Chapter 2: Leader of worlds
^^^A little taste of what is to come :))
"Anything I should know before going in there?" My voice sounded odd in my ears as we stopped in our tracks right before the entrance to the Chancellor's office. The path was long and full of odd stares from other Senators, their eyes glued to the armour covering my body until I was out of their sight. I almost felt the need to cover myself up, to hide the gear I had once worn so proudly.
Most of them had probably never seen war themselves but instead discussed the politics from afar. In a way it frustrated me that a warrior would disrupt them so in their own halls of the senate, a place where the fate of most soldiers would be decided. Instead of covering up, I showed the armour proudly, holding their gazes with a piercing look.
Padmé stalled right beside me, chuckling lightly to herself at my nervous state as I continued. "You know, allergies, things he absolutely hates and I definitely should not mention, -"
"You'll be fine, your majesty." Senator Amidala reassured me, gently laying her hand on my shoulder covered with dark plates. At first, after seeing her remarkably excessive clothes, I'd thought she was just another politician that was only here for her own benefit. Luckily, as our journey together continued, she quickly managed to change my mind.
Padmé narrowed her eyes ever so slightly as her grin deepened. "For a queen dressed like a warrior, - " Glancing back up at my green eyes a playful glint appeared in hers. "you seem extremely nervous for this meeting."
"I am about to decide the course of the future for my entire home planet, Senator." My hands went out to grasp the doorhandle, closing my eyes and trying to focus on the force that played around it.
Ever since I woke back up, I had been able to feel the past around certain objects, a slight glance back to what had happened before. It was the last remainder of the timeturner's power. Whatever they had done to extract the echo from me, they hadn't succeeded fully. Time was still coursing through my veins all be it in a lot smaller quantity than before.
I could feel the nerves of countless senators and leaders before me that too had grasped that same piece of metal, standing in the exact spot I was now. Some were angry or nervous, others afraid. Yet I couldn't get a single glance at the chancellor himself.
A sigh fell from my lips as I pressed down, pulling myself from the memories. "I am used to saving people, fighting wars and killing monsters. Politics is not my area of expertise." I glanced aside to try and distract myself for a moment longer, enjoying the kindness that swam in Padmé's eyes before I pressed the door open, appearing in the large room where the Chancellor himself was seated.
"Ah, queen Fireheart!" He stood up immediately, the city of Coruscant behind his back.
My breath was taken away for a moment. I had expected a lot but I did not expect him. He seemed kind, old but wise and stern yet welcoming. For a leader of entire star systems, he looked vulnerable, like a flower standing against the storm.
In my culture kings and queens were always warriors. It was the only way to keep the population in check and to handle the countless wars that always ravaged the planet. To be a leader, you had to be able to lead the battle on the front lines, to fight with the ferocity of a legend. It was only through tales of valour that the people would revere their leader. This man was clearly not a warrior, nor a commander. Feeble, old, he wouldn't last a single week in Valeria.
The Chancellor walked around his bureau, waving for us to come closer as he continued with a gentle voice. "I was hoping you might come. It's an honour, your majesty, to finally make your acquaintance. I have heard a lot about you from Anakin."
"Only the good parts, I hope." My eyes tracked his movements, stickering as he stopped right before me and looked back expectantly. "Chancellor Palpatine." Nodding in respect, I bowed slightly before him. "I hope I have not kept you waiting."
"No, no, my dear." He placed his hand on the small of my back and guided me to the chairs in front of his bureau. It felt... odd. Like always I tried to sense anything that might concern me, but the force around him was completely void of any information. Glancing back warily, Padmé met my gaze and gave a reassuring nod as she followed us. "You came right on time. I hope there weren't any issues on your voyage?"
"No, there weren't." As I took my seat my hands grasped the armrests rightly, again trying to search for anything that might raise suspicions. I was, after all, in unknown territory before a man I wasn't sure I could trust. All I felt were the same nervous echoes, fear and anger that played around every senator that came here.
"How did you find the weather, -"
"Let's cut to the chase, shall we?" My voice was barely above a whisper, my brows knotted together as I concentrated. Padmé and the Chancellor both seemed slightly taken aback, waiting in anticipation as I cleared my throat and directed my full attention back to him. "Why have you called me here, Chancellor? What do you want from Valeria?"
"Well, -" He chuckled lightly and leaned forward, folding his hands together. "It is what we can do for you, your highness. I trust you've already read the documents I sent you -"
"You didn't call me here only to talk me into joining the republic, Chancellor." I clearly stated, narrowing my eyes and focusing on his to try and spot any form of deceit. "If you wanted that, you would have sent a jedi envoy to do so. No, you need something from us, don't you?"
"Queen Fireheart, I don't think that -" Senator Amidala chuckled nervously at the sudden hostility she sensed in my voice.
"It's alright, my dear." Palpatine raised his hand to silence her. He took a moment to think until he redirected his attention back to me. "You are right, of course. I'm afraid that the circumstances around your discovery were far from... usual."
I raised my eyebrows in response. "Your majesty, I trust you know that we are at war right now with the separatists." Palpatine leaned forward, studying me carefully. "And war, as you know, brings certain issues to the table. It doesn't allow us to waste resources on every planet that needs our help."
I could sense where he was going with this. My stomach sunk, my heart skipping beats as I raised myself from my seat, walking around his bureau and instead focussing my gaze on the city beyond the glass. "When General Kenobi and General Skywalker came to your planet many of our troopers were lost. Ships, resources. Not to mention the battles that had to be fought in their absence."
"You want reconciliation." I concluded. Sensing his movements in the corner of my eyes, I turned towards him slightly, narrowed eyes meeting his as he studied me carefully.
"The Republic needs resources, my dear." The Chancellor said sadly, the corner of his eyes dropping in empathy. "Resources that, I dare say, have been lost saving your planet from almost certain destruction. I hate that I have to ask this of you but I'm afraid I have no other choice."
I feared this would happen. Luckily, I had come prepared. "Chancellor, do correct me if I'm wrong, -" Collecting all of the courage within me I turned back towards him with arms folded behind my back. "I don't recall asking for your help. We never asked you to come. Instead, you came without our consent and invaded our planet, destroying an entire city within the first day." My voice rose with each word I spoke until I stood right before him, hands leaning on the table. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Padmé glancing between us warily. "Not to mention that I, myself, was held captive for an entire week."
"Now I don't want to give you the impression that we're not eternally grateful for the jedi's aid, yet this... this does worry me, Chancellor." I straightened my back and looked down on him, crossing my arms before my chest. "On my planet you don't ask for something in return after the deed is done. Quite the contrary, it's considered a great insult. You have no right to demand anything from us and we, we have no obligation to indulge your request."
"I understand your concern, I really do." He answered, voice hushed to a whisper. "Nevertheless, the fact remains that troops, ships and resources were needlessly lost during the first battle." His eyes followed me as I huffed in frustration and turned my back towards him. "Troops that we could have used in our fight against the Separatists."
"Queen Lyanna." Padmé spoke up after I remained silent, slightly turning in her seat so she could look at me. "We're not demanding anything, I promise. We only want to negotiate a deal that might prove beneficial for both of us."
"Padmé, can you promise that any deal we make right now might not take the war to my planet?" The moment I asked, she dropped her gaze. I let out a deep sigh, my eyes glued to the carpet.
Sending resources to the Republic would not endanger only our own supplies but also the entire population of the planet. When the Separatist receive word of what is happening, there was no doubt they would soon meddle in our affairs and drag the war with them. It would be like the third war all over again, ravaging through our fields and lands, leaving nothing but ashes behind.
Even then I would be leaving out the resistance that would undoubtedly sprout within the population. The Republic was hated by all Valerians, and even the slightest invasion or seizing of goods would lead to an all-out civil war.
"You are a doctor, are you not?" The Chancellor's voice ripped me from my thoughts. "Billions of people will die if we do not win. Do you not have the moral obligation to help?" He got my attention back, he realized, when I turned to meet his gaze. "We rule over more than a hundred star systems, my dear. We can't in good conscience ignore their needs."
"They are not my responsibility, Chancellor." I countered; a hint of sadness laced through my voice. The desperation in his was one I recognized all too well. Ruling so many people while seeing them succumb to something that was out of your hands was devastating. "I understand your position. My only hope is that you try to understand mine, too." His expression didn't change a bit. Instead, it remained utterly devoid of any emotion. "I will think on it, Chancellor, if you would allow me a couple more days."
"Of course." His eyes lit up suddenly as he stood up. "Senator Amidala will see to any questions you have in the meantime."
"Thank you." I nodded at him, turning back towards the door and ready to leave this disaster of a meeting. My head swam with thoughts, clouded by the worry of entering yet another war. The cry of help from all those star systems concerned me but I couldn't ignore the fact that I now primarily had the responsibility to take care of my own.
"Your majesty, there is one other thing." He stopped me in my tracks, freezing on the spot as I waited for him to continue. "In general Kenobi's reports I read about some most unusual powers your people possess. That you, yourself, possess but most importantly, that the man named Arthas Blackwing mastered."
An icy feeling crept up my spine as my eyes widened at the mention of his name. I could almost see him before me again, black bat-like wings stretched behind him, the shadow of an enormous black dragon, his eyes burning like hot coals, skin as pale as death. You will not survive. Even his last words echoed through my head, making me close my eyes to try and shake them off.
"Tell me, where is he now?" Palpatine continued, curiosity and something else I couldn't quite identify clear in his voice. I turned around, studying his posture for something that might tell me what he was getting at. He was a blank canvas, showing me no signs of what his true intentions were.
"Chancellor, with all due respect, -" My eyes narrowed even further as the fear settled deep within me. "I think that is a matter best left to the jedi council, don't you?"
Something flashed through his eyes, something dark and impatient but it was gone before I realized. "I only wanted to be sure the danger has passed, your highness." A signature warm smile soon returned as he bowed slightly.
"Of course, Chancellor." I extended my hand for him to take. "He won't be able to harm anyone any time soon, I can assure you."
"Good." Palpatine accepted my hand and took it firmly. Immediately I concentrated, trying to see into his past for anything off. Most of the time I would see the most important events in the last few weeks or traumatic events from the distant past but when I touched him there was nothing. Only a void, an absence of anything that might tell me something.
"Your majesty?" The Chancellor's grip tightened, his eyes narrowing in concern when I didn't release his hand. "Are you alright?"
"Yes, I'm fine." Shaking the worries from my head I let go and nodded at him, taking in a deep breath to calm the nerves. What was I thinking? The man before me seemed kind, generous and concerned for his people. I had no right to doubt his intentions. "Thank you, Chancellor. I hope I will bring you good news the next time we meet."
"I look forward to it." He smiled warmly and guided me back towards the exit. Before I could leave though, he said one last thing that made another wave of anxiety flow through me. "Be careful, your majesty. There are many dangers within the senate. I would not want to see you hurt."
"I've defeated a sith lord, Chancellor." I said after pondering for a while, holding the door in my hand. "A few senators won't be a problem." Maybe I was fooling not only him, but also myself. Shaking that very thought off, I nodded at him one last time before closing the door and walking down the hallway of the Senate building once again.
All I could do was close my eyes and take a deep breath, trying to shut out the nervous mumbling of that little voice in the back of my head. "It won't be a problem."
Happy new year my darlings! May it bring you health and good fortune.
Next chapters we'll be exploring the jedi temple, and you know what that means :)) See you next week!
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