Sb: Hey Chan...
Soobin had been searching for a to catch chan alone for a moment and as if he read his mind , Soobin found Chan by himself in the backyard so he took the chance and walked up to him.
Chn: hey Luna
Sb: please don't call me luna. You know I'm not a fan of you guys calling me that when it's just us .
Chn: I know. Anyway you look like you have something on your mind . What's up ?
Sb: I didn't know how to bring this up with Hyunjin but I think you should take him to a doctor.
Chan's eyes widened in panic thinking something is wrong with his mate.
Chn: what ? , why ? , is jinnie alright.
Sb: calm down he is healthy. But I just call it gut feeling , but I think we might have new guests here .
Chn: what ?
Confusion filled the alpha trying to find a connection between Hyunjin's health and new guests until Soobin saw realisation pass through the Alpha's eyes.
Chn: wait. You mean.... Oh wait heart beats that's what those were ...
Sb: huh ?
Now it was soobin's turn to be confused as he didn't understand what chan was talking about.
Chn: Heartbeats. I've been hearing occasionally rhythmic sounds when I'm near Hyunjin, but I couldn't place my finger on what it was.
Sb: wait if you are able to hear heartbeats like that without the equipment, he is definitely over 2 months. And a typical omega pregnancy last 6 months .
Chn: also his scent. A possible pregnancy will explain the scent change too. And that's definitely been over 2 months or more .
Hj: pregnancy?
Both Bangchan and Soobin hadn't noticed Hyunjin behind them , too lost in discussing their theories and possibilities. Hyunjin looked a bit pale at what he heard and the two older wolves didn't know how to approach the topic. But they didn't have to as Hyunjin spoke up again .
Hj: you think I'm pregnant?
Chn: hey Jinnie.... We aren't sure . But that...
Sb: it seems like a possibility.
Hj: but .... Wait .......
Hyunjin's hands were starting to tremble which finally gave chan the energy to walk upto to his mate take the younger's hands in his .
Chn: hey hey , love ..... Shh take a deep breath ok. Nothing is confirmed yet. It's just a possibility. Wanna go to the doctor's?
Hj: I'm not sure....
Soobin had left the scene wanting to give the mates some space.
Chn: don't be nervous. I'll be there with you throughout the check up. And even if the results comes out that you are pregnant, i promise you the decision will be upto you. And I'll support you no matter what ok.
Hj: ok ...
Hyunjin's voice was so low and unsure that if Chan wasn't standing so close he would have missed it.
Chn: ok. Do you wanna go now or do you need some time to mentally prepare yourself ?
Hj: I just wanna get it over with. If I delay it I'll just end up over thinking.
Chn: ok... Come on let's get you dressed..
A/n: this chapter looked better in my head . But um... When I wrote it down . This is how I came out. Anyway hope you guys still find it satisfying enough. ❤️
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