and you must do your tasks and get top marks. When the exchange ends, you have to submit a paper about your stay here in the Devildom. Are we clear?"
You nodded. You'll get through this in flying colors! You thought determinedly. The energy blazed through you, Chara cheering you on.
As you urged yourself on, Mammon coughs. "I wanna make one thing clear; if someone gets eaten, it ain't my fault."
Beel's stomach growled again. He looked at you, and thankfully, you still have a single bar left, which you handed to him. He nods gratefully and finished it in 1 second.
"Let's make it a year to remember!" You cheer optimistically.
Mammon looks at you. "You sure are... positive. Welp, I won't stop ya from havin' fun." You give the demon a grin. He doesn't see you as a bother, great!
Diavolo laughs at your enthusiasm. "Humans, angels, demons. I imagine a universe where each accepts the other. Where we are brought together as friends. This is my dream, and I'm asking you to be the foundation for it."
You salute and reply playfully, feeling a little more comfortable with Diavolo. "I'll try my best, sir." He laughed again, happy with your attitude.
"I have a feeling that we're going to have a good time, Lucifer."
"I hope so."
"Let's hope we can make it through the year." Chara slumps, hands crossed as they lazily float next to you, Mammon showing you the way out.
'Let's hope so.' You hand sign towards them. 'If we don't get eaten first, that is.'
"Oi, what're ya signaling at?! Pick up the pace!" Mammon roars, so you quicken your step, trying to catch up with the 2nd born demon.
(lmao I hoped you liked that)
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