Chapter 38: Liars and sinners
The moment I entered my room I let out a content sigh, closing my eyes momentarily to try and relive the past few hours. My whole body felt aloft, as if it was flying amidst the clouds. A relief filled me that almost made me giddy with excitement.
I wasn't going to be locked up again. There would be more missions and more adventures for me to go on. I could finally help there where I was needed the most. Save those clones before they even had the chance to get hurt in the first place, instead of healing the wounds already inflicted. I would be free.
But that wasn't what made those butterflies appear in my belly, wasn't what knotted my stomach into impossible angles. It was the phantom touch still left by those damned lips, those damned hands.
Sighing as I leaned my palms on the desk, I looked into my mirror and noted my dishevelled hair and the makeup smothered all over my face. There were even some stray twigs embedded in the braids. The dark coal now ran down in short lines, making my eyes pop out even more.
But it was the smile that was new to me. A smile I hadn't seen in months, a hopeful one that was growing still. Even though the purpose of the kiss was for something else entirely, my heart had practically melted into hot pools. For how could it not, when his hands had roved up my entire body, exploring more than had been necessary in that moment.
How could it not when we had danced in that forest, when that bond had suddenly sparked back to life again with no explanation. Was it our love returning? Or was it some trick of the mind, a faint echo of what it once was?
I couldn't decide what it was. Couldn't allow myself to even think for a moment that what we had could have returned. I just needed... I needed to see him again, ask him if he felt the same. If he was just as lost as I was at this moment. If he couldn't even think straight, just like I couldn't form one coherent thought. But that'd mean making myself vulnerable again. It'd mean that he could reject me like before, that he could walk away yet again and leave me behind.
With a huff I released my hair, letting it fall down in massive waves down my back and plucked out the leaves and feathers. For a moment the fear managed to crawl into my heart. Still, it was driven out by that stubborn hope that blossomed. The last remains of the warmth of him, of his velvet voice ringing my ears. A smile grew again.
Damn it all, I still trusted him. Even more so, I loved him, against my own better judgement.
"So, when are you going to tell him?" Arthas made me jump in fright the moment he spoke up. My gaze flew to him in the mirror, to the way he was casually leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and a smirk plastered on his face. His eyes were hidden by the shadows dancing over his features.
Rolling my eyes, my mouth was set in a thin line as I continued to comb through my hair with my fingers. Unease filled my stomach as I battled against the thoughts that made their way into my mind. "Tell him what, Arthas?"
"You know what." I could barely see his mouth pull into a smile.
Maul. A pang of fear ran through my limbs as I stilled. I'd forgotten all together what had happened. What I was hiding, still. The simple truth that would ruin everything. "Soon." My voice trembled, lips quivering, as I then continued combing.
"Sure." Arthas pushed himself off the wall as he snickered, disbelief soaking his voice. It had me clenching my jaw in frustration. "You want to know what I believe?" I only huffed, dropping my arms and letting my nails dig into the wood of the cabinet as I bit the inside of my cheeks. "I know you will keep that secret from him for as long as you are able to. The knowledge will eat you up from the inside, until you have no choice but to tell him and then, then it will already be too late."
"It's none of your business, Arthas." I sneered.
"But it is, my little dragon." He stalked near until he was standing right behind me, his shadows waving over my shoulders. "I know you're afraid of telling him." Leaning down, he let his lips ghost dangerously close to my ear. "You're afraid that he'll send you away again, leave you, lock you up. Just like he has done before."
I tried to muster up the words to protest, but deep down I knew he was right. I was left silent, staring into his eyes in the mirror defiantly. "He will eventually, anyway. He will leave you, because he will never be able to love you. No, because after all this time, all he can see when he looks at you is the woman he loved before."
My breath stocked in my throat as his hand drifted down my arm, his words sending daggers through my heart. I could feel his presence, a cold waft of air right behind me. He was voicing the exact thoughts that I'd kept hidden for so long. My deepest, darkest fears, that he had somehow uncovered.
"He will always try to fight the power that frightens him and his fellow masters. He will forever try to change you, change you into her." His gaze almost turned sympathetic when he saw the silver lining my eyes. Arthas reached up, his finger trying to catch the tear that rolled down. For a moment it seemed to stop against his skin, until it ran right through it.
"But I won't, because I see you for who you are, and you are perfect." Then, those eyes turned darker as they stared right back into mine, his hand closing around mine at my side. "We are equals, you and I."
A shiver ran down my spine. He straightened up, his figure towering over me in the mirror, my body huddled within the shadows now flowing from him. "Both forces of nature, feared by people who don't understand us. People who could never see us for who we truly are, who would continue to fear us and try to change us until we become the villain they believe us to be."
I diverted my gaze away from his when it became too intense, his words settling into my head. Closing my eyes, I tried to stop him from vanquishing that last remainder of hope, that last spark of life that lived within me. "Don't waste your time with a man who will never accept you." Arthas said sternly.
Those words were like a dagger through my heart. I slowly let out a deep breath, feeling the pain running through me. "You're wrong about him." My voice was weak, dripping with uncertainty. Nevertheless, I raised my eyes back to man standing behind me. "And I will prove it to you."
Arthas smiled sadly right before I darted around his figure, heading towards the door. '
I was going to him. I was going to tell Obi Wan everything and prove once and for all that he would not leave me. Prove it to both Arthas and myself that he would accept me, and not the woman he loved once before. That our love was real and that no honeyed words or hidden truths could change it. It was the ultimate test and if he failed it I... I didn't know what I would do, but I could only hope feverishly that he wouldn't.
Almost ripping the door from its hinges, I burst through the opening and stopped almost immediately when I barged into the hallway. For there he was, eyes widened and mouth hanging agape, auburn hair tussled and the white shirt unbuttoned at the top with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, standing in the middle of the hall.
"Obi Wan, I, -" Quickly glancing back into my room, I found that Arthas had disappeared into thin air. My mind was reeling but all thoughts seemed to disappear the more I looked at him. "I..." I stammered as I glanced back at him, hand still grasped around the doorknob. "What are you doing here?"
"I came to retrieve my coat, my dear princess." He smiled faintly and so softly that my knees wobbled as my eyes darted to those lips the moment they moved. All those dark thoughts and emotions seemed to evaporate as I recalled the exact way they'd felt against mine mere hours ago. Obi Wan cocked his head to the side, eyes trailing over me, noting the rapid rising and falling off my chest. "Where were you going in such a hurry?"
What was I doing, again? "I, uh..." I was going to tell him something, right? It was like my mind short-circuited. "I was going to give you back your coat."
"Without actually bringing it with you?" His smile grew exponentially.
I huffed, crossing my arms before my chest before nodding and biting my lip to keep myself from groaning at myself. Nailed it. "Maybe Anakin was right, and I hit my head somewhere during the mission."
Obi Wan couldn't help the laugh that erupted from his throat, his eyes lighting up with it. I found myself staring at those lights, felt myself rising from the pit I'd dwelled in just moments ago and a smile growing on my own face. As his laugh turned into snickers, he noticed my staring and lifted one eyebrow in question. "Just come in, and I'll get it for you." I mumbled, trying but failing to wipe off the grin.
"Lead the way, my darling." He drawled; a sound that made a shiver run down my spine. Trying to ignore it, I dove back into my room and scanned each nook and cranny for the Valerian. There were no shadows left, none trailing over the floor where he'd been mere moments ago.
"Everything all right?" Kenobi had probably noticed my alertness and was soon surveilling the room himself, his hand unconsciously reaching for the lightsaber at his side.
"I'm fine." Whispering, I retrieved his coat from the chair I'd thrown it over and turned back to him. The smell of him wafted off the fabric, filling my senses with pine and mint. I have to tell him. "Still a little jumpy, I guess." I did my best to avoid his gaze as my mind was reeling until I was right before him. Our eyes connected, and soon all air was forced out of my lungs at the sight. What was I supposed to say, again? All I could think about was that particular shade of blue, with those rare golden spots woven through them.
Obi Wan only smiled as he accepted the coat and threw it over his shoulders, eyes scanning mine in thought. He seemed as much at a loss of words as I was. "I've just handed the comm over to the clones, if all goes well we'll have a lead in the morning." He spoke after a few moments, staring down at me. "Hopefully we'll be able to take down Dryden then."
I smiled nervously, crossing my arms across my chest in the meanwhile. How was I supposed to act, anyway, after what had happened? We'd spend the past few months at each other's throat, only to go back to dancing in the woods in the span of a few hours.
At the lack of response, he shifted on his feet, until he raised his hand and let it draw through my hair as his eyebrows furrowed in thought. I stilled immediately, eyes widening. "You did well today." Obi Wan whispered as he placed the strand behind my ear.
The words got stuck in my throat and I couldn't help my gaze dropping down. There was something, something important. My eyebrows knotted together. "While I may not agree with some of the methods you used, -" He drew his hand back from my cheek as he smiled.
"Oh, please." I blurted unbelievingly before I could stop myself. "You did not seem to mind at all, master Kenobi." He raised his brows at the tone, cocking his head to the side, eyes narrowing playfully. "And it did get us out of there. So, if you want to scold me, try not to be a hypocrite about it."
Instead of trying to defend himself like I expected him to, he only snickered softly and nodded. "That's... fair." The words rolled off his tongue smoothly as he stared down at me.
My eyes widened, heart almost stilling completely. He didn't even try to deny it. He didn't deny that he didn't mind, not outright at least. "But I don't think it will work again, so maybe, -" He paused when he noticed my gaze dropping again and my eyelids lowering with it. There was something.
" - doing it again may not prove quite as fruitful, -' Something important, -
His voice slowed and dropped an octave when I stood up on my toes, lips almost crazing his. - later.
"- as it did this, -"
Then, I cut off his mumbling by gently slanting my lips over his. Instantly, my whole body warmed and my mind became even more foggy. There was almost a deep sigh of relief escaping from my lips but there came no reaction from him. He didn't wrap me in his arms, didn't pull me closer as he usually did. On the contrary, he seemed to be frozen to the bone.
I pulled back immediately, staring up at his eyes and finding only surprise there. Was it for the mission after all?
Gods, it was, and I'd just trampled my last chance. "I - I'm sorry." His startled eyes met mine as I whispered brokenly, my breath quivering. A deep breath escaped his lips, thoughts racing through his head.
"I shouldn't have, I'm so, -" I continued to ramble hopelessly but was interrupted.
Something seemed to click within him. In one move he wrapped his large hand around the back of my neck, fingers clawed in my hair and drew me to him, connecting our lips again as the other arm bound around my waist and bend me over it. A huff escaped from my lips at the sudden force, my hands flying up to his biceps for at least a little bit of purchase.
Oh, finally. It was like a current swept both of us away, all restraint disappearing in a single wave of need. Hands roving, lips pulling and groans falling off our lips we kissed almost fervently, loosing ourselves in the process.
Warning, warning, 18+ stuff coming up!
His breaths became heavy when we both gasped for air, leaving a trail of kisses down my neck, making me let out an involuntarily groan at the feeling of his plump lips and the coarseness of his beard. He groaned in response, hand slipping through the back of my dress and fingers digging into the skin of my waist as the other pulled on my hair to draw my head further back for easier access.
"Not your preferred method, huh, master, -" My teasing was interrupted with yet another groan when he bit down gently. My fingers dug into his back and my leg lifted along his waist, dress hoisting up in the process.
His muscles tensed beneath me in response. "Oh, you drive me crazy, princess." Obi Wan growled against my ear before he did whatever he did with his tongue and teeth that had my knees weakening almost instantly and a whimper falling off my lips.
"You have no idea, -" His hand went down and grasped the back of my thigh. I knew what he wanted and was quick to oblige. "- what you do to me." The moment my legs were wrapped around his waist and my hands tangled in his hair he turned around and carried us over to the bed, gently laying us down, climbing over my figure as I tried my best to keep breathing in the heat.
I didn't even have the time to look at him or think before his lips were back on mine. Especially when he lifted both my legs up along his side my heart leaped out of my chest. Gods, I was lost. All I could think about was the feel of him, his red-hot skin beneath the palm of my hand, the softness of his hair between my fingers, the feeling of his lips devouring mine and the weight of his body pressed against me. There, I could feel exactly what I was doing to him.
I grinned into the kiss, placing both my hands on his shoulders and flipping us over before he could protest. The sight of him panting beneath me as I straddled him had my stomach doing flips, cheeks reddening. "Promise me you won't lock me up again." I managed to breathe out as I kept him down with one hand, meeting more resistance than I'd anticipated. My hair fell before my face, red locks blurring my vision.
Obi Wan smiled as his hands trailed up my thighs, going beneath the dress and stopping on the bare skin of my waist where he gripped me tightly, scooting me further up his lap. It had me gasping in surprise, hands placing on both his shoulders for balance. "I wouldn't dare." Then, he raised himself off the mattress and connected our lips in a hurried, deep and longing kiss while his hands pressed me up against him.
Heart pounding, I let him direct the moves of my hips, gasping at the feeling it evoked. The burning down in my belly grew feverishly, aching so bad my fingers curled into his white shirt before they went to undo the buttons. They trembled and stunted but soon they were splayed across his bare chest and feeling his erratic heartbeat beneath the skin. I didn't even know what the hell I was doing anymore. All there was, all I could think about was him and this need to be closer.
As his fingers travelled to the inside of my thighs a shiver ran down my spine. He didn't even hesitate to go further, this need driving both of us, pressing down at the exact spot that had me trembling in his arms. I gasped against his lips, hand pulling at his hair. "Blast, -" Obi Wan cursed but didn't stop the leisurely circles his thumb made that had stars appearing in my vision and heat pooling inside of me.
It wasn't enough, not even when he connected our lips again and kissed me more deeply than ever before. I needed more. My fingers travelled down to the buckle of his belt, quickly making work of it and unbuttoning the top of his pants. I was just on my way to take him into my hand when a voice spoke up inside my head.
"Prove it to me." Arthas sneered.
It was like a shockwave ran through me, a sudden wave of ice-cold water engulfing me. My whole body stilled, mind seeming to come back to reality as my eyes shot wide open. "He won't love all of you." A deep, quivering breath escaped my lips as they stalled their movements, my fingers frozen mid-air.
"Lyanna?" Obi Wan quickly seized all his actions when he noticed my sudden stillness, pulling away instantly and lifting his hand to my face. He drew it back so my eyes would meet his, brows furrowing in concern. His chest slowed its rising and falling, his panting dying down as he caught his breath while studying me. "Are you... are you all right?" He breathed out the words.
"I'm sorry." I whispered, tears pooling in my eyes as they darted between his.
He sat up straight instantly. "What's wrong?"
"I, -" Stuttering, I tried to force my heart to calm. All it did was pound even harder at the knowledge of what I was about to do, what I had to do. I let out a deep breath, fear settling inside my stomach. I wanted to go back moments before and ignore that damned voice, ignore that stupid fear. But I couldn't back down, not now.
"Obi Wan, I need to tell you something."
He scooted further back to allow us some space, nodding as he frowned. "All right." He whispered, settling his hand on my thigh and drawing soothing circles. "Tell me."
Oh, he doesn't deserve this. Another deep breath escaped my lips as my nerves grew. "The man that attacked the med station, -"I saw the numerous thoughts swirling through his head. "- the one I fought and gave me all those injuries, -" My voice sounded even enough as I collected all the courage I had. Yet, when I connected our gazes, the words got stuck in my throat.
"Yes?" Obi Wan urged, concern filling his eyes as moments passed, "He didn't... touch you like this, did he?" Pure fear and concern were woven through his voice.
"No, gods, no." I immediately said. It was logical for him to think that, given during what I'd decided to tell him. But somehow, I had the feeling this would hurt him more. I took in a deep breath. Here goes nothing. "The man, it was -"
The beeping of his commlink disrupted me. Both of us snapped our heads towards the sound, Obi Wan cursing after. "I'm so sorry, my dear, I have to take this." He held onto my thigh as he used his other hand to draw the comm his way. It landed perfectly in his fingers as he lifted it towards his swollen lips. "This is general Kenobi speaking."
"General, there's been some progress with the device you gave us." A clone answered. My heart sunk in my chest as I watched him, anxiously sitting right on his lap as his eyes narrowed in thought. "There's something we have to show you."
"All right, I'll be there in a few moments, just need to do one more thing before." His eyes darted towards mine, his grip on my thigh tightening the tiniest bit. "I'll be there in about half an hour."
"I'm afraid this can't wait, general."
I exhaled deeply, looking down at my lap. "All right." Obi Wan sighed in response. "I'll be there right away." A yes, sir followed after as he dropped his arm. I felt his hand on my cheek soon after, drawing my gaze towards his. "I'm sorry, princess." His thumb traced soothing patterns on my cheek. "I'll come back as soon as I can. We'll talk about it then, all right?"
My heart stung more than I'd liked to admit. "Yes, of course." Reluctantly, I climbed off his lap and sat back down on the bed, watching silently as he fastened the buttons of his shirt, put on the belt I'd loosened and the coat he'd come back for.
When the heavy weight of my heart became too much, I diverted my eyes to the covers of the bed, fingers running along the linens as I bit my lip. "Try to get some sleep, darling." Before I could react he had drawn away the lips he had placed against my forehead in a hurried kiss, darting towards the door, not a moment to spare.
The lump in my throat prevented me from replying and had me blinking away the tears. I was sure he was gone already, too hurried to even bother to close the door behind him. But then I heard swift footsteps retreating back my way and was just in time to see him bending down towards me before he placed his lips back on mine, sweeping me away with a kiss so deep I felt it in every part of my body.
He'd placed another few swift, soft pecks on my lips before he drew back completely. "I'll be back." Obi Wan whispered, giving one final kiss before he headed off, this time without looking back.
I sighed, watching as he closed the door behind him, my courage seeming to leave with him. "And I'll be waiting."
I hope you're all doing well!
Sending virtual hugs your way
Dedicated to @taylah_kay because I absolutely loved to see how you progressed through the story :)
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