-s e v e n t e e n-
It's nine-thirteen now. I ran away from her. I ran as fast as I could, I took haphazard turns and now I'm sitting far away from the festival. I can't risk someone seeing me here, it'll cause a huge hassle. I took a bench next to a broken lamppost to provide me cover. The festival was taking place a few blocks away from my bench, it was near enough for me to hear the music from the festival loud and clear.
I disappointed so many people today. Lucy, Erza, Meredy, my fans and myself. Sometimes I think that the only thing I'm good at along singing is disappointing people.
Why'd I run away? That question must be on everyone's mind. Well let's take it from the top shall we?
The idea to come and talk to her here, the idea to win her back wasn't mine. It was Lucy's. All I wanted to do was apologise. It wasn't supposed to turn into the win-back speech shit. I don't expect her to forgive me, let alone get me back in her life.
They say that the water you once touch on a flowing stream can never be touched again; that's how my relationship with Erza is like.
I can't make her mine again if the idea wasn't mine. To put it simply, I just wanted to apologise to her. Nothing I can do can redeem me from all the wrong that I did to her. Life doesn't work that way.
My life isn't a cliché movie where the protagonist can oh-so-effortlessly have a steamy make out session with the damsel in distress which he was a dick to. This is reality; that shit doesn't happen.
There's this great pain and sorrow in my heart that's shattering me. I feel my nose getting red and my eyes getting stingy. I clench my fists tightly and my nails are digging into my palms. I can't help it no more.
With tears in my eyes, a quaver in my throat, tears stream down my cheeks onto the ground. My phone buzzes and Lucy's name flashes on the screen. Oh great.
"Hello? Jellal?" She says and I can hear the panic in her voice.
I gulp and manage to shutter something that's sounds like a "yeah?".
"How'd things with Erza go? We just closed down the stall. She came back to the stall after you took her and she looked totally normal. Not a trace of anything. She said that she got delayed because there was some disturbance on the way to the stall and that's it! Now she's heading back home and I'm worried. What happened?" Lucy says all too quickly.
"I'm sorry Lucy." Is what I say before hanging up and putting my phone to airplane mode. My voice sounded so raspy, so hoarse, everything must've been so evident.
I hide my face in my palms. I feel so ashamed and embarrassed.
"What the hell was that whole stunt about?" She says.
Oh my lord no.
And I'm back!
Short chapter.
The next one is the last.
I promise this time!
How are you guys?
How's your summer going along?
How's your winter going if you're
on that side of the world.
Oh and remember,
The darkness is there to
let the light in.
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