Every single person close to Hyunjin had commented on the omega's change in scent well all except his uncle , aunt and chan. With his uncle and aunt it was only because they hadn't seen him recently enough to notice the change in scent. Even Jisung and Felix had pointed it out. And it was borderline making Hyunjin mad since he just couldn't pin point a reason and the scent change doesn't seem to go away. Even after weeks.
A week had passed since the boys had said their final good byes to Mrs. Lee and Hyunjin had just got into the bedroom he shared with his alpha after preparing a bag with Soobin to send with Felix to send to Minho as the youngest was in the rut/heat hut after starting another one of his heats. Hyunjin had once asked Chan regarding the safety of sending Minho to the hut alone when he was in heat. And Chan had explained how the hut was enchanted so no alpha besides Chan , Felix and their Father will be able to enter the hut unless it's Minho mate after they have completed the bonding. This had put Hyunjin's mind at ease.
Chn: Babe......
Chan had came out from bathroom after a shower and he clearly looked like he wanted to talk.
Hj: ya ?
Chn: i didn't want to bring this up . But the change in your scent , it doesn't seem to go away or have an explanation.
That was the final straw as Hyunjin weakly hit Chan's chest as the alpha had came nearer while talking , the omega's eyes brimming with tears as he soon started crying and left the room to go find Soobin.
It had startled both Felix and Soobin when a crying Hyunjin barged i3nto their room and cuddled up into soobin's arms leading to Felix immediately standing up and letting Soobin hold Hyunjin properly.
Sb: hey hey , shhh.... What happened Jinnie.... Who made you cry ?
Hj: alpha .... He is a meanie..... He said I smell bad .......
Sb: WHAT ?!
Felix sensing Soobin might act without thinking , immediately spoke up knowing there is no way his older brother , the one who seems to be completely in love with every fibre of Hyunjin's existence could say something like that
Fel: Soobin hyung wait a second.... Hyunjin hyung ... Are you sure chan hyung said you smell bad ... Maybe he meant something else.
Hj: but he said the change in my scent in not going away. I can't control that. Why does everyone keep pointing that out like I purposely made my scent change.
By then Chan had gathered enough courage to enter into Felix's room. Now sure that Soobin won't scream at him like he feared for making Hyunjin cry. But seeing chan enter Felix stopped him. Mind linking him that now is not the time .
Fel: Hyung it's not that any of us think your scent is bad. We know you didn't purposely change it. Chan hyung and his alpha must be just concerned and restless since something is happening to their mates scent and they don't have the answer why .
Hj: really?
His crying had reduced to occasional sniffles by that point.
Fel: yes I would be the same if it was Soobin hyung.
That seemed to put Hyunjin's mind at ease as he drifted off in soobin's arms , which meant Felix was kicked out from his own room and had to go sleep in Chan's room.
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