Chapter 34: Undercover
"Would you like to go to a ball with me?"
Her first instinct was to break his nose again. For that, she'd have had to throw away her tea which he had so kindly provided. Those few extra seconds she spend contemplating that her eyes scanned his and found them a little too convincing. So convincing in fact, that her entire stance changed.
How could she deny him with those ocean eyes looking at her so pleadingly?
Before she knew it she was in a carriage riding through the forest on a bumpy road, heading for the mansion of their soon to be host. They were cramped inside a small carriage, one that was meant to not stand out too much among the exquisite crowd they would soon be joining. Their legs were rubbing against each other as they sat on opposite sides, both of them desperately trying to avoid eye contact as the vehicle rattled and shook.
"So..." Lyanna glanced towards the jedi in front of her, eyes darting towards the beard that was now reduced to groomed stubbles. Even his hair was styled out of his face neatly, making the urge to run her hand through it even worse than normally.
What unnerved her the most was the fact that he wasn't even wearing his jedi tunic but had instead donned a black suit that showed his broad frame too evidently. A simple black cape embroidered with golden threads hung from his shoulders, lighting up his golden hair. The same threading was woven through his suit to match her own dress. But she didn't wonder at those delicate patterns, no, she could only look at how well it showed his muscles. She swallowed the quiet whimper that had almost dared to escape and quickly diverted her eyes towards her lap.
Focus, Lyanna, focus. "So, who will I be seducing this evening?" The Valerian clenched her jaw as she fiddled with her fingers.
Obi Wan's eyes snapped to hers instantly, brows furrowed. "I beg your pardon?"
"It's why you needed me, isn't it?" She dared to meet his gaze and saw him stiffen as a result. It was the exact same reaction she got from him when she appeared in the threshold before they left.
First his eyes had raked over her face, to the way her hair was woven into a crown on the top of her head with golden feathers entangled in it, to her thick cole-lined eyes and the golden flakes that crusted her cheekbones. Then his eyes lingered on her bright red painted lips before he urged them away.
But he couldn't help his stare as he looked at her dress nor the way his mouth dropped open. A dark red dress that was cut deep, one that glowed with golden and orange hues when she moved, reinforced with golden metal plating fashioned into feathers that covered her chest. He couldn't help looking at her body especially, the places where that damned dress seemed to hug her even more tightly, revealed the skin underneath or the split that ran up way too high on both her thighs and showed her long legs. Even those damned thin straps that hung on her shoulder, with a thin golden fabric that waved behind her as she walked, like fire stalking behind her.
She was a living flame, fire incarnate, and she was about to burn him to a crisp.
"I mean, otherwise you would've brought Anakin or one of your female jedi friends." Her voice called him back from his daydreaming, those fierce eyes looking at him intently. "You know they can't do it, with them being celibate and such, so you needed me; the unhinged queen." She rolled her eyes, sitting back against the cushions as she snapped. "Because I'm the only one degraded enough."
His mouth straightened into a thin line as he stared right back, knowing she'd purposely used his own words against him. "I brought you because you know how to behave like a queen. You know how formal events work and you know your way around politics." At that her eyes widened ever so slightly in surprise. "At least, you did." The jedi bit back as he crossed his arms.
Her eyes narrowed in response. "I think I can manage just fine, master jedi."
Obi Wan glanced away when her stare became too intense. "The target is Dryden Vos." He at last answered as he stared through the window. "A syndicate leader of some kind. He's been involved in black market dealings, spice heists and bank robbings but no one can ever lead anything back to him. He's been tied to an assassination attempt on one of your recent patients." He saw her flinch in the corner of his vision. "Yes, the king." He connected their eyes again.
"He's fine." The jedi added when concern filled her eyes. "But we need to confirm Vos's involvement before we can move against him."
"You're planning to what, search his chambers?" She leaned forward again and the jedi had to resist the urge to glance down at her chest.
"No, you are." He answered with reluctance. "His quarters are closely monitored; I won't be getting anywhere near. Even if I tried, they'd recognize me before I could."
"So I am going to seduce him." A sidious smile appeared on her lips.
"No." Obi Wan sighed in frustration and met her gaze. "Even though that dress might very well do the trick." He added with a growl. "But no, you're going in as you are, a queen. One that needs his help recovering a shipment of adamantium that the Republic seized from her home planet, a deal made to cover for the damages she'd done to the Republic's property to which she, evidently, didn't agree." He leaned his forearm on his legs and leaned towards her slightly. "In turn for his help, you'll offer him a portion of the goods recovered."
"Mmh, half-truths." The corner of her mouth lifted slightly as her eyes narrowed. "Not bad, Kenobi."
"It will get you inside." Obi Wan ignored the compliment as he handed her a tiny disk. "Then, you'll need to put this into his communication device. It will download all the previous contacts and likely give us evidence of his involvement."
She took the device from his fingers and studied it. "And what's your role in all of this?" Her eyes glided over his suit. "Not just to look pretty while I do all the work, I hope."
"No, I'm afraid not." The jedi couldn't help the blush that flamed on his cheeks. "I'm the back up. I'll pose as your consort and make sure you get out of this alive."
"Huh." She lifted her brow at that. "You know, it will meddle with my chances with Dryden when I already have a man trailing after me." Her voice was nothing short of that midnight hum.
"Then you will need to appear uninterested." Obi Wan narrowed his eyes, challenging her, catching on to the fact she was trying to provoke him. "Which I know won't be a problem for you."
"Mmh." She flicked her brow but didn't feel the need to correct him even though each glance he gave her had her stomach doing flips. No, she had the mission to seem as unfaced as possible by him. So, she leaned over, placing her heel right next to his leg on the couch and hoisting her own up, the red fabric sliding off only to reveal her bare skin that was now inches away from his fingers.
The jedi stiffened remarkably as his eyes darted towards the golden leg now revealed all the way up to her thighs. "Lyanna, what are you doing?" His voice was laden with warning.
"Just hiding your device, grumpy." She drawled as she bent down to her black heels, sliding the disk under her foot.
"Right." Obi Wan clenched his jaw to the point it hurt, especially when she slid the fabric even further up her leg to reveal multiple straps holding weapons in place, including the foldable sword she'd brought from Valeria.
"Can't be too prepared, right?" She'd noticed his stare lingering as she fastened the straps, smirking slightly, knowing she'd accomplished exactly what she wanted.
Obi Wan caught onto the satisfied smile. "Lyanna." He narrowed his eyes at her. "This is not a game."
"Isn't it?" She leaned forwards till their faces were but mere inches apart, eyes darting down towards his lips. "Can't a girl enjoy herself on her first night out in months?" A sinister smile covered her own before she tentatively looked back into his eyes, that fire sparking in her green ones. She didn't even feel the need to lower her leg, no, instead she nudged it against his thigh.
"We're on a mission." The jedi tried to keep his voice even, stern. His eyes didn't betray the want that was coursing through his veins in unimaginable quantities. They'd been apart for months, and force, had he imagined her like this every night since. "And you'll behave as such." He swallowed away the thought as it battled within him.
The queen rolled her eyes, sighing deeply in annoyance as she started to lean back again. No, not yet. When the jedi grasped her calve and pulled her closer with one swift movement her heart stopped beating for a moment. She was brought forward, scooted to the edge of the seat, the other leg positioned right between his and their faces now so close together she could feel his breath on her lips while her hands had unintentionally positioned themselves on his upper arms.
"Obi?" What she couldn't help was the desperate whisper that had fallen from her lips, or the way her eyes shone with both yearning and obedience as her fingers curled into the fabric of his suit.
His eyes narrowed as his free hand went up to her chin, holding it between his index finger and thumb as he lifted her jaw to look him straight in the eye. She didn't object in the slightest. All she found was that stern gaze, that iciness in his clear blue eyes as she quivered.
"Do try to behave." Obi Wan spoke quietly but clearly. A shiver ran up her spine at the obvious command in his voice. "Or this will be the last mission I'm taking you on." He punctuated the statement with another glare. Feeling the movement of her head as she'd tried to nod he smiled, eyes darting down towards her lips as they parted slightly at the movement.
"Obi Wan." She managed to get out, not knowing whether it was a plea to let her go or to just take her lips for himself. His eyes flickered back to hers, holding hers captive as he sighed.
"Behave." He pinched her jaw and deepened his glare. Finally, he released both her jaw and leg, sitting back casually and gliding his gaze back towards the scenery passing by as he folded his arms. It was like nothing had even happened.
Her eyes raked over him in bewilderment, still bent forward. "Well, -" Lyanna let out a deep breath as she sat back as well. She could feel his gaze focussing on her. "this is going to be an interesting night, for sure."
From the corner of her vision, she swore she could see a faint smile appearing.
After they'd arrived she tried to slow her heartbeat as she sat waiting for him to walk around the carriage and open the door for her. Finding herself staring at the interior of the carriage, she decided that she was in very deep trouble. She'd obeyed without a thought when he'd told her to wait and found herself annoyed by that very fact. He had only had to startle her to get her to obey. Somewhere deep down, an urge to fight arose by that very thought. When he finally opened the door and she met his eyes, she cursed herself and the entire galaxy for bringing her into this.
Yet, she managed to calmly lay her hand in his and let him help her out of the carriage. Soon her eyes went up to the gigantic ship in front of them; one that towered till far up in the sky. "I thought we were going to a mansion." Lyanna mumbled, her eyes raking over the iron exterior while other dressed up people walked past them.
"Vos likes to keep everything close to home." She could feel Obi Wan glancing down at her as he laid her hand on his arm. "So, he takes his home with him everywhere he goes." He pulled at her arm gently to get her attention. When their eyes met the stern gaze from before was gone and instead concern was written all over his face. "Are you sure about this?"
"Positive." She blinked at the intensity in his eyes and quickly diverted her gaze towards the entrance, heart hammering. "Shall we?"
"It'd be my genuine pleasure, my queen." Just like that they were in their roles. So, she straightened her back and forced that cold look on her face, the same one she'd wore the day of the court. Obi Wan nodded in approval and nudged her along, holding her arm tightly as they ventured towards the lift that would take them up towards the ballroom.
She took her time examining the people around her as they ascended. All from high standing, she realized, when she saw the expensive clothing they wore and the excessive make up most females had donned on their faces. Their accents were posh and their laughter unbearably high. Much to her own dismay, most of the females weren't there on their own but as some sort of companion, dressed in the barest of clothes to flash to the no doubt powerful men gathered. There was no doubt on her mind that most had also already downed multiple glasses, possibly entire bottles of wine.
The males however all wore dangerous scowls on their faces, their skin littered with numerous scars and their eyes filled with that predator look that had a shiver running up her spine. Lyanna knew those kinds of men, had dealt with them before. The memories had her clinging to the arm holding her a bit more tightly. It wasn't for protection, gods no, she could easily take them on. It was to warn the jedi holding her. He only gave a reassuring squeeze in answer.
When the elevator doors opened she couldn't help widening her eyes at the sight. Even though it was inside a ship, it was enormous and filled with a rustling public already dancing together with beautiful music filling the room. Laughter boomed through the area, and she could see multiple waiters walking around with expensive looking wine and champagne. The ceiling was covered with flickering lights, tables covered with white sheets pushed to the corners with all kinds of different exotic flowers placed between them.
The tension slowly disappeared from her shoulders. This, she knew. This she could deal with. She made the first step into the ballroom and dragged the jedi with her, the man that was now supposed to represent her consort. She did her best to appear as bored with him as possible as more and more heads turned their way, examining the newcomers.
"Vos is not here yet." Obi Wan whispered as he tucked her closer, eyes following the men that walked by and dared to glance at the queen a bit too long to his liking. He supposed he could change his act of the annoyed consort to the desperate fiancé. He bowed down; his lips close to her ear. "What do you say we enthral them with a bit of dancing, my queen?"
The queen blinked away the surprise at the deep purr in his voice, trying to convince herself that it was part of the act he was now playing. "Well..." She cleared her throat, sighing as she looked at everyone but him. "Anything to kill the time, I suppose."
And then he easily swept her towards the dancefloor, guiding her with such a gentle ease that she found herself swirling around and following every single movement before she even knew it. There was a lightness to his steps, an almost natural ease that made him seem much younger and... free. She glanced up at him in surprise, tightening the grip on his biceps as he placed his hand on the dip of her waist and started the waltz.
Obi Wan noticed the stare and found himself smirking before he could resist it. "Don't look so surprised, my darling, you've danced with me before."
My darling. Lyanna groaned mentally as she felt her knees weakening with those simple two words. "Yes, well, -" Clearing her throat she tried her best to look over his shoulder instead of into those captivating blue eyes. At least it fit the role she was supposed to be playing. "last time I was drunk on both ale and the aftermath of battle. Now, I'm neither."
"Mmh." The jedi smiled down at her and pulled her just the tiniest bit closer as he swirled her around. He could feel the numerous stares focussed on them, but all he could think to do was prod her around in his arms, showing them that he was the one she was with tonight, that he was the one holding the living flame in his arms. "But you have danced with many men, haven't you?"
At that she glanced back at him, trying to read if there was any jealousy in his eyes but found nothing but that blank stare. He was merely trying to make conversation, she realized, to distract her, to put those tensed muscles he could feel beneath his hands to ease. "You were a princess." He met her gaze. "And not on ugly one, surely you had many suitors lining up."
"Was that a compliment, master, -" Before she could spill his title he easily bent her over his knee and silenced her before she could. It had the breath stocking in her throat as he was suddenly impossibly near, hovering over her with those auburn hairs tickling her skin.
"Sorry." She quickly apologized when she saw his amused but accusing gaze, her arms involuntarily holding onto him a bit more tightly to try and not fall to the floor. "And yes, Ben, -" He pulled her back up and resumed the dance as if nothing had happened. "there were multiple. Never one that spiked my interest though, for I was too busy working and learning anyway to give them any heed."
Obi Wan merely hummed in response. "My father taught me to dance so I could sway those far away lords." Lyanna mumbled, trying to stay focussed on the conversation and not on the feeling of his hands on the bare skin of her back. "He made me learn to seduce men, make them do what I wanted them to, manipulate them. I was meant to serve as a binding between the nations, maybe one day ensure their allegiance with marriage. I was never supposed to... marry for love." She looked at the jedi. "I was a tool, as all princesses are."
Those eyes flickered down for but a fraction of a second, but long enough for her to notice. "You no longer are, are you?" He resumed after a pondering glance.
"Am I not?" The queen chuckled humourlessly. "The moment I return to Valeria I will undoubtedly hear about all the potential partners they've found. It was the same after the war, when they dared to propose I marry Aidan." She scoffed, not noticing the incredulous look her consort gave her as he stopped amid the dance. It made her glance up then, scanning those eyes. "It's not the craziest idea, I don't blame them. We're the only two people left from the founding families and we're both royals. There's not even a doubt on my mind my father had intended this from the beginning, but..."
"He's your brother." Obi Wan resumed the dance, a scowl on his face. "Surely there are other alternatives." He continued as he bit his lip, not realizing his grip on her waist and hand was tightening with each word. "Surely, you as a queen get to decide your own fate."
The queen scoffed sadly and pondered. The last time she'd tried to escape her fate, she ended up dying anyway. "My fate was decided long ago, Obi Wan." She whispered into his ear, dancing on her toes to reach him and found his muscles tensing beneath her fingers. "You and I both know that people like us, -" She pulled back and found him staring right back into her eyes. "we don't get to choose."
He thought on that for a while, keeping her stare locked on his as he swung her around the dancefloor, watching those freckles on her cheeks flicker in the light and that life that swirled in those green irises. "Maybe not." A sad smile appeared on the jedi's lips as he looked at her adoringly. "It would take a miracle to defy what fate has in store for us, -" Her eyes lit up, a lively genuine smile appearing on her own. He leaned down, brushing his lips against the shell of her ear, nothing the shivers that he felt beneath his hold after. "but I heard you specialise in those."
She closed her eyes, breathing in deeply and scenting that pine and mint that had her mind drifting in deep seas. A calmness settled over her, one that enveloped her and warmed every part of her body. It was almost as if nothing had ever happened between them, as if she was back in Valeria on that last night together. There was that gentle hum reverberating between them, a force vibrating with gentle waves, one that seemed to calm her heartbeat.
She was home again. And gods, had she missed it. She opened her eyes but found something that had her snapping back to reality.
"Obi Wan." She whispered sharply.
"What is it?" He drew back from the warmth of her neck, looking at her with alarm.
"It's Dryden." Lyanna connected her eyes with Obi Wan's, all the tenderness gone from her gaze and replaced by that icy steel. "He's here."
Shoutout to @nyctophilate because your enthusiasm saved my week :))
On another note: I'll be starting in the clinic again next week so updates will come less frequently. (I've really been pampering you guys with two updates a week, haven't I?) No more surgery this time, instead I'll be doing some gynecology.
Which means that this time I'll be delivering some babies...
Please send help.
I don't like babies.
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