THIRTY-SEVEN... i think...
Scar felt a sudden dread enter his body. Something didn't feel right. Something was wrong...
"Cub's in danger," He murmured under his breath, gazing at the sky. "But how do we save him...?"
Something moved out of the corner of Scar's vision, and he saw Xisuma stand up.
"Can I get everyone's attention, please!" He called out. The surrounding hermits stopped chattering and looked to him.
"We need to figure out a way to get Ember and Cub back. They could be in grave danger, or worse, but we can't think like that. We know that we have tw-" The admin cleared his throat, "One Watcher, a vex and two hermitpadders."
"Speaking of, where are the two?" False called out, glancing around. "I saw Pine fly away, but-"
"False." Xisuma cut off the Hermit. "As I was saying, we have very strong roles here. We could go to fetch Ember and Cub, and possibly Naya if she needs saving, but I think it's better if we lie low for a bit, to sort things out and come up with a plan."
"But Cub's in danger now!" Scar protested, angrily glaring at the admin.
"I know, Scar, but we need time." X tried to calm the vexling down, speaking in a gentle tone. "We'll get Cub home, safe and sound, as soon as we make a plan on how to do it. Scar, quit pouting. You know this is better for all of us."
Scar grumbled, annoyed, and looked off to the side, not paying attention.
"Now. All the hermits that are somewhat good at-"
The admin was interrupted by a shriek of pain.
Good luck, Naya!
I didnt know what to do for this chapter ;-;
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