Chapter 25: The Queen's Sacrifice
a quick sketch of what is coming ^^
"Master Kenobi."
Her voice was suddenly razor sharp and devoid of any emotion. The iron that had suddenly appeared in her eyes, the steadfast determination with which she righted herself had a shiver running up his spine as Obi Wan watched her leave. Her red cape swung behind her while he followed her movements, rooted to the spot himself and unable to speak the numerous words that lingered on his lips. He'd hoped that she'd turn back, that she'd watch him for one last time but he only saw her flaming red hair before the doors slid shut behind her. And with that, his hope vanished.
"You don't owe me anything." The jedi took in a deep breath and closed his eyes. He'd been distracted the entire meeting, not able to think of anything else than her. He wanted to be angry, he wanted to blame her for what she did but all he could see was the way she looked so utterly devastated when her brother had disappeared. He'd wanted to wrap her in his arms and promise her that he'd save her from everything that'd come onto her path, that she didn't need to do it all alone. That her brother was wrong. Help her face the senate, and if need be go down with her.
But she wouldn't let him, not anymore. He wouldn't even let himself in fear of what the Dark lord would do. He'd already used their bond against them once and Obi Wan couldn't sit by and let him do it again. He had to let her go, just as she had released him by destroying the bond. But then again... Lyanna was planning something, something he would most definitely not like, and he wasn't sure if he could let her go with that knowledge.
"I can't tell you, because you would stop me if I did." The jedi master cursed under his breath as he collected the courage to follow her to the court room. His footsteps echoed through the now empty hall as he swam in the anxiety filling him, thinking about whatever plan she'd devised in the 24 hours she'd resided in the prison.
By the force, he should've gone to her. He should've helped her and ignored the fear of endangering her in the process. Because now, exactly because he didn't go to her, she had devised a plan of her own that would most likely put her own life at risk. Maybe more so than if they had stayed together and faced him, faced perhaps both the dark lord himself and the looming threat of the Dathomirian hunting him.
"I'm not your responsibility anymore." As the words echoed through his head, his eyes dropped to the scar now imprinted on his arm. The wild, stark white lines now crawling over his skin. He remembered the blinding pain effortlessly, the sharp ache that he still felt in his heart. She'd known he wouldn't give her up so easily and thus had severed that bond to make sure he would and yet... yet she'd still looked at him with that lingering hope right before she had left.
Obi Wan righted himself before the doors to the court room. Breathing in deeply, closing his eyes and calling on the usual calming force that he controlled. It didn't come, not now that he felt that empty space in his heart where their bond used to be.
With reluctance the jedi master opened the door, appearing on the balcony overlooking the entire court room. It was a gigantic, dark space with a single walkway leading up to the balcony where the chancellor would pass the sentence. He, together with all the other jedi masters, would look down from the side.
Obi Wan nodded at the other masters collected there and walked to the railings, hoping to see the queen already there. His fingers wrapped around the steel bar and clenched harder than he intended, his knuckles turning white. He almost didn't hear the footsteps of his friend walking up to him.
"And?" Even his voice was quivering as his blue eyes remained focused on the door she'd soon walk through.
"Ahsoka didn't find anything." Anakin said numbly, making another wave of panic shoot through his body. "She's still going through some old records but..." He trailed off but Obi Wan didn't need him to finish the sentence to know what he'd intended to say.
"She's going in completely blind." Kenobi snarled, ducking his head and taking in a deep breath. "They're going to destroy her." The previous frustration that'd lingered in his voice had quickly changed to a hopeless one, making the younger jedi glance at him worriedly. He'd intended to try and comfort him, but Anakin couldn't think of anything to say to do so.
"We have to trust her." Anakin mumbled so that the other masters couldn't hear.
Obi Wan scoffed in response, his eyes darting to the scar on his hand. The last time he'd trusted her with something like this, she'd sacrificed her life to stop Arthas. Somehow, Obi Wan felt that it would not be much different this time. Not now that she'd made sure he would have no idea what she was planning and cut him off completely.
When the doors opened and the Valerian appeared with the guards escorting her, they both quickly glanced her way. Who they beheld wasn't the doctor they'd grown to know on Valeria. No, the only word that she could be gifted now was queen.
The moment she'd entered her eyes had glided over all the faces gathered there, unbreakable determination so visible in her posture that everyone who even dared to glance her way quickly had to look the other way. She hadn't even needed the crown now placed on her head to demand respect, no, the way with which she held herself was statement enough. Enough to make everyone take in a deep breath and hold it, afraid that if they even breathed too loudly the menace before them would snap.
When she started to walk forward the sound of her armoured boots on the cool metal of the floor was the only thing filling the court room. As she made her way to the platform she didn't appear as the suspect she actually was. No, she walked like a warrior ready for battle with her head held high. Obi Wan even started to doubt if they were the suspects, and not her.
He watched her closely, that wildness and fierceness now in her eyes, that fire that sparked within her. It was what had most intrigued him in the first place, but now sent fear running down his spine. For it wasn't but a mere spark. No, she had become a storm. A blaze of fire and heat that they had tried to cage but would break out and destroy everything in its path if they weren't careful.
"Right now, I'm more worried about her destroying them." Anakin whispered only for Obi Wan to hear. Indeed, the master himself had thought about the same. About how with but a single outburst she could incinerate everyone in this court room, cover them in flames and scorch their flesh.
As she arrived at her designated spot she looked around once more and met his eyes but for a moment, but it was enough to make him cling onto the iron bar for balance. It was an ice-cold look, deprived of the warmth which her green eyes usually held. If he were to describe it, he would say it was death staring back at him. She'd changed in a moment's notice, traded the empathy of the doctor for the ruthlessness of a queen.
By the force, they had brought a force wielder that could destroy the entire republic right to their doorstep. Obi Wan couldn't tear away his eyes from her, not as she held them captive. He was trying desperately to find traces of the woman he knew, the woman he loved, but she'd hidden it so deeply within her that he feared she was gone entirely.
"Queen Fireheart." Her attention was torn away, and Obi Wan released the breath he'd been holding. She diverted her iron gaze to the Chancellor now looming over her from the balcony. Instead of shrinking she only locked her spine in place and stared him down. She even seemed to look down on him, even though he was placed 4 feet higher. "I'm glad to see you've arrived unharmed."
Lyanna only glanced back, not moving an inch. Instead, her gaze seemed to harden even further. It unnerved the Chancellor, making him shift on his feet almost unnoticeably. "You've come before us today because of the accusations made by the republic senate concerning the events of two days past; destroying property of the Republic, including 3 star destroyers, 12 clone troopers, -"
The list went on and on but her eyes had gone distant. She wasn't even listening, Obi Wan realised. No, her mind had lingered on those 12 lives lost. She didn't care about the rest, for she already knew each and every fault they had accused her of. The Chancellor went on and on about the accusations, about what the senate had found and the proof they had gathered. She had been found guilty without a doubt but that news didn't seem to shock her.
No, she only remained there, waiting. Staring down the chancellor as he spoke and soon arrived at the part of the sentence. She'd been prepared for this, Obi Wan realised as he leaned forward, she knew that there wouldn't even be a chance to prove her innocence. All he could do was watch as her plan unfurled.
"You've been found guilty of the crimes listed before, and thus the Republic will seize control of all the adamantium stores on your home planet of Valeria, including the production and the mining of said material until the end of the war as recompense for the property destroyed. We will establish 6 bases on the planet to, -"
Almost seemingly bored, the queen put up her hand to stop him. The chancellor halted, surprised at the simple motion and the bluntness of it, knotting his eyebrows as he watched her in bewilderment. "Yes, your highness?"
"May I propose an alternative?" It sounded more like a demand than a question, and it had the Chancellor tumbling for words as she directed her gaze to the senate representatives present in the courtroom.
"I'm afraid you aren't in a position to do so but given the complicated state of affairs I will... allow it." The Chancellor leaned forward to see her better, but she only threw him a disinterested glance that told him she'd never needed his approval in the first place.
"The adamantium will be sufficient to replenish your stores and fortify your ships, I'm sure, perhaps even enough to win you back some advantage against the Separatists but, I have something far better to offer. Something that won't invoke a civil war on my planet, which I'm sure you will be most gladdened to avoid. It will more than cover the damages done and give you an advantage that might win you the war. As a matter of fact, I'm sure you will be more than overcompensated. See it as a testament of... good will, from all of Valeria."
Obi Wan watched with worry as the Chancellor pressed his lips in a thin line, his hands clenching into fists just slightly. "And what is it exactly you're offering, if I may ask?" When Lyanna shot him a glare so deadly that he jolted on the spot the Chancellor quickly added. "Your majesty."
She watched him viciously until she spoke a word that erupted a wave of panic within Obi Wan.
It caused an immediate uproar in the entire court room. Senators were yelling, jedi masters were mumbling their thoughts to one another and the guards were shifting and glancing to each other to make sure they were hearing it right. Even Anakin seemed to still right beside him.
"No." Realization hit Obi Wan later than he'd preferred it to. "No, Lyanna!" He yelled, catching her attention even over the clamour and making her turn her gaze to him. She only narrowed her eyes to try and make him shut up before she turned back to the Chancellor.
"Blast it, Lyanna!" Obi Wan cursed under his breath and made to move to the Chancellor himself, to convince him that this was madness, until Anakin had grasped his arm in an iron grip. Their eyes met for a moment, and it was the first time Anakin saw pure emotion in his former master's eyes. Pure fear was what it was, and it had him stricken with surprise.
Obi Wan made the first motions to push his apprentice away, before the same iron voice overpowered the noise of the court room and made him stall his movements.
"You've seen what I can do!" The queen yelled. "I hadn't even meant to, and still I destroyed 3 of your most powerful ships in a single move. Now imagine what I can do if I set my mind to it." She took a step forward as the crowd silenced at her words. "Imagine what I could do to a fleet of separatist ships."
There was a hint of contemplation in the Chancellor's eyes. Obi Wan saw it in the other senator's expression too, the idea that now started to blossom in their heads. Force, no. "Anakin, we can't let her do this." Kenobi muttered. If they thought about it too long, he knew they would accept. Maker, Lyanna knew it too.
"I know you're losing this war." Lyanna bellowed, her eyes gliding over the numerous faces that had gathered. "The droids are learning your tactics; can predict every move you make. Your jedi are losing focus and they're losing numbers, fast, while the droids just keep on coming. I know you're low on money, low on clones, low on resources. But I can change that."
"Your majesty, we are not in the business of trading human lives." Palpatine spoke slowly. It was clear that he hadn't expected this, and that the gears were still turning in his head. "Especially not those of queens."
Lyanna seemed to stumble back just an inch, stricken by the word. "Queen." She whispered and yet everyone heard her, clinging to the words falling off her lips. She raised her hands and lifted the crown off her head, holding it before her in one raised palm. The attending senators skipped to the edge of their seat, watching closely as they held in their breath.
"I was made queen to win a war." A distant look appeared in her eyes as she hesitated. No doubt remembering her homeland, the world she was now leaving behind. "I hereby revoke the title to prevent one."
And just like that flames erupted from her palm, engulfing the golden crown and melting it. The gold slipped through her fingers and dripped onto the floor in a heated pool, heat and smoke rising from it. "No, Lyanna." Obi Wan mumbled hopelessly, unable to do anything but watch.
Murmurs erupted from the benches as Palpatine watched her closely and she stared right back at him, challenging him. "Do you accept, Chancellor?" Force, she was mocking him. Mocking him with that warrior gaze of hers, that fierceness and power that made everyone in the room tremble in both fear and admiration. The Chancellor himself didn't even hold that kind of power over them but she had earned it within just a few moments.
Palpatine glanced aside towards the other senators gathered in the room. Obi Wan watched with fear as they nodded almost invincibly, convinced by the facade the Valerian had put up. "Queen, no... Miss Fireheart." Her eyes flared at the correction and the condescending tone he used. "We accept your proposal."
While the tension disappeared from her shoulders, it only worsened in Obi Wan's. He stood frozen as the court room erupted back into mumbles, unable to speak, to even think as he watched her divert her gaze back to the floor before her. He watched as she sighed deeply and her shoulders sagged when everyone's attention was placed elsewhere, eyes closing and head bowed.
Then Obi Wan knew. She may have succeeded in her plans, but the defeated look in her eyes told a whole different story.
She had won the court and thus the safety of her kingdom, but lost herself in the process.
Helloo there.
It has been a while. I just came back from my rotation at surgery and boy... it has been a ride. Never knew operating could be so fun yet miserable at the same time.
I hope I haven't lost all of you, and hope you will stay with me for the time to come! I'll have more time now again and will make sure you don't need to wait this long anymore.
Glad to have you guys again!
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