(NOTE: Most of these cats and both clans are not my original ocs. I got permission before using them.)
Hopestar- brown she-cat with one white paw and green eyes
Spottedblaze- marbled ginger tabby tom with green eyes
Medicine Cat
Dawnfire- calico she-cat with black paws
Medicine Cat Apprentice
Nightpaw- black tom with copper eyes
Sparkfeather- pale gray tom with blue eyes
Duskmoon- Tom identical to Sparkfeather
Faithsky- blue-gray she-cat with amber eyes
Desireheart- gray tom with one black paws and green eyes
Hopefeather- gray and white she-cat with amber eyes
Wishberry- silver and white she-cat with sky-blue eyes and gray stripes
Birdwing- cream tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Goldensong- golden she-cat with green eyes
Clawfoot- white tom with amber eyes
Gingerspot- calico she-cat with green eyes
Hazelfeather- brown she-catwith one white paw and copper eyes
Shadowdusk- black she-cat with green eyes
Featherpaw- fluffy gray she-cat with green eyes
Darkpaw- dark brown tom with black and white patches and dark brown eyes
Blackberry- tiny black she-cat with lavender eyes
Wavepaw- blue-gray tom with black splotches and dark blue eyes
Minnowpaw- marbled silver tabby she-cat with green eyes and one white ear
Twilightpath- cream and ginger tabby she-cat with mint green eyes
Spiritfire- smoky gray she-cat with golden eyes and golden markings around her eyes
Nightflower- black she-cat with violet eyes
Twilightkit- white she-cat with brown patches and violet eyes
Stormkit- grey she-cat with bright blue eyes
Nightkit- black tom with copper eyes
Dewkit- ginger tom with white splotches and green eyes
Streamkit- marbled silver tabby tom
Amberkit- fawn she-cat with white patches and golden eyes
Rosekit- black she-kit with cream spots, ginger tabby stripes and blue eyes
Tansykit- cream tom with a black tail, ginger tabby stripes and blue eyes
Duskkit- black tom with ginger tabby stripes, cream paw and blue-green eyes
Froststar- silver tom with blue eyes
Leafspots- pale brown tom with darker leaf shaped markings
Medicine Cat
Sunspeckle- golden speckled tabby tom with amber eyes
Sharpfang- dark gray tabby tom with blue eyes
Cloudheart- white she-cat
Minnowstream- dark gray tom with silver stripes and gray paws
Ravenshade- black tom with white spots, one yellow eye and one amber eyes
Mistyslash- messy-furred gray she-cat with amber eyes
Earthquake- former rogue dark brown Tom with red, bloodshot eyes
Dash- former rogue black and white tom with one amber eyes and one blue
Swiftstep- agile tabby she-cat with golden eyes
Seedstrike- multicoloured tom with one blind eye
Yarrowfur- yellow tom with black stripes and dark gray eyes
Watermintleaf- former rogue silver tom with green eyes, old name was Watermint
Darkdusk- black tom with emotionless gray eyes and dark gray markings
Taloncry- quiet dark tabby tom with long claws
Gullfang- white tom with green eyes
Marshrunner- gray tom with amber eyes
Riverstone- spotted pearl she-cat with coral eyes
Tawnydawn- silver she-cat with lilac eyes
Meadowtumble- striped chocolate tabby tom with icy blue eyes
Sparkpaw- dark gray tabby tom, identical to Sharpfang
Cloudpaw- white she-cat identical to Cloudheart
Leafpaw- tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes
Olivepaw- golden-fawn she-cat with green eyes and an extra toe on her front left paw
Pearlpaw- lilac tortoiseshell and white she-cat with green eyes
Rainpaw- silver tom with blue eyes
Goldflower- golden tabby she-cat with long legs and icy blue eyes
Sandgaze- golden tabby she-cat with amber eyes
Adderkit- amber she-cat with golden eyes
Needlekit- apricot she-cat with aqua eyes
Finkit- silver she-cat with emerald eyes
Snailkit- blue-gray she-cat with green eyes
Loudkit- white tom with green eyes
Goldenkit- tiny version of Sandgaze
Heronkit- white tom with green eyes
Whorlkit- black tabby tom with aqua eyes
Pikekit- amber tabby she-cat with orange eyes
Haykit- cream tabby tom with orange eyes
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