Chapter 44: The Valkyrie
"Lyanna, please, run."
It took a few moments for instinct to kick in. Maybe it was the anger that'd previously clouded my mind, or maybe it was the terror that'd wrecked my body the moment I spotted the pool of blood. Still, both vanished within a heartbeat. He wasn't Obi Wan to me anymore, the jedi I'd grown to love and then hate, he was merely a body which I needed to keep alive.
It was a terrifying thing to feel, like a wall that suddenly appeared around my heart, thick and indestructible as granite. It shut down all emotions and brought coldness but also determination and focus. It was all I needed not to break down, or at least not at that moment.
Airway. First things first. My eyes shot to his face, to the way he took in staggering breaths through his mouth. I heard the throaty sound of the water, but it wasn't enough to shut off his airway. There were no wounds around his mouth or on his face. He was speaking, still. There were no signs of spine trauma, so no need to secure his head. Good.
Breathing. His chest was rising and falling rapidly and his lips had turned blue. Still, both sides of his torso were rising, so no signs of a collapsed lung. Still, he had difficulty breathing. Maybe it was the shock or maybe he'd broken a few ribs. There wasn't much I could do here to help him with that, so I went on.
Circulation. There, there was definitely a problem. Within mere heartbeats since I'd started the routine my hands shot towards the wound and secured the branch situated there. It had lodged itself into him a few inches below his left rib. No, no, no. Panic started to erupt from within me. If it'd hit his spleen, there was little I could do to stop him from bleeding out.
There wasn't much I could do right now, anyway, aside from making sure he didn't bleed out there. If I pulled it out, he'd surely bleed to death. I quickly tore off a part of the red cape that was fastened to my back, one that was already hanging in fragments, and secured the branch in its position and did my best to stop the bleeding. With the fabric being red, it didn't seem as bad as it truly was.
Then, my fingers grasped around the protruding fragment and burned it off, making sure that it wouldn't move while I got him out of there. With the other hand I searched for his pulse and counted. Gods, his heartbeat was fast, but luckily they were still strong enough. My eyes ran down his body and noted the paleness of his face. He is bleeding out. He could go into hypotensive shock soon if I wasn't careful.
"Lyanna, please, they're coming." Obi Wan whimpered as his hand reached out for mine, trying to push it away.
Disability, checked. He was still fully conscious but losing it rapidly. No wonder, when the blood was still seeping through the cloth.
I cursed under my breath. Environment. His teeth were chattering against the cold, his clothes drenched in ice cold water. He needed warmth before he'd grow hypothermic, but that wasn't the most threatening factor at this moment, and surely one I couldn't help now that we were being hunted by mandalorians.
My eyes shot towards the sky that was now black with stars, to the figures I could spot in the distance. They would be here within seconds and we'd be defenceless.
My eyes closed as I breathed in deeply. Odin, help us. I sent out a silent prayer as I'd done a million times before, on hundreds of different battlefields. I needed to get him out of there before they'd find us.
"Get up." I growled and lifted his arm over my shoulder before he could protest. My legs buckled against the weight as I pushed us upwards.
"Lyanna, -" His protest was interrupted by another pained groan, his hand shooting towards his wound and covering it.
"Keep pressure on it." I ordered coldly as I made the first step and then the next, on and on until we reached the forest and the covering of the trees. There, I kept on going while my senses reached out, scouring over the terrain and trying to find a trace of life, a hiding spot, somewhere where I could patch him up safely.
My breathing quickened as I carried both our weight, his arm becoming more sluggish by the moment. "C'mon, Kenobi." I growled as I repositioned his arm after it'd slid off, grasping his wrist tightly as I dragged us further. "Don't tell me a bloody branch is going to be the death of you."
A breathy scoff left his lips but newfound determination made his steps surer. It made the next 30 feet a lot easier to travel, until we heard a jetpack coming dangerously close overhead.
My gaze shot upwards before I quickly pulled us behind a tree and against its trunk, lowered to the ground. I sheltered his body with mine, crouched over him while my eyes kept track of the Mandalorian.
He halted in the air, flashlight searching the forest beneath him for any trace of us. The light swept over us but he didn't seem to spot us huddled there. I let out a deep, relieved sigh when he continued searching on the other side.
"Lyanna." Obi Wan whispered softly as his breathing slowed. My gaze connected with his, knowing that it wasn't a good sign. His hand found mine and he held it, squeezing reassuringly, making my gaze drift towards them. If it wasn't for his already troubling state, I would've retracted my hand immediately.
"Go back." He coughed, his brows furrowing in pain. "Get Anakin." He muttered, his eyes squinting with the effort it took to speak. "Leave me here, please."
My fingers closed around his, my other hand engulfing his and holding it tightly. "No." My eyes narrowed in protest as I connected our eyes. "No."
"Please, Lyanna." He whimpered, eyes lining with silver. "I'm already done for."
I bit my lip to suppress the scream that had almost surfaced. "Stop it." I hissed, squeezing his fingers. "I'm not leaving you, not now, not when you're dying, not ever." One of my hands loosened and went for his jaw, lifting it so he'd look me in the eyes.
"No matter how much I hate you for what you've done, I'm not going to leave." I lowered my head till we were mere inches apart, my grip on his tightening. "So you're going to have to suck it up and walk."
Obi Wan closed his eyes and breathed in deeply, brows scrunched together as a single tear ran down his cheek. "I need you to perform the miracles for now, Kenobi." I whispered as my thumb caught the tear in its path.
He opened his eyes at the word, the blue making the breath catch in my throat together with the determination that suddenly appeared there. "Because I ran out of them." I continued as the sound of the Mandalorian faded to the distance.
Obi Wan nodded, already lifting himself from the forest' floor. I helped him and soon we were stumbling further through the trees. Darkness was settling, and it made its way into my heart. With each passing moment desperation grew as his breathing slowed and staggered, his steps becoming more weakened.
Despair was clawing at my heart and I almost let it in, until I spotted lights in the distance. I was brought out from my mind and back to reality, only then noticing the chattering of his teeth. "Been to any warm planets recently?" I pulled harder on his arm and dragged us forward.
Obi Wan scoffed softly for a moment as he let me pull him with me. "I know what you're trying to do, princess."
I cringed at the weakness of his voice. "I don't need you to tell me what I'm doing, Kenobi, -" At least he still had a spark of wit in him. "- I need you to answer the damned question." The lights were getting closer but I needed to keep him awake.
"Tatooine." He breathed out then. "A desert planet. It was where we found Anakin."
"Uhuh." I tried to keep him talking. "Tell me."
And so, he told the story of how they met, of how a slave boy became a padawan. His words became more jumbled by the minute, his concentration faltering the further we got. His voice had dropped to a mere whisper when we'd reached the outskirts of the village and by then the hand I held onto was as cold as ice.
We stood at the edge of the forest, hidden behind the trees, my eyes scouring over the terrain to spot anyone who'd see us. It was only then that I noticed that he'd stopped his story and his breathing had become heavier. "Obi?" I pulled at his arm which felt almost limp around my shoulders. "Obi, come on, we're nearly there."
He mumbled some incoherent words before he let me drag him into the open terrain and towards the houses situated there. My eyes shot from side to side as I hurried our steps, feeling utterly exposed in the open air. My heartbeat was quickening with each moment I didn't hear another witty remark from him.
I dragged him through the alleys, searching for a safe spot but finding all the doors and entrances closed. Barging into a random house didn't seem like the safest option either, not now that I could hear the jetpacks of multiple mandalorians coming closer.
It was when I heard one of them speak much more closely than anticipated that my heart jumped in my chest. "The jedi is injured, we found blood by the riverside. She'll have brought him here." A mandalorian spoke just around the corner. I pushed both of us against the wall and brought him down until he was sitting behind a dumpster, soft curses falling off my lips.
"Search every house if you have to. Find them." Maul's voice came from their comms, making a shiver run up my spine together with another spike of fury that had me gritting my teeth.
My eyes darted towards Obi Wan when he let out a deep sigh, leaning his head against the wall and closing his eyes. His skin had grown as pale as death, his lips a tint of purple. Sweat drops glistened against his forehead but he felt as cold as ice. My eyes darted to his wound, to the red patch that had grown even bigger. The light brown tunic was sated, glistening in the dark.
"Obi." I laid my hand against his cheek and whispered as softly as I could, afraid to alert the Mandalorians mere feet away. When he didn't react I gently slapped his cheek. "Obi, hey, wake up."
He must've heard the desperation in his voice for he fought to open his eyes to slits. "Obi." His mouth pulled up into a faint smile while his eyes drifted close again. "I love it when you call me that." His voice was but a mutter.
I cursed under my breath and looked around, searching for anything that might help. All I could see were the walls of the houses around us and the trash that littered the alley. There was no way out of there, not without alerting Maul's entire squad.
"Princess." My heart broke at the sound of his voice, a single tear escaping from my eye. Reluctantly, I turned back towards him and bit the inside of my cheek to smother the desperate sounds aching to be let out.
His eyes opened and closed repeatedly as he looked at me, noticing the watery line in my eyes. "It's all right, darling." His trembling hand lifted from his chest and reached for me, trying to catch the tear. It stopped mid-air and then fell back to his side. He took in a sharp breath, teeth grounding as his jaw hardened by another surge of pain. "Tell Anakin, -"
"Stop it." I hissed as my hand shot towards his shoulder, shaking it to try and wake him up again. "You're not dying today, Kenobi, I won't allow it."
A small smile made an appearance. "There are things even you can't control, my darling." He whispered. When footsteps sounded in the street next to us, both our gazes quickly darted that way, breaths halting in our chests.
My hand shot out to my belt but found the weapon holster empty. No, no, no. I'd left the sword in the temple after Maul had knocked it straight out of my hand. "I saw blood in the street there." The voice was dangerously close. "They must be near." Another answered, followed by the sound of his steps coming closer.
"No, no, no." In a panic I glanced around again.
"Lyanna." Obi Wan mustered up the strength to grasp my hand on his shoulder, giving it a weak squeeze. "Go." He was giving me permission for something I would never do.
"No." I fell back on my knees before him and grasped both sides of his face. "I'm staying." My voice wavered by the panic but my grip was as sure as ever. Our eyes connected and I saw the desperation mirrored in his own, mixed with what seemed to be relief. "I'm staying." I repeated as I placed our foreheads against each other, waiting for the Mandalorian to round the corner and spot us.
A lot of drama coming, get ready! J not that the last few chapters was already full with it, but yeah...
A big shoutout to @mariasworld for the rain of votes! Hope you liked the journey so far.
Next update might be late because I just came down with a high fever, luckily this chapter was already ready to go. So, I won't make any promises!
See you next time, my darlings
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