Part 1
George POV-
There's no enemies to lovers here, but I wish we were lovers. I've had a crush on Clay for almost four years, since year 9 when he was in my class for the first time, when he moved to the UK. No one knows in gay, not even my friends. When you go to an all boys school, it's not 'acceptable' to be gay. I've seen people get bullied for saying a guy was cute. I wanted to help, but couldn't. Clay is a perfect student, straight A's, captain of the football team. Sadly, A's aren't the only straight thing about him. I have an absolutely 0% chance of me and him becoming a thing. But God, is he hot. 6'3", curly brown hair, perfect jawline... Is there anything about him that isn't perfect??? Though I don't know if he even knows I exist. I'm the most ordinary student, 3.5 GPA, average height, honestly just average in general. I've been in classes with him, but we never sit close to each other at all. Of course, I'm too nervous to talk to him. Tomorrow is my first day of year 13, and I'm excited to see my friends again, and to see Clay, even if it's from afar. God, I'm such a simp for him, aren't I?
Clay POV:
Tomorrow I have the first day of year 13. I get to see all of my homophobic, shitty 'friends'. Hooray. Of course I haven't told anyone I'm bisexual. I do my best to be the ideal guy. I'm captain of the football team, I have a 4.0 GPA, and of course I'm 'straight', because God forbid I like men while going to an all boys school. There's one boy that was in my class last year. His name is George, and he is adorable. His face is so round and cute, and he's kind of short. Yes, I have a crush on him, but he's not gay. There's no way. I wish he was though. I started liking him during year 9, when I first moved here. We never sit near each other at all, and we've never talked other than a quick 'hi' occasionally in class. I hope he's in my classes this year. I promise myself that I'll talk to him if he is. This is the year. It's my last chance, before there's no more school left to go to.
~Time skip~
George POV-
I heard my alarm.
Oh right, school is today. I opened my eyes slowly, not wanting to get up.
"GEORGE DAVIDSON, GET UP! WE LEAVE IN 10 MINUTES!" I heard my mom yell from downstairs. Oh shit. I scramble out of bed and pull on the clothes I had set out the night before. I grabbed my backpack, and threw a pop-tart in the toaster. I made sure I had everything I needed right as the toaster popped. I grabbed my pop-tarts and ran out the door and into the front seat of my mom's car. She drove me to school and I closed the car door behind me. I looked at my schedule I had written on my arm. I checked the time and concluded I had 10 minutes to find classroom #27. I looked down the hall and was relieved to see that the classrooms were numbered in order. I saw classroom #27, and saw that my friends were there. My friend group consists of Floris, Charlie, and Toby. I want to come out to them, because I know they would accept me, but it's still hard. I walk over to the three.
"Hi guys, what's up? Excited for year 13?" I ask.
"Nope, but I'm glad you're here." Replied Toby. The others agreed. The bell rang, and we walked into class.
Clay POV-
I wake up at 6 am. I get out of bed, take a shower, get dressed, and make myself and sister Drista some coffee and eggs. At that point, it's 7 am, and I get in my car to drive to school. I got my permit over the summer, and for my birthday I got a car from my parents. I get to school and meet my friends in the hall. I look at my schedule on my phone and see I need to go to classroom #27. I hope George is there. My friends are talking shit as per usual. Nick, Karl, Alex and I are the only ones who don't, again as per usual. I check the time and see I need to get to class. I walk down the hall to classroom #27, and see... George. He's in my class. I look at the seating chart and we are NEXT TO EACH OTHER. What is my luck? I sit down next to him.
"Hi. George, right? You've been in my classes before." I say.
George POV-
"You've been in my classes before." Says Clay, after he SITS NEXT TO ME. Wait, he knows who I am? Am I dreaming?
"Uh, yeah, I'm George. You're Clay, I think everyone knows that. Well, hi."
"Hi George..." He trails off a bit. The way he says my name, I could explode. The teacher gets the class's attention and the lessons begin. When the bell rings for lunch, he starts talking to me, and we walk together. We seem to click, but I can tell it's only as friends.
"What's your favorite... Color?" I asked Clay.
"Green, specifically lime green. How about you?"
"Blue, specifically sky blue." I respond to Clay's question. We talked like this until we got to the table Clay's group was at. They were all homophobic assholes. How could such a nice guy like Clay hang out with such bad people?
"Talk to you later then. Your friends probably don't want me to sit with them."
"No, it's fine! Come sit next to me!" Responded Clay. There was little space, so Clay and I's legs were touching. He was warm. We continued to chat about interests, and I was shocked that he even wanted to talk to me.
"What's your favorite flower?" I ask Clay.
"Calendulas are probably my favorite. How about you?"
"Calendulas?" I respond. "Those are my favorite too!" I love calendulas, they're so pretty. I don't have a green thumb, so I always fail at planting them. I tell Clay about my lack of green thumb, and how he responded shocked me.
Clay POV-
"Well, I could come over and help you plant some! If you're ok with that of course." I replied to George. For a second it looked like he was uncomfortable with the thought of me at his house, but then he smiled. Was this real? Was I going to George's house, after liking him for almost four years? Surely he was smiling because he thought the idea was funny.
"I would love for you to come over! Are you free on Saturday?" George asked me. No way. He would LOVE for me to come over? Ahhh! I confirm that I'm free Saturday and that I can bring the calendulas to plant. The bell rang and we went to class. I still can't believe that I get to go to George's house. In class, he passes me a note. I open it, and inside is his number and a note that says 'text me :)'. I GOT HIS NUMBER!?!? I can't believe this.
~Time skip~
Over the week, Clay and George talked to each other during class, during break, and texted after school. The boys had become friends, and had full conversations. They both looked forward to Saturday, and spending time together. The bond had become strong, and they considered each other good friends. Crushes became stronger, and could almost be considered love. They both thought the other was straight, and therefore thought they had no chance. Soon, it was Friday after school.
George POV-
The bell rang for us to get out of school and I couldn't wait for tomorrow. I walked home as per usual, and got to my house after about 20 minutes. I grabbed my key from my bag and opened the front door. No one was home, of course. I live with just my mom, and she has to work. I lock the door behind me, and trod down the hall, into my room. I set down my stuff, and pull out my phone.
I cant wait for tomorrow! U got my address right?
yup! i cant wait either!
Well then, see you tomorrow x
See you x
I took a risk putting that x at the end of my text. But he sent one back! I'm overreacting, he has to be straight. I've seen him with girls before. Not to mention that he doesn't exactly set off the gaydar.
Clay POV-
I drove home, it's a 5 minute drive. I had eaten a snack and put away my things when my phone buzzed. It was George, saying how he was excited for tomorrow. I returned the excitement, and then he sent another text. He sent an x at the end. An x! He's just being friendly, Clay. He's not gay. I put an x at the end of my text as well, and hit send. I went upstairs to my room and hopped onto Minecraft with Nick , Karl, and Alex. We played on our survival server, and today we mined, which gave us time to talk. I think that Nick and Karl like each other, but I don't want to confront them. I want to come out to them, because I'm pretty sure they aren't homophobic, unlike my other friends. My parents aren't home today, so I want to tell them tonight.
"Hey boys, what's your opinion on gay people? Just a random thought." I blurt out.
"I don't really care, as long as they're happy."
"Yeah, people should get to love who they want."
"I agree with them. Love is love." Ok, so they aren't homophobic. Good. They seem chill about it. I'm going to tell them. Right now.
"Ok, good... Because I need to tell you guys something. I'm... Bisexual. I don't know if you've heard of it? But I'm telling you this because I've been crushing on George since year 9, and I sit next to him this year. I'm going over to his house tomorrow." The three go silent, and I get worried. Karl is the first to speak.
"No way. I'm bi too! I was planning on telling you guys today as well. How crazy!" Wait, Karl is bi too? I need to ask him something.
"Why were you going to come out to us today? A secret boy crush? Just because?" I ask.
"Secret boy crush. And it will remain a secret." No way. Who could it be?
"Well, I guess Nick is the only one who doesn't like guys. I'm pansexual!" Adds Alex.
"Who says I don't? Ever seen me with a girl? Nope! I'm gay!" Wait. So us four all like guys? That's crazy!
"Hey Nick , do you have a secret boy crush?" Karl asks. Nick is stuttering a little bit.
"Um... Yes. It's actually you, Karl. I understand if you don't want to be friends anymore because of that, but I love you Karl."
"Wait, actually? You like me? Well you'll never believe who mine is! It's... you, Nick. I love you." Hold up. Did they just admit they like each other on call? I'm so happy for them!
"Hey Karl... My parents aren't home tonight, wanna sleep over? We can... 'Talk' about this." Nick asked Karl. Karl agreed, and hopped off vc.
"Nick, please don't make out with Karl on vc." Said Alex, in a half joking manner.
"No promises," Nick said in a joking way. Karl got to Nick's house, and they logged off of vc to 'talk' about this. Alex and I were bored alone, so we decided to hop off and go to bed.
End of Chapter 1
Hmm, a little zesty...
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