Chapter 23: The Dark lord
"You're smaller than I thought."
The only response I got was the widening of his grin and a few careful steps further in my direction. My eyes darted between his prowling figure and my surroundings as I raised my sword. "I reckon master Kenobi was never hurt in the first place?" Even with him before me, I couldn't help but worry.
"Your heart betrays you, my dear." Lord Sidious halted in his tracks, his yellow eyes focusing on my figure. As I watched, his lightsaber fell from his sleeve and into the grasp of his fingers, his thumb finding the button, igniting the terrible red lightsaber that now casted the cite in its threatening colour.
"You should never have threatened him." I hissed and enraged the flames surrounding my wings to try and battle the ice that crept over my skin. There was fear in my heart that was trying to crawl through me, but I wouldn't let it. "You will find I'm harder to beat when I'm angry."
His grin grew even larger, as if to say I'm counting on it. Without any further warning he jumped towards me, spinning in the air while letting out an unnatural yell. Within seconds I drew my hands forward, sending a wave of fire his way that should've burned him to a crisp. I stepped aside, avoiding the lightsaber that now entered my vision and watched, watched his back as the smoke rolled off his cloak and he remained unscathed underneath.
I had little time to react when he turned towards me swiftly and attacked with his saber. When that missed as I jumped back, he send me flying into the air with a force push that knocked the air right out of my lungs. Before I even had the time to use my wings to lighten the impact I crashed against one of the cruisers, leaving a dent in the metal and me in a crumble on the floor.
"For the love of Freya." I cursed under my breath after landing on my knees, looking up through the strands of red hair now hanging before my eyes and watching him walk towards me. The chuckles that fell from his lips only helped to further fuel the rage that boiled within me and had me sprinting towards him with a furious war cry. My fingers reached for the sword hanging on my belt and soon that blade unfolded to its full might.
Before I could reach him he simply waved his hand, making me fall sidewards and to the ground in a hopeless heap of red cloth and flames. If it wasn't for the puddle right next to my face that showed me his figure drawing near, I wouldn't have been in time to flip to my back and raise my sword to parry the blow that would've impaled me otherwise.
"Not so powerful now, are you?" Another mad grin was barely visible from under his hood. My eyes widened with the strain it took to hold his saber there, darting to his yellow ones as the realization hit me. I wasn't strong enough to beat him, not yet.
With the last remainder of strength I had in me I pushed him back and jumped onto my own feet. Yet, the moment I did so he only reached out with his hand and clenched it into a fist. Suddenly, the air was forced right out of my lungs as a hold so tight wound around my throat, as if his fingers were actually clenching the skin.
"No." I croaked, trying to pull away the force as I fell to my knees and stars covered my vision. The hold he had on me only tightened, closing off the remainder of my airway. No matter how my fingers clawed at the invincible grip, it didn't loosen.
When fear threatened to overtake me, a familiar figure appeared at my side, kneeling on the cement. "Fight it, Fireheart!" Arthas hissed through his teeth. "Don't tell me an old man will be the end of the legendary phoenix!"
"No!" With a strength I did not know I had in me I pushed him away and made him tumble backwards to regain his balance. Shadows slithered over the ground. When he had somewhat recovered, his eyes lifted back to meet mine only to see my entire body engulfed in flames and my eyes flaming red.
Before he had the chance to lift his lightsaber I jumped towards him, lifting him in the air with one great swing of my wings and then threw him down again, watching the dent it created in the pavement. With another powerful swing I came down, trying to hit him with my fist but connecting it with the cement instead as he rolled aside.
The grin that had previously decorated his face now turned into a snarl, sweat beading down his face as he lifted his lightsaber. With a swing that now held more anger than the concentration he previously had he tried to knock me off my feet but I jumped over the strike instead. Only, that left me unbalanced and he had the chance to push me back again.
And he did so, only this time I was prepared. I flipped in the air and landed perfectly on my knee after my wings slowed me down, throwing back my hair and trying to find him. Much to my surprise, the spot he was previously vacating was empty. He'd disappeared in a cloud of mist, hiding in the shadows of the shipyard, no doubt watching me closely.
"Come on, Sidious." Breathing heavily as my lungs ached, my eyes darted from here to there to try and spot him. "I didn't take you for a man that hides from little girls."
Suddenly he appeared on the other end of the site, making me send a huge ball of fire his way the moment he came into sight. Before it could hit him he disappeared into the shadows again, a mad gaggle filling the space after the bolt hit the cruiser, metal now smouldering with heat.
"Aren't you supposed to be the most powerful of them all?" I mocked him, turning around swiftly in frustration. When he appeared before an engine again I repeated my action and found the same result after. The smell of burnt metal filled my nostrils but the anger and fear kept me from thinking rationally as another ball of fire formed in the palm of my hand.
"Stop running, coward!" I send it his way as he stood before another ship. Yet again he dodged it but kept running afterwards. I send ball after ball his way, but all it did was destroy the jedi cruiser he was in front of. The metal creaked and groaned and fell of, exposing the intricate design behind it.
Panting loudly and leaning on my knees in exhaustion, I watched the shadows for his return but didn't form another ball. My powers had been drained drastically, and I could feel the tearing through my limbs get worse. I would have to defeat him hand to hand or die trying.
Then, I remembered. There should be jedi masters on their way. I'd told them where I was going, and even if they knew Obi Wan was there with them they'd surely realise something was afoot. If I could hold on until then, we could have him captured. We could finally get Sidious.
The determination showed in my eyes, but when he suddenly appeared before me and ripped the sword from my hand and pushed me backwards, making me fall on my back, that soon turned into ice cold fear.
"You could have been the most powerful one of them all." Darth Sidious spoke as he stalked towards me. "Had you joined me."
"I will never turn to the dark side." I growled, crawling away from him, and trying to recollect my strength.
He stopped to grin widely. "I know." Then, he extended his hand towards me and I felt a sudden pull on my chest, as if he was ripping the very essence out of me. "Now, you will give me your power." He snarled. "And the location of the one they call Blackwing."
"No." No one could ever have that power again. No one would ever be able to tear apart the city as he did, not as long as I lived. I tore from his grasp and pushed him back with an enormous wave of heat that had the metal melting around us. As he righted himself and glanced my way, I sent the biggest ball of fire I ever casted his way and watched it collide with his body.
He was sent flying across the open space till he collided with a ship and then, then everything exploded. Red and yellow flames engulfed my vision, heat licking my arms and face as it melted everything in a mile's radius, sending the cruisers into shards of metal. The force of the explosion send me back through the air, flying for too long till I fell on the floor and rolled even further.
As I came to a halt on the edge of the flames reach, the puddles reflected the terrible dancing heat. "No." Mumbling, I tried to lift myself from the floor and watch, watch as the entire site stood ablaze.
That explosion would have been heard through the entire city and rightly so, for it had blown up an entire block and ripped apart the four jedi cruisers in the shipyard. I prayed that it hadn't hurt anyone but the sith lord, but when yells of anguish joined the roaring of the fire that hope was soon extinguished. "No!" I quickly jumped onto my legs, the red, yellow and orange reflected in my eyes and became entranced.
Fire. The force of rebirth, of growth and passion but also of destruction, of endless power and pain. I watched as it grew, as the flames rose high in the skies and black smoke arose from it.
When the familiar mad gaggle sounded the despair grew, and my eyes met his figure as he stood at the edge of the site, watching me. From the distance our eyes connected and I knew, I knew that this had been his plan all along. I had played every part of his game and did it exactly the way he had expected me to.
Lyanna? From out of the void, that familiar voice came. Yet, my eyes remained focused on that cloaked figure. Lyanna, can you hear me? Sidious bowed, mocking me, taunting. I stepped forward, but the motion had him disappearing back into the shadows behind him. Lyanna, what's happening?
He wouldn't kill me. No, he still had a use for me. He would break me first.
My eyes drew back to the flames as they danced, drew back to the destruction I had caused. The void that had been in my heart seemed to reawaken as Obi Wan found his way back, repaired the roots between us that he himself had severed. But I wasn't sure if I wanted him to. So, I stopped him before he could go any further and felt the shock that shot through him through the remaining tendrils between us.
"A danger to us all." I repeated the words Windu had said about me and at last found them to be true.
As my eyes spotted the jedi starfighter coming into view, escorted by numerous police bots I didn't even try to escape. I would let them take me. I didn't know if they'd believe my story, but the alternative would be running and after all this time, I was tired of running.
I would face the republic's justice.
When clone troopers jumped out of the ship and shouted at me, raising their blasters, his familiar voice once again sounded through my head. He voiced the exact thoughts that occurred to me, and the fear and disappointment they were spoken with mirrored my own.
Lyanna, what have you done?
Me, last chapter, after seeing only three comments; :((
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