-n i n e-
Ever after that cursed day, I was broken. Three straight days and nights just lying around and crying, not going a centimetre away from home. I thought she'd come back to me, I thought we were better than that. It was just a dumb fight she should've come back.
Oh I was so wrong. I should've been better. Ignoring all the what ifs and expectations, I called her up. She didn't answer, I texted her, apologising countless of times, she didn't even see the texts. I thought she was playing hard to get, she'd get over it. She didn't and I was an idiot for thinking so.
We hear all the time that women are frail creatures, they need a strong man, a knight in shining armour to protect them, that's not true at all. Erza didn't need anyone, Erza wasn't depending on me. She was a free strong-willed woman and she didn't need me or any other man to make her feel happy. She was a wild bird who I tried to tame.
She was a reckless creature, she lived by her own rules, she-she proved me wrong. I guess in the end, she got rid of the two things that held back her from her freedom; me and the ring.
I spent money to find out about her whereabouts, I needed to know she was safe and secure. Turned out that she was still in Magnolia, probably because she still had a few months of college left. I sent her two dozen flowers everyday, Ranunculus were her favourite. I'd write a sorry note on them every time.
Four months and countless of bouquets led to nothing. I needed to apologise to her personally but I lacked the courage to do so. I was a being a coward.
One day, I did end up on her front door only to find out that she had moved. She was gone, she was gone away from Magnolia. She shifted to a new city, a new country for all I knew. Fame grew like magic after Erza left me, karma.
She was gone and she took away my heart with her. I became heartless. I was broken. They say that we have to be broken in order for light to seep through our cracks. I wonder when the light will seep through me, I really do.
A gentle hand on the shoulder disturbed me from my thoughts. Oh right, I was in Ichiya's party, drinking away to forget about her. I was out of it again. "My, my, Jellal. Don't you look like a drunk puppy." A woman said, as she traced my jawline with her fingertips.
I raised my eyebrow at her. Dressed in a classy gown and wearing glamourise jewellery, she winked at me. Was she a celebrity or something? I couldn't think straight with all the alcohol flowing through T my brains. "And who may you be?" I asked her in an emotionless voice.
"Does it matter?" She replied, biting her lip.
I sighed and massaged my temples, "What do you want?" I spat out.
"One night with you." She whispered in my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. I smirked and sipped one small sip of an almost empty bottle in front of me.
I blame it on the alcohol, the way she talked, her hair being red like Erza's, and my drunken brain, but let's just say I had a lot of fun that night.
Look who's updating a lot!
Literally wrote this
chapter in one go.
Would like to credit
sentimental music for that.
Plus look at the gif I just
put up there.
damn jellybean is a fine
work of art.
Plus plus, I forgot to
put a gif on the previous chapter
but I put it now so
go check that out if you didn't.
Oh and remember to
fall seven times
but get up eight.
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