You raised an eyebrow as you glanced at the Pinwheel circus there was a bit of fog, as well as dust from the dirt on the ground blowing around making you cough a bit from when you inhaled, you sighed lightly in annoyance from the fog and walked into the main circus tent, looking around. The circus tent looked damaged... you raised an eyebrow confused, it looked fine from the outside, some support beams where broken and hanging down as there were tears in the tent and some of the bleachers where broken and covered by heavy wooden planks along with some equipment being broken as well. You would look round at the other's seeing them hurt, making you feel sick as you walked over to Red-Bear who was sitting on the ground looking traumatized as you kneeled down looking him in the eyes as you lifted his chin to look at you. he had 2 black eyes or eye bags from lack of sleep... he had a couple cuts on his face and neck along with his clothing having slight rips on some spots, he had some bruises on his knuckles as well, you would place a bandage on one of the bigger cuts on his face.
‖‖💘Scenario 1💘‖‖
Red-Bear perked up a bit as he looked up at You from behind forced to look at you from lifting up his chin " o-oh... Y/C i didn't see you there... y-you should go, i wouldn't want you to get hurt..." his ears would droop lightly
‖‖💘Scenario 2💘‖‖
The bear would flinch a bit as he had slight tears pricked in the corners of his eyes, he twitched & trembled a bit as he sniffled a bit, blood from his nose dripped down onto his shirt " Y-Y/C! w-what are you doing here?! you could get hurt!" he exclaimed, looking you in the eyes
‖‖💘Scenario 3💘‖‖
The bear would let his arms fall limp as he looked up at you with a dull look in his eyes, he smiled softly at the bandage on his cheek you placed on his face " Thanks.." he chuckled softly still having a dull look in his eyes, having a dull tone to his voice as well
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