Chapter 42: Our Worst Fears
"Lyanna, no!"
In one move the queen's head snapped his way, her eyes a haunting red that flared when she spotted him. Her upper lip pulled up into a snarl as the rain of fire diminished, her focus now elsewhere.
Her hair had turned into pure flame and her skin was glowing with the very same colour, alight, like an ember amidst the fire. It almost seemed alive with the way it shone in yellow and orange colours, glowing like a sun amidst the dark of the temple, pulsing with that searing heat. Her black dragon scale armor started to glow, looking like the coals of an eternal fire.
The jedi trembled at the sight. She had become a storm of fire and fury, her face devoid of anything she once was. She looked like a merciless god that was about to unleash her wrath upon the world, not caring about the consequences it would bring. The doctor he'd grown to know on the planet of Valeria was nowhere to be found in her eyes.
Obi Wan's hands shook as they held his lightsaber, his eyes following the tidal wave of heat flowing through the grand hall of the temple. There, amidst the flames, was the very object of his greatest fears.
When the wave of fire diminished only slightly he could spot the crimson eyes emerging between the flames, shielded by a force shield he'd put up, and the grin that soon followed. The jedi could feel the hatred within him swell and the satisfaction that accompanied it, like a war drum that echoed through the temple.
That haunting feeling had chased him for months, all leading up to this. It was a trap, and he'd walked straight into it just like last time. Judging by the way the queen was looking now he'd already been too late to reverse it.
No. Obi Wan shook himself out of his trance, deciding that he couldn't stand by and watch and jumped into action. It took but one glance upward to form a plan. In one sweeping move with his hand he guided her flames upwards, cracking the already unstable ceiling and bringing down an avalanche of the obsidian stone. It landed right between the queen and the Dathomirian, blocking the sith's path to the two of them, followed by a furious shout amidst the thunderous cracking of the stone.
The jedi didn't waste any time seeing if it worked. Instead, he quickly sprinted towards the queen, ignoring the iridescent glow of her entire body when he came near. He could feel the heat against his skin in the back of his head, but his foremost worry was the sith that now stood on the other side of the rubble. It was only a matter of time before he found his way through the blockade, and he wasn't planning to find out what devious plan Maul had concocted.
"Lyanna, we need to hurry." Obi Wan breathed out as he grasped for her hand.
Before he could even touch her she'd quickly retracted, feigning backwards and away from him. Her eyes narrowed even further and almost spit fire as her lips pulled up in a snarl. "Are you out of your mind?" She sneered as flames danced around her fingers.
His hand hovered in the air as his brows knotted together. It wasn't because of her words, no, it was because of the scars he spotted flowing up her arm. Her fingertips had withered and black scar-looking veins now ran up her skin. Shadows danced over them and twirled around her arm, encompassing it, as if holding it possessively.
He'd seen that kind of magic before on the skin of a man he not so long ago spotted. His heart dropped in his chest, his fear growing. "We need to get you out of here." Obi Wan willed his voice into a stern command, pushing his hand towards her once again and holding it out, demanding.
"I don't need to do anything!" Lyanna took one furious step his way as her hair flamed behind her, flowing as if caught in a current. "I am not blindly following every order you, -"
"This is not up for discussion." Obi Wan sneered and tried to grasp her wrist again.
She feigned to the side, narrowly avoiding his fingers and then grasped his wrist herself. He could feel her searing skin through the layers he wore and flinched. "Try that again, and I will hurt you." Lyanna growled lowly.
Their eyes connected for a moment, both glaring unrelentingly. The love that had been between them mere days ago had vanished completely, gone from both their stares. Faintly Obi Wan could remember the way those eyes, that now looked like the glowing embers of a fire, had looked when they had danced in the forest. There were that lively green, that spark of life so evident in them.
Lyanna noticed his stare and the sadness that accompanied it. The moment her grip loosened the jedi pulled himself free of her grasp. "You have no idea what is happening, -"
"I know perfectly well what is happening, jedi." She interrupted him and could see his temper rising with it. "Do you?"
When the rubble croaked, both their heads turned towards the noise as their hands grasped for their weapons. The queen's hand hovered above the empty space her sword was supposed to be, widened eyes then darting around to spot the weapon Maul had knocked out of her hand. It was buried beneath the rubble that now trembled at the unseen force that was trying to clear it.
Cracks started to form in the wall and they could see the rubble trembling. "It's Arthas, Lyanna!" Obi Wan yelled out over the noise, making her turn her gaze towards him again. "He's using you, draining you. If we don't stop him now, -"
"Really?!" She yelled and then barked out a laugh. "That's what you're going with?! Arthas?!" That feigned laugh turned into a vicious growl as she advanced. "How about you stop lying to yourself, Kenobi, and admit that all this is your doing?!"
He flinched at the accusation, his muscles tensing in fury. The jedi pushed away the anger that was boiling within him. "We need to leave. I'll explain everything when we're, -"
A loud crack sounded through the hall as the wall of rubble burst, stones flying through the air and clearing a path for the single man that appeared behind the dust. The moment the jedi spotted the red and black skin, the yellow eyes was the moment he darted before her, laying his hand on her arm, trying to pull her behind him.
He hadn't expected her reaction. "I told you, do not touch me!" Before he could even process what was happening he felt an armoured fist colliding with his chest and was sent flying backwards. The force that she'd used sent him darting through the air at an unimaginable speed and had him flinging his arms at his side to try and gain some control.
His back collided with the wall and he let out a loud hmmpf as he fell to the ground, his chest aching by the impact and stars covering his vision. A single blond lock fell before his blue eyes as he fought to keep them open, only to watch the sith walking through the rubble at a leisurely pace. "No, not this way." Obi Wan mumbled as he struggled to get up.
His worst enemy appeared through the mist, prowling. "Trouble in paradise, I see?" Maul chuckled deeply as he neared. The queen stood seething a few feet away, her fists engulfed in flames as her chest heaved up and down. Waiting, it seemed, for either of them to make a move. If it came to it, she was ready to fight them both. "Thank you, doctor, for bringing him to me."
At the title her head snapped his way and her flames enraged, having found her next target. "I'm no doctor!" She yelled out in fury and darted his way.
Fear erupted in the jedi's heart as he watched her, flame and all, charging at him without a weapon. He shut out the dizziness that'd struck him and jumped to his feet within seconds. His lightsaber ignited as he charged into battle himself, straight towards Maul, watching the satisfied grin appear yet again when he came into sight.
Before he could reach him he saw Maul conjure up a shield that blocked the fiery fist the queen had tried to land from the air. Sparks and flames danced around it when she reached him, a loud clang sounding through the hall when her fist connected with the invisible boundary. She bounded backwards, stunned, and was immediately thrown back. Right at the moment when Maul had force-pushed the queen away he turned and held up his double-bladed lightsaber, keeping Obi Wan's from piercing his chest.
"Kenobi." The sith grinned as he leaned in, their sabers pushing against each other. "I've been waiting for you."
His grip on his blade was waning as he struggled, teeth clenching together. "You will not take her from me, Maul." Obi Wan hissed through his teeth, sweat gathering on his forehead. "Not this time."
A few feet away the queen listened to their words. "Like the duchess?" Maul chuckled darkly, watching the hatred flicker through Kenobi's eyes when he mentioned her. "Oh, but I will, -"
I am not her! The voice in Lyanna's head screamed, her anger growing even worse until it burst. "ENOUGH!" A shockwave of fire and pure force sent the jedi and sith both through the air in one blow, yells escaping their throats when they were flung through the air and landing at least a few feet away from each other in a hopeless heap. The temple shook with the force, trembling as more debris fell down from the shattered stone.
As they tried to gather themselves from the floor the Valerian strode towards them with large, furious steps, flames trailing in her wake and sparks flying around with each pace. The dust on the floor shook with every step she made, resonating with her fury. "I am done with being compared to her!" In one fluid move she sent a ball of fire towards the sith.
He dodged to the right, rolling over the ground and to his feet and smiled, basking in the hatred that was flowing from her. "Good, good!" Maul grinned. "Use your anger." He started her way while the jedi was still gathering himself off the floor.
"Oh, I will." The queen growled and advanced, the flames enraging till she was engulfed by white-hot blue waves. The black currents grew until they encompassed almost her entire arm. Obi Wan could see the first veins peeking out above her collar, slithering towards her neck. He knew that if they got any further, she'd be permanently lost to him.
"No!" She was sent back by another force push, this time from the jedi. She fell backwards, eyes darting towards the culprit. She saw his hands, one directed at her, and one at Maul to try and keep him from attacking her. The sith growled and strained against the invisible force holding him in place.
"Go, Lyanna! NOW!" Obi Wan practically begged. She glared at him from the ground and was just in time to see his hand extended to the ceiling, bringing down yet another column to block her way. He'd loosened his grip on the sith to do so, making him stumble forwards at the sudden loss of resistance.
Time seemed to slow down as she watched the stone wall collapse above her. She saw him standing there, bathed in the red light that came from the coloured window behind him, straining to bring it down and the sith a couple of feet away from him, already charging with his red lightsaber ready. The jedi wouldn't be able to fend off that attack, not while he was still busy trying to shut her out of the fight. He didn't even notice the incoming assault.
Lyanna realised that that would be a killing blow if she didn't stop it. Even through all the anger she felt towards him, she couldn't let him die. Not at that moment, not before she could tell him exactly how she felt.
"No!" She darted off the ground at an impossible speed, through under the falling debris, and charged towards the sith, colliding with him and sending them both flying.
Maul snarled in her ear, his lightsaber flinging by his side but unable to bring it to her amidst the fall. Before she knew it they burst through the glass window of the temple and fell through the air at least a couple of feet.
When they collided on the ground they rolled and rolled till she was no longer on top of him but a couple feet further, coming to a halt amidst the cold grass. Groaning, she strained to take in the air that was knocked out of her lungs by the impact.
Cold air flew through her hair as she struggled to put her hands underneath her, her fingers clawing at the earth outside the temple to push herself to her knees. Somehow, it seemed as if she'd woken from a terrible nightmare. A weight had lifted off her chest, and her mind seemed to slowly clear away a fog that'd clouded it.
"For the love of Freya, -" She cursed as her ribs ached and her head pounded. Her vision was blurry as dizziness fogged her head, blinking several times to try and come back to her senses.
"Maul, -" Turning her head to the side to the spot he should've been, she pushed herself to her knees and frowned. There wasn't but a single sith standing on the cliffside outside the temple. No, there were multiple other soldiers now surrounding her. Their entire bodies were covered with red-painted armor, helmets fashioned into what seemed to be a pattern of Maul's skin and multiple weapons attached to their wrists and back. They'd been waiting for her.
"You son of a, -" Suddenly metal robes were shot her way and latched around her ancles and wrists, pulling them to either side of her. She yelled out in fury and yanked on those cords, pulling the Mandalorian soldiers with it and making them stumble, some even fall towards her. When they were near enough she punched and kicked, knocking a few unconscious. Yet, the moment she was freed from the bounds another metal shackle was sent her way by another and wrapped around the freed limb.
Against their grips she succeeded in forcing herself to her feet, pulling against their holds and yelling out. She struggled and struggled until 4 different mandalorians were pulling on her limbs with the metal cords, pulling on her arms, incapacitating her.
"Let me go!" She yelled out as her body flamed, red sparks flying around. But the shackles didn't melt, they didn't even warm, and the mandalorians were standing too far away to be bothered by the heat. Her muscles groaned and ached as she continued to fight, the metal digging into her skin.
It was when she felt a metal foot collide with the insides of her knees from behind, sending her to the ground again, that she noticed where the sith had gone. Lyanna fell on her knees with him standing behind her, the air knocked out of her by the impact. She had to take a few moments to catch her breath, groans of pain falling off her lips while the sith paced behind her.
"Really, Maul?" She puffed, snarling. "Couldn't take me on your own, could you?"
"Come now, Kenobi." Her head shut up the moment she heard his voice so close, eyes searching for the jedi that'd been in the temple just moments ago, hoping that he'd stayed there. Against her hopes, the jedi had jumped from the same window and arrived at the cliff side, the setting sun illuminating his auburn locks as he cautiously made his way over to them.
"Don't be shy." Maul continued; the mocking clear in his voice. Some of the Mandalorian soldiers snickered around him, their blasters ready in their grip if they weren't holding the queen in place.
Lyanna's eyes widened when she saw the jedi take in the situation, the 12 Mandalorian soldiers that were now surrounding them and the single sith that stood there, triumphant. His eyes filled with desperation and fear but still his grip tightened around his saber as he advanced.
She looked into his eyes and remembered the vision she'd seen through them. The throne room in Mandalore, the way Maul had held her captive and the Mandalorian soldiers that had restrained the jedi. She saw the same face reflected in those blue eyes and the same heartbreak soon to be coming.
It was then that the fury that'd resided within her quickly changed into a heart-shattering concern. "Obi Wan, don't, -" Lyanna tried to reach for him but couldn't get far when a Mandalorian yanked on the cord holding her arm and fingers suddenly clawed into her hair, pulling her head back.
She clenched her teeth and hissed, feeling the warmth of Maul's body right behind her and his nails digging into her scalp. "I made you a promise that day, Kenobi." His voice was right next to her ear but she couldn't tear her gaze away from the jedi amidst the clearing. The red lightsaber ignited and soon she felt the scorching blade dangerously close to her exposed neck. "I will make you share my pain."
"Let her go, Maul." Obi Wan ordered, his voice trembling but still somehow stern. "This is between you and me. Leave her out of this."
"No, no." Maul snickered and brought the saber closer to her skin, making her flinch. Obi Wan feigned forward at the sight, his eyes widening with ground-breaking worry. "You knew the consequences of your weakness."
Lyanna growled at the word and pulled at her restraints, desperate tears pooling in her eyes when she wasn't given even a single inch. Still, she couldn't tear her gaze away from those ocean hues as the sun bathed him in colours. "Obi Wan, please, leave." She begged.
His eyes quickly darted her way, an unknown emotion flickering through them before he quickly diverted them back to the sith. She saw his fingers tightening around his saber, his feet shuffling into a battle stance.
"Leave? Right when it has become this fun?"
"Maul, enough." The jedi tried to appear unfaced but the tears in his eyes broke the facade. "Fight me, and end this."
"Oh, I will." The sith chuckled as he pulled harder on her hair, making her let out a yelp of pain. "After I kill her right before your eyes." She could feel his breath fan out over her neck as he looked at her, his mouth dangerously close to her ear. "Any last words, your majesty?"
Lyanna swallowed audibly, her eyes focused on the jedi. She wouldn't go down without a fight, he had to know that. Yet somehow he seemed to forget it as the hopelessness now appeared in his eyes. All he could see was what he'd been through before, clouded by the countless emotions that ran through him. Those emotions, that overwhelming feeling of either fear of anger, it was what had driven them both to this moment. What had driven them apart in the first place, forced them to take this destructive path on their own.
Their heads had to be clear to find a way out of this. Their fear and anger, it had been blinding them both from the moment she'd arrived in Coruscant.
So, for a moment, she concentrated, and let loose of those emotions. She closed her eyes and delved into the force, feeling the very beings of those around her disappear at the action. It was like she delved into this endless pit, drifting amidst nothingness.
Still, she could feel everything that was happening around her. The hearts of those 12 mandalorians beating anxiously, the jedi's heart raging in fear. Then there was one that was so slow that she almost thought he was dead.
But, as she searched deeper, she could feel the bottomless pit of hatred that resided within him. His entire being was concentrated on the jedi before him and not on her. For how could she, a single woman, escape from the hold they had on her? Maul was so close against her back that she could force him away if she finally showed him what she really was, and those holding her wouldn't be able to hold her back either as she...
Oh, they won't like this.
The queen smiled as she opened her eyes and met the jedi's gaze. She quirked her eyebrow as her breath evened, her hold on the shackles finally subsiding. Obi Wan's brows lifted as he met that somehow satisfied glint in her eyes as she spoke.
"May I?"
OOooooh what is she about to dooo
While you figure that out, I'm just gonna finnish my last week of internship at pediatrics. Don't forget to leave a vote and comment!
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