Chapter 36: Faded memories
"I hope you have an escape plan."
"I always do, my queen, I always do."
As the elevator door closed before us my body was still spiked with adrenaline and my chest was heaving up and down heavily with fastened breaths. I could barely feel the bruises that had started to form on my skin or those few scratches Dryden's daggers had left on my arms. That dark power that Arthas had summoned still coursed through my veins, awakening each part within me, filling me with giddy excitement.
I hadn't felt this alive for months and gods, I had missed the thrill of it. The feeling of that power that somehow seemed unending, intoxicating.
I was basically jumping on the spot but when I glanced aside, Obi Wan was the complete opposite. He had his arms crossed casually; his eyes narrowed in concentration as his mind raced. Yet there somewhere in his eyes I saw the same spark of excitement, the thrill of the mission that awakened that warrior part within him.
Somehow, it made me grin widely. "So, what is it?"
He froze for a moment, pulled out of his thoughts. "What is what, my darling?"
My body almost sung with joy in response no matter how hard I tried to fight it. Oh, for fucks sake. "The plan." My voice wavered only slightly. When he remained silent I glanced at him again, noting the way his hair was slightly dishevelled and his suit was wrinkled in certain places. "What even happened to you?"
"I was grabbed when I went looking for you." Obi Wan said as the elevator descended further to the main level. Cursing under my breath I turned my gaze back to my front. Dryden had known all along who he was entertaining. All I hoped was that he hadn't managed to inform Maul yet. "I don't know how many of his guards know about us, but we'll find out soon enough when we try to leave."
The elevator came to a halt and in the moment it took for the doors to open I asked a question to which I dreaded the answer. "What if all of them do?"
Our gazes connected as we both assessed that possibility. "Then, my queen, I'm happy you've been training."
Odin, guide us. A string of curses almost fell from my lips as we stepped out, both our eyes scanning the hallway for guards. Obi's hand gently grasped my own and pulled me out, darting for the ballroom. "Exactly how many did you have to fight to get to me?" If the strength of his grip was any indication, at least ten. When my eyes darted around the corridor, I saw a pair of feet sticking out from behind the corner. At least he'd tried to hide them.
"Enough." When we neared an intersection, he suddenly pulled to an abrupt stop, mere seconds passing before he turned around swiftly and pushed me behind one of the art pieces, this one being a large tapestry hiding an alcove.
"Obi!" With widened eyes I looked up at him as he pushed my shoulders against the wall and trapped me there, his hands positioned on the wall on either side of my head. It was only when I heard footsteps drawing near when I realized why he'd done it.
"Blast it." He cursed, lowering his head and pressing his eyes shut. The tapestry wasn't providing enough cover, so every guard rounding the corner would spot us almost immediately. Based on the sound of their footsteps, these were drawing nearer with every passing second. With the fact that this hallway was probably restricted area for the guests, it was safe to say that we wouldn't be able to make it out without a fight.
Unless we could somehow convince them we were unharmful.
"Obi Wan." My fingers curled into the fabric of his suit, my heart hammering against my chest as realization dawned on me.
Those ocean eyes opened, taking me in, noting the way we were pressed tightly against each other. Yet, the urgency of the situation kept his mind off other matters, until the next words fell from my lips. "Kiss me." I blatantly ordered.
"Lyanna, this is hardly the time or place, -" His voice was gruff as his eyebrows knotted together but I couldn't provide him with enough time to think of the real reason I asked. Time was pressing. So, I cut him off by pulling him down further and connecting his lips with mine.
For a moment we both had to process exactly what was happening. My heart seemed to stop beating all together as my muscles tensed and my stomach fluttered, breath stocking in my throat when I finally felt those plump lips against mine. But when his fingers travelled over my neck and to the back of my head to pull me closer, I practically melted in his arms and into the kiss.
Maybe he'd realized what I had planned. Or maybe, he didn't care about anything anymore except us and the way every single part of us that was touching was burning with a raging desire. I wasn't sure either, not when he pressed me harder against the wall as his other hand went down to my leg, going beneath the fabric through the slit and hoisting it up along his waist, making me let out an involuntary groan against his mouth.
With the slight parting of my lips he took advantage, slipping his tongue past my lips and deepening the kiss. Instantly my senses were flooded with the smell of pine and mint, the rough scratch of his beard on my skin and the coarseness of his fingers along my thighs. Gods, I... My entire body practically trembled at the sensation as my fingers tangled either in his silken auburn locks or into his black suit.
Even Obi Wan seemed to lose himself into it, letting out a soft groan as his hand ventured up - up over the skin of my thigh, hoisting the dress along with it. Then, his other hand descended to my back, palm splayed on the bare skin there as he bend me over his arm and against the wall, our lower bodies now pressed together, so tight I could feel him.
The mere passion with which he kissed me, the impatience and pure need it... it made me realize how long it had been. How long we'd been avoiding each other and hiding every damned feeling we still harboured for one another. Months, months without this, filled with fights and rage, and the first time we finally could kiss we were in a random alcove where guards could -
"Hey! You two!" The sound of guns being cocked spiked our attention.
For a moment he stilled, his lips still slanted over mine before he slowly drew back and connected our eyes. It forced the last bit of air from my lungs, the little amount that was left after that devastating kiss, at least.
I practically got lost into those blue eyes before I snapped back to reality when I glanced to the guard now aiming at us. "What in the blazes are you two doing here?!"
They didn't know, then. "Oh, hi!" I didn't even need to act out the sudden drunken feeling, having just been drunk on - No, stop, concentrate. "I'm so sorry, I just..." The words were slurred as my hands ventured up and down Obi Wan's chest. He still hadn't moved even an inch, and the hand that was dangerously close to the inside of my thighs was slightly clenching with anxiety. "This is so embarrassing; we were looking for the bathroom and well..."
Obi Wan caught onto my plan and stepped back slowly as he coughed awkwardly, allowing me to regain my balance. I faked another stumble, drawing my hand through my now ruined hair and trying to rearrange the locks that Dryden had pulled out during the fight. Obi Wan followed my ministrations, trying to smooth out the wrinkles in his perfect suit. But to the guards, the perpetrators seemed someone else entirely.
"The bathroom is down the other way." One of the guards lowered his gun as obvious annoyance sipped into his voice.
"We are very sorry, indeed." Obi Wan mustered up his best satisfied male smile as his hand drew around my waist and pulled me against him. Then he bent down and placed another kiss against my neck. "Please, allow me to take my gorgeous wife home before we trouble you any further." His hand ventured down, down until it rested against my backside. The guards followed its path and shuffled awkwardly.
Wife. How those words had sounded coming from his lips, it drew me insane. Together with his breath fanning out over my neck as he pressed another kiss there I was absolutely gone. My heart started hammering again, harder, but I reminded myself that this was only part of the play.
"I'm afraid I've had a little bit too much to drink." I grinned at the guards as I huddled closer against his warm body and let my hand slide under his coat. Obi Wan tensed at the touch but gave no other reaction. "Would you forgive a young lady for indulging?"
The guards exchanged a few hesitant glances. "Fine." One gruffly answered. "But go home, now, I don't want to see you two again."
"Hmm, of course." I mustered up my best drunken smile before slipping past the two and sliding my hand into Obi's, pulling him with me.
"Have a great night, gents!" Obi called over his shoulder. Quickly his steps followed my own as we darted towards the ballroom again with the only elevator that would take us to the exit right at the end of it. We were halfway when he whispered under his breath. "Lyanna, that was, -"
I didn't want to hear his reprimands. "I know, I know." Looking over my shoulder I saw the guards directing their attention elsewhere; to their comm links that had started beeping furiously. "Scold me another time." I continued but when the guard's heads snapped back our way my heart sunk in my chest.
"You two, halt!" They jumped into a sprint.
"Run!" At first I pulled Obi Wan with me but soon he was the one doing the pulling, his steps being much larger than mine. My feet ached in the too - high heels, making curses slip from my lips as we charged towards the ballroom.
"Maybe now is the time for your well-devised plan?!" I yelled as they started shooting at us. We darted around another corner, coming face to face with the now stunned crowd of the ballroom. For a moment we froze under all their heavy questioning gazes until the shooting started to pick up again.
"Did I mention I was improvising?" Obi Wan blurted as he pulled me through the crowd that parted for us almost instantly, gasps following from all of them. The fact that they weren't screaming their lungs out made me realize this was an occupational hazard for them.
"You certainly did not." I grumbled before he again came to an abrupt stop. When I looked up and saw the army gathered before the elevator, our only exit, my heart sunk even deeper. All their guns instantly raised to us as the safeties clicked.
"Oh, dear." Obi Wan muttered, freezing on the spot.
There was a moment when all eyes were focused on us. A moment when Dryden slipped through the ranks, smiling deviously. "You didn't think it'd be that easy, would you?" He chuckled manically, followed by a cold order. "Restrain them."
Then, all hell broke loose. We were fired upon from every damn direction, stun shots directed right at our chests. "Get down!" Before they could hit us Obi Wan practically jumped on me, throwing me to the floor a few feet away and sending a table down along with us, the crowd scattering away and erupting into a panic.
Smoke clouded my vision, shouting filling my ears as I took a moment to force air into my lungs. His full weight was upon me and soon I found his eyes staring right down at mine as the shooting continued. If it wasn't for the table now providing some cover together with the raging crowd, we would've been stunned to death.
But Obi Wan still wasn't moving. No, it seemed he was too stunned to even process what was happening without even being hit. Or, maybe, it was because he was lying between my legs. Luckily I looked over his shoulder just in time to see another guard come into view.
My hand ventured beneath his coat within a second and grasped his lightsaber, activating it just in time to deflect the shots fired. A jolt went through my arm and soon it felt like the blade was guiding my movements to block the incoming attacks.
"Blast it all, -" Obi Wan was pulled out of his condition immediately, rolling off me and coming to his knee as he assessed the situation. During his scan, he flipped another table towards us to provide more cover. When he noted another group coming our way, he pushed his arm forward with a huff and send them flying backwards at least a few feet. Using the force, he pulled one of their dropped blasters his way and quickly started using the weapon on the ones that were left.
Much to my surprise, he didn't ask me for his lightsaber. Instead, he eyed me with an impressed glance and a smug grin.
"Obi!" As I was deflecting all the other shots coming our way, my eyes had found a window a few feet away from us. If we could break it, we could jump out of the ship. Downside was, it was more than 200 feet down, a height that we wouldn't survive without any help. "Maybe now is the time for me to fly us out of here!" I yelled over the chaos.
Obi Wan duck behind the cover of the table again as he eyed the escape route I had planned. "No, no seidr, no wings!" He grumbled.
"Well, do you have a better plan?!"
He took a moment to gulp in a few needed deep breaths. "I do." Obi Wan smiled, and damn it all to hell, it was one of the most handsome smiles I'd ever seen. Soon he turned towards me, his eyes glowing. "Jump after me, will you?"
"Obi, that's a two hundred foot drop!" I exclaimed. "Are you insane?!"
His grin widened as he shot the glass without even diverting his eyes away from mine. "Trust me." Obi Wan grinned, his eyes narrowing meaningfully. For a moment I saw us running towards the edge of the waterfall back in Eagle's Fall, with me saying those exact few words.
He'd trusted me then.
Obi Wan jumped into a sprint, running right for the broken window and jumping out. For a moment I was left behind, looking with widened eyes at the spot I'd seen him fall. "For the love of..." I muttered, tightening my grip around his lightsaber.
I had no choice but to trust him now. So, I jumped into a sprint when the fire upon me had died down, deflecting the few that followed before I leaped - leaped into the cold air and out of the ship.
And then, I fell.
Fell and fell, wind raving through my hair, my dress fluttering beside me and that glittering gape waving after me like a flame. The urge to unwrap my wings and face those harsh winds was unrelenting, but my trust in that damned jedi was even greater. I'd pressed my eyes shut when I felt the impact coming near, fearing what would happen, until it seemed that I was falling through clouds.
My descend was slowed until it felt like I had fallen on top of cushions, coming to a soft stop and finding myself caught right in the arms of Obi Wan.
"Hi." I said a bit breathlessly as he grinned down at my stunned figure, my arm wrapped around his neck. "Ho-how did you..."
"You're not the only one with a few tricks up your sleeve, my darling." He spoke fondly, his grip on my leg and waist tightening with the words. Then, those eyes looked upward, noting the guards that were now bending over the drop and pointing their guns our way. "No time to dwindle, I'm afraid." He put me right on my feet again and pulled me along to the numerous bikes and cars parked there.
"I'm starting to think they don't like us very much!" As he resorted to trying to start one of the hover bikes, I deflected the fire upon us with his lightsaber a few feet back.
"Well, we did crash their party." The engine roared to life and he took his seat, glancing back at me expectingly. "Come on, princess."
"What, I don't get one of my own?"
Obi Wan smirked mischievously. "Do you remember how we escaped the battle of Velen?"
Of course I did. I would never forget how he'd sat on that gryphon, frozen like stone, as I'd basically sat on his lap for the whole duration of the flight, firing over his shoulders at the followers of Arthas as they pursued us through the mountains. I'd especially never forget the fear in his eyes at the probably first womanly contact he'd had in years.
"Huh." I chuckled, a wide grin appearing. "Just promise me you'll not treat me like I've got something contagious again." I tossed his deactivated lightsaber at him the exact same moment he threw the blaster at me.
"I think we're way past that, now." Obi Wan grinned right back as he held out his arm for me after he'd stuffed away his lightsaber. When he started the engine he basically pulled me on top of him before he raced away instantly, the air blowing through my hair as I clung onto his shoulders and wrapped my legs around his waist to find some kind of balance.
Face to face, I glanced down at his lips as I aimed the blaster at the guards that now emerged from the entrance of the fading ship. "That's the... understatement of the year." I muttered. Obi Wan couldn't help the laugh that blurted from his throat at that, making me chuckle in response before I redirected my gaze back to our pursuers.
My eyes narrowed in determination as we raced over the road, my free had grasping his upper arm tightly. "Let's do this."
Dryden sat amongst the rubble of his own room, hiding his face in his hand and rubbing his temple, still trying to process how it had all gone this wrong. It had started with that damned woman, the moment she pulled out her sword. He hadn't expected her to be that skilled, and by far hadn't expected her to wield such a... force.
But the darkness that had wrapped around him didn't frighten him as much as what was coming. Dryden couldn't let the fear get to him, but he sure as hell felt nervous.
There were two ways this could go. Either the sith lord would reprimand him for losing the general and his... companion, or he would praise him for finding out what he did. If it was the first, well, he didn't want to spend his final moments in fear.
He would soon find out which of the two it would be. Dryden looked up the moment the elevator opened, revealing that crimson lord he'd dreaded to see. The man instantly lowered his gaze and bowed slightly when he'd met those crimson eyes. "Lord Maul." Dryden muttered lowly.
The sith merely glanced at him before walking past him slowly, every single heavy footstep echoing through the room. Dryden could feel the anger radiating off him, the danger that he emitted, the power he himself feared and respected. The crime lord followed his every footstep, knowing better than to speak up first.
"Show me." Maul ordered, his voice sounding guttural.
Dryden pushed to his feet and ventured to the holographic device, turning it on and looking through the surveillance footage he'd captured for that specific one he'd discovered. He put it up, letting the image play out right before the sith lord.
There, those yellow eyes followed the outlines of those two figures in the hall, watching with interest as one pushed the other into the alcove and then started... A smirk started to play around Maul's lips as he leaned over the table, placing both his hands on the metal and watching closely how the jedi surrendered complete control to the woman.
"The doctor." He snickered as they emerged from behind the tapestry, clinging onto each other as they faced the guards. Maul watched those features, that red hair that seemed to flame in the light, those green eyes that'd looked at him so furiously before. He'd wondered then how he'd managed to anger her but now, now he'd found something very interesting, indeed.
"Not a doctor, my lord." Maul's gaze shot up to meet Dryden's when he spoke up. "A queen." Maul's gaze turned assessing when he glanced back down, noting the way the jedi didn't let go of her hand for even a second as they sprinted. "Queen Fireheart, of Valeria."
Maul's grin spread wider. "Oh, Kenobi." He chuckled darkly. "You never learn."
Maul straightened his spine and folded his arms before his chest as a plan formed inside his head. All the while his eyes remained focused on their figures, following their movements as they were now sent to the floor of the ballroom.
His grin turned sinister as his eyes narrowed. "I'll teach you another lesson."
Ooooooh snap
Shit is about to get real
Sorry for the late update! Got a bit demotivated, and then tntiffany showed up again and made it all better. So, don't forget to leave a comment! I'd love to know what you guys thought of this one :)
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