Chapter 56: The Right Choice
The hour of dusk was upon the city of Eagle's fall. The enormous buildings were cast in the orange and red hues of the setting sun, the mists of the waterfall showing brilliant colours and covering the streets with a cloudy veil. Clamour arose from them while the people continued celebrating their queen's return, fires spurting in the grand braziers on every corner and lightening the places the sun couldn't reach.
Even as the sun set, the fire of the phoenix burned in every part of the city for the first time in months. The queen herself, however, was nowhere to be found. She'd partaken in the festivities during the day, basking in the company of the people she had missed so dearly. Nearing the end of the day, however, a creeping sense came closer with every breath she took. An aching feeling she could no longer ignore.
Obi Wan had busied himself with informing the council of the events of that morning and had spent the bigger portion of the day organising his return to the war. Even though he resented the council for not giving them any additional aid when he needed it, he couldn't hold them accountable when thousands were still in danger out there. They had sticked to their jedi ideals while partly oblivious to the danger Maul could've caused had Lyanna not stopped him.
The next morning Anakin would be there to pick the master up and return him to the next warfront. It wasn't something he looked forward to. Instead, he let himself get lost in the feast, in the stories the people were so eager to tell him. The bigger portion of them revolved around their lost queen and told stories about her youth that he himself hadn't even heard. They told about her escapades when she had just become princess, but also about her heroic deeds during her first few battles as the Valkyrie.
Obi Wan was glad that in a way, he could still learn more about the Valerian. When the jedi discovered that he couldn't find her amidst the crowds anymore, he went to look for her. In fact, he didn't have to search much, knowing where he would find her from the beginning. He merely had to follow the string that attached them, follow the tug at his heart through the ancient streets.
He smiled as he crossed the threshold to the balcony of the palace, finding her form huddled against the balustrade, facing the entirety of the city and the fields beyond. The light of the sun bathed her in the warm colours, making her skin seem almost alight. The rays seemed to hug her form, as if welcoming her home.
The soft white dress she wore was embroidered with golden patterns that almost seemed to light up as the thin fabric wove in the wind. Even though she didn't notice it flames danced softly over her limbs, playing in the light they had missed so dearly. Now that the poison had run its course, they were free to come to the surface. She was basically glowing in the last few minutes of sunlight.
Obi Wan took a moment to look at her, to really see through the beautiful facade she put up, for he could sense the darker emotions boiling beneath the surface. True enough, he found that her knuckles had turned white from the way she clenched her fingers around the balustrade. Her shoulders, bare against the tropic wind waving through her hair, were tensed tightly. Her whole body seemed on edge even though she was finally home.
The jedi silently leaned against the threshold, watching her closely. She seemed to be deep in thought and he didn't want to disturb her.
Crimson eyes shall awaken. She closed her eyes, reciting the words that had embedded themselves into her memory, oblivious to the new presence. She'd been recounting the prophecy in her head for hours, trying to figure out its meaning.
There was a storm coming and she needed to be prepared for it. The fate of her kingdom was at stake. There had to be no other reason for her mother to reach out to her, other than the fact that she was still able to do something about it.
Royal blood shall be spilled. Her fingers clenched, her mind running. It could mean mere droplets but it could also point to the death of a royal. In Valeria, there were only 3 left. Her, Arthas and Aidan. Would one of them die? Would all of them? Or would it merely be a scratch instead of a severe wound?
Streets stained in ashen paint, There would be a fire, no doubt, in whatever was to come. But to cover entire streets would point to a devastating wildfire. Would it be her doing, or something else?
When thousand innocents are killed. Something is coming to tear the earth, something is coming to scorch the ground. Would it be Arthas again, or this sith lord named Sidious? Maul didn't seem powerful enough, but who knew how bad his thirst for vengeance could get. It could be a threat from the outside, a known or unknown enemy. Whoever or whatever it was, it would lead to destruction if Ragnarök itself was prophesized.
But who? Lyanna groaned softly, her mind already jumping to the next part when she didn't find the answer.
Valeria will fall beneath thunder and ashes, the two fates shall at last be bound. Curses were whispered. Thunder and ashes could point to her and Aidan, maybe they would be powerless to stop whatever is coming. Maybe they would be the ones to bring upon Ragnarök. Maybe their fate would be to end everything their family built. But binding two fates together, what did it mean?
Her frustration was growing by the second, a feeling so evident that Obi Wan could sense it through their bond. He frowned and righted himself, examining her form closely. "The four pillars upon which Valeria stands, will also be the ones to usher in its end." The queen mumbled quietly as she opened her eyes, staring at the city before her.
Blackwing, Stormrage, Fireheart and Timeturner. The ones who started it all, who kept the kingdom upright, would also be the ones to bring upon its destruction. But when? And why? "A great sacrifice, an eternal slumber." She cursed loudly this time and cast her eyes to the sky.
The jedi took it as his cue to speak up. "Talking in riddles now, are we?" Obi Wan spoke fluidly, pushing himself off the threshold. The jedi calmly walked towards her side. "Aidan was looking for you." He said and mirrored her position, his hands gently laid upon the cold stone as he stared at the sun setting beneath the mountains in the far distance. He saw her fingers tensing for but a fraction of a second before she relaxed and her head turned slightly in his direction.
Obi Wan turned his gaze towards her but found her eyes focused on his fingers, refusing to meet his stare. "Said he wanted to propose another toast." He continued when she remained silent. "But if you ask me, the king has already indulged himself enough to last him a lifetime." The jedi chuckled softly and returned his gaze to the fires burning in the city.
Much to his surprise, the Valerian didn't even comment on that. No, she remained silent as a grave, her eyes focussed on the life of the city playing out before her. Watching over them like a vigilant goddess.
Obi Wan turned to look at her again, worry arising in the pit of his stomach. He reached out through the bond as he laid his hand on top of hers, calming and soothing. Prodding at the gates to her mind, he let a wave of calm wash over her that finally snatched her attention. He didn't want to force his way into her mind, he only wanted to let her know he was there if she needed him.
It was but the barest of movements, but her eyes turned in his direction, nonetheless. Her shoulders slumped as she stared at their intertwined fingers. There was, without a doubt, something troubling her deeply and Obi Wan felt the urge to vanquish every dark thought in her mind. If only she'd let him in. "Lyanna." He whispered softly, squeezing her fingers reassuringly.
Finally, she met his gaze for the briefest of moments, but it was long enough for him to see the sliver of silver lining her eyes and the pure helplessness that shone in them. With a sigh she turned back towards the scenery, her jaw clenching to fight against the noise that threatened to escape her throat.
She swallowed whatever it had been and forced the tears back. "Did I make the right choice?" Her voice wavered as she spoke. Obi Wan moved closer, eyes searching her face, trying to find out what she was talking about. She noticed his hesitation and met his gaze again. "Letting him go?"
Maul. Obi Wan sucked in a deep breath and diverted his eyes, biting on his bottom lip as his mind raced. They'd defeated him and taken back the darkness he'd stolen, but in the end they were back to where they started. With him roaming the galaxy, leading a criminal empire, and hunting for new ways to have his vengeance.
The jedi had been impaled and almost died because of the sith, he'd feared for Lyanna's mind when they fought and almost watched her die all over again. They'd gone through all that pain for essentially nothing.
But when the jedi turned back to watch her and saw the emotion in her eyes, he knew that it was a lie. He knew that whatever they had gone through had changed them for the better, and that the peace she'd finally found within herself was thanks to the hardships Maul had put her through.
"Why do you doubt it?" Obi Wan questioned after a few moments of silence, watching her closely.
"Isn't it obvious?" She chuckled humourlessly and fidgeted with her fingers, playing with the leaves of the ivy that twirled around the balustrade. "Maul is a villain. He's back to whatever he's doing, which probably involves putting multiple people at risk while running a criminal empire. No doubt killing countless, harming more. Figuring out another plan to harm you and get back at us. Somehow, I get the feeling the next time he comes is going to be much worse."
Obi Wan nodded thoughtfully. "Then why did you do it?"
Her gaze shot his way, her eyebrows furrowed as her mouth opened slightly. "Wha- what?" She stammered, looking at him incredulously. "Because... he..." She needed a moment to collect her thoughts, to picture herself back in that moment. "Because I needed to protect Valeria. If people found out I was kidnapped so easily but didn't hear what happened afterwards, they'd be coming for us. For our resources, our wealth. They would think Valeria weak, an easy target. Criminals would soon be flooding this planet to collect their share."
She seemed to become surer with every word she spoke. "But now, Maul will spread the word about what happened, even if he doesn't mean to. The state in which he returns will be answer enough. Without his army, with his pride broken and his grip on Adrena lost. They won't need much to fill in the gaps. The criminals he's associated himself with will know to stay away, and if we're lucky they will spread the word even further. Valeria will be safe against any other invasions."
Obi Wan smiled and squeezed her hand in his tightly. "There you have your answer, my darling."
She scoffed, clearly not convinced. "What about the others, what about the people that are now in danger because of him, -"
"They are not your responsibility."
"How can you say that?" She turned her entire body to face him, all her attention caught by his gaze. "As a jedi, you have the responsibility to look after everyone, not just the fate of a single planet."
"Sometimes we have to make a choice between two lesser evils." Obi Wan spoke softly, raising his hand and laying it against her cheek gently. His thumb wiped away an errant tear as he continued. "And, you're not a jedi, princess."
She sighed deeply, laying her hands on top of his chest and playing with the blue Valerian tunic he'd been wearing, following the golden thread embroidered in it. Trying to ignore the way it showed his muscles perfectly, or how it revealed just a few golden hairs at the top of his torso. "Just tell me what you think, Obi."
He laid his hand on top of hers and gently lifted it, pressing his lips against her knuckles as he watched her closely. When the soft skin came into contact with hers, he looked as her breath caught and her eyes widened just slightly.
"I think you've come a long way, my darling." The jedi smiled at her after which she rolled her eyes in response. "I am proud of you."
"You're not going to give me a straight answer, are you?" She tried to glare at him, but the way he was cradling and softly massaging her hand was making it impossible.
"Do I ever?" Obi Wan smiled one of his brightest smiles, one where his eyes lit up and the crinkles appeared at their corners. One where Lyanna's heart stopped beating every time and her stomach fluttered in her belly. She scoffed and sighed, laying her head on top of his chest and snaking her arms around his waist.
He gladly accepted the embrace, pulling her into his arms and burying his nose in her hair, inhaling deeply. He could feel the flames tickling his skin but they didn't harm him. He felt only their warmth. He smiled a small smile, thinking about the fact that once they could harm him, but now even her subconscious couldn't bear the thought of bringing him pain.
"It's not over, is it?" She mumbled there, voice muffled by the fabric, her fingers digging into his back.
His grip tightened in response. "I'm afraid not, princess."
She drew back slightly and looked up at his eyes, her hand reaching up to place a wayward strand of hair behind his ear. He closed his eyes to enjoy the tender caress, his auburn lashes fluttering against his cheek. "So, what do we do now?"
Obi Wan cleared his throat and looked away, suddenly uneasy. "I've spoken to the council while you were celebrating." He disentangled himself from her embrace. Lyanna followed his movements, weary. Nothing good ever came out of that sentence. "And we've come to the conclusion, -" He looked back into her eyes to gauge her reaction. "- that you've fulfilled your part of the bargain by beating Maul."
The queen took in a deep breath as her eyes widened and her limbs froze in place. The deal she'd made where she'd traded her life for the freedom of her planet all those months ago, now gone. She was no weapon of the Republic anymore, no asset for them to send to a location of their choosing. She could reclaim her crown once more.
"You're free, Lyanna." His hands wrapped around her upper arms, thumbs softly drawing circles into her skin. "You can remain here; you can stay home."
For a moment her eyes filled with tears and soft gasps escaped from her lips. There was a dream forming in her mind, a vision of the future she could barely grasp onto. A life on Valeria like she'd longed for.
There was one essential part though that she wanted, no, needed to have. One she missed the last time she thought she could build a future on her planet. A part that she ventured to distant planets for to find. Her frown deepened as she shook her head no.
"You are my home, Obi Wan." She whispered and stepped closer, fingers rising and drawing through the coarse hairs of his beard before they threaded through the hairs on the back of his neck. "And I'm not planning on letting you go now."
A sadness appeared in his eyes, one that drowned them in sorrow. The crinkles by his eyes flattened as his eyebrows drew together. He remained silent for a while, for he needed to muster up the courage to speak. "Ask me, Lyanna." His voice was so pleading that it shocked the Valerian to the core. "Please."
She frowned, her fingers stilling in his hair, trying to figure out his meaning. Her eyes darted between his, but the answers she couldn't find there. She dug through her memories, trying to find anything that could correspond to it. There was a memory within a memory that she'd found within his mind when she went through his worst ones.
Had you said the word, I would've left the jedi order.
Green eyes widened in recognition while her lips parted slightly. The sorrow, the regret in his expression made sense. He was pleading her to make the choice he himself could never make. A choice that had been forbidden to even think about from the moment he was accepted into the jedi order.
Lyanna smiled sadly as both her hands went up to cradle his face. "Stay, Obi Wan." She whispered tenderly. "Stay here with me."
Obi Wan closed his eyes and leaned into her hold, a single tear escaping his eyes and rolling down his cheeks. He breathed out deeply as his shoulders visibly relaxed. Then, it seemed as if something snapped within him. The last cord binding him in place, perhaps.
Lyanna gasped loudly and stepped back when Obi Wan lowered himself to his knee. Her hands flew to her mouth to cover the way it was hanging open wide, tears appearing in her eyes while he simply stared up at her through the remaining tears with a sly smile.
"Obi, what are you doing, -" She mumbled quietly as she reached for his arms to pull him back up, her hands shaking.
"You know what." He grinned warmly and caught her hands, holding them tightly in his. Tugging at them, he drew her closer towards him and looked up at her eyes, watching those green hues glistening in the setting sun. The queen settled her restless hands, letting the man before her hold them lovingly.
"My darling queen, my Fireheart, -" He pressed his lips against her knuckles reverently. "- from the moment I met you, I knew you were going to amaze me and show me things I'd never dreamed of. I never could've imagined you'd show me countless miracles, or set my heart ablaze.
Now, I know we've had our differences. I know I've hurt you. But please, believe me when I tell you that even in the darkest of times, I will love every part of you, the good and the bad. I will see you for who you are even when you can't find yourself. I will stay with you through everything, even if you don't want me to."
He paused for a moment to watch her. "If you'll have me, an old and tired jedi, it would be my honour and privilege to become your husband." He watched as the tears glided down her face and a chuckle rumbled off her lips.
His breath caught in his throat, heart leaping at the sight before him. The light of the sun almost made a halo appear around her hair; the red colours now turned to an almost golden hue. He knew then that he had never made a more right choice in his life. "Lyanna Fireheart, will you grand me this last miracle?"
"Another miracle." She whispered and grinned through the tears, a broken smile that made his heart shatter. Those words had given her life once, and this time they would give her the promise of a new one.
She lowered herself upon her knees before him and cradled his face between both her hands. Without a word, she drew closer and kissed away the tears that had escaped his eyes, each movement careful and gentle as not to break the moment. As if it was fragile and could fall out of her grip at any moment.
Her lips hovered over his when she was done, thumbs tracing the outer corners of his. "My heart is yours, Obi Wan, from now until the end of time." She pressed her lips against his as to seal the promise. A slow, careful and gentle kiss that they felt in every part of their body.
They didn't even notice the scars on their arms lighting up and then fading into another pattern, one more delicate and subtle. They didn't even feel the last strands between their souls being repaired. All they felt was each other, and the way they seemed to melt together into a perfect wave.
When she drew back and placed another few errant kisses on the corners of his, she smiled and whispered. "That means yes, for if you didn't catch that."
The jedi chuckled and laid his forehead against hers, breathing in her scent. "Oh, I understood perfectly, my queen." Obi Wan grinned and then pulled at her waist, scooting her into his lap before quickly smothering the surprised whimpers she emitted.
He pulled on both her legs, pulling her body flush against his. She gladly accepted his kisses, sinking into the embrace and wrapping her legs around his hips, trying her best not to shiver when his tongue slipped past her lips.
They stayed like that for a while, enjoying the calm and soft kiss until it evolved into another kind. Her hands threaded through his hair, and then descended down his back where they grasped and scratched at the fabric.
Gasps quickly turned into quiet moans, gentle kisses quickly turned into more needy and devouring ones. When she bit down on his lower lip after his hand had ascended over her bare leg through under her dress, the jedi couldn't hold himself back any longer.
He easily flipped her over till his upper body was bending over hers, his lips quickly leaving a path down her jaw and throat to her collarbones while his hand ventured dangerously close to the inside of her thighs. She was finally his. The queen of Valeria, the phoenix and the saviour of Eagle's Fall, was to be his wife. The very thought made him mad with a primal need he hadn't ever experienced before.
"Obi." She giggled and scrunched her eyebrows, eyes closed as soft huffs and gasps emitted from her throat.
"Yes, my darling?" He hummed lowly while drawing circles that inched closer and closer to the part that was now aching the most.
"We're on a balcony." This time she couldn't suppress the groan that fell over her lips when he sucked on the part just below her ear. She chuckled afterwards, gently pushing against his chest. "Anyone could fly over and see us."
"Mmh." The jedi sighed and pressed a few quick kisses along the column of her neck before drawing back to look at her. Her heart froze for a few seconds as she looked at him, his auburn hair tousled and falling over his face, his eyes soft and free of any restraints, a rose tint to his cheeks.
She reached up as to hold that picture for a little while longer. It felt strangely forbidden, even though they'd become engaged moments before. She knew they couldn't stay like this. There was a war raging out there that needed the warrior before her drastically, no matter how bad she wanted to keep him here. "You can't leave them now." Her voice had lost much of the warmth it had held just seconds before.
"I know." Obi Wan whispered.
"I'm not going to let you go back alone, either."
Obi Wan nodded and turned his head, pressing a kiss against the palm of her hand. "I knew you wouldn't."
"So, what now?" She let him guide her back on his lap until she was straddling him, and he was leaning back so that he could look at her better. "You can't just leave the jedi order, not in the middle of the war."
"I can't." He confirmed sadly as his hands settled on her hips. "But I also can't stay for much longer."
"But the order... It's all you've known your entire life." Sorrow crawled its way into her heart, her eyes searching his for the same emotion.
The jedi pondered on that for a while. "It is time I find out for myself what life I want, time for me to make my own choices." Obi Wan whispered, a determination now slowly making its way into his words. "And I choose you."
Lyanna's brows drew together. It seemed her doubts were only growing, while his were slowly depleting. "What about Anakin?" Her arms she draped over his shoulders, leaning in closer, while her eyes turned distant. "Gods, he will be devastated. All this time he's been trying to hide his relationship with Padmé, and it's been tearing him-"
"Ssh." Obi Wan pressed a quick kiss to her lips to keep the next words from leaving her mouth. "I will stay for a little while longer, at least until the war is over and everything has calmed down. They will need me."
Lyanna looked down at him thoughtfully, her mind running while her fingers played with his hair. "Yes, they will." She sighed in defeat, lowering her gaze.
"But when the war is over, -" He placed his finger under her chin to redirect her eyes back towards his. "- I'll return here, to you. We could finally build a life together."
She grinned in response, wobbling in his lap in excitement. "You mean you would agree to becoming king?"
His eyes widened as he realised the consequences, but quickly drove away the fear that accompanied that realisation. "If that is what you wish, yes. I could even become a life-long consort or paramour if that is what you want."
Obi Wan watched in amazement as she laughed, a whole-hearted sound that echoed over the city. It had been a long time since he'd heard the sound and could now only worship every second. When she noticed his stare her laugh died down to soft chuckles, her face nearing his as she sighed in contentment.
"When the war is over." She whispered in confirmation and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. "Until that moment comes, I'll fight with you."
I'm back again
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I wasn't entirely sure about it, but I hope you guys liked it J
Needless to say, the end is coming near. Y'all know what is about to happen with the order, but do you have a clue as to what will happen in Valeria? Let me know your theories!
I love you all, see you next time
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