Chapter 11: Jedi Training
"Keep your arm up, feathers, otherwise they will chop your head straight off." Anakin chuckled shortly, circling around me with a trainee sword grasped tightly in his hands. With a huff I did as I was told, my biceps screaming in protest as I did so.
Ahsoka watched from a distance, being a little too amused by the display before her. Her eyes darted between the datapad before her and towards us as we battled together, landing hard blows every so often from both sides. I was sure there were already bruises forming all over my body.
After the session with Obi Wan the lessons in meditation continued relentlessly for two days, until they finally decided that I had learned enough. I was still incapable of performing it perfectly or to lift objects like they did, but in the end becoming a jedi wasn't what I was there for. Those visions, that voice had gone to the background and that was enough for now.
Instead of locking myself up in my own thoughts I would have to show my abilities physically. And by that, they meant by fighting. I was going through the usual jedi training, much like their padawans and younglings, only the usual years it took were cramped into but a few weeks.
"Good thing I won't be fighting sith lords, then." I countered, swirling the stick they had given me beside me. Fighting wasn't something I needed training in, in my opinion. I had been trained back on Valeria in the art. Still, they weren't exactly happy with my skills, for they deemed it too 'primitive' and 'unbalanced'. Apparently, the whole style was based on strength and anger, which was exactly what the jedi tried to avoid in their own.
"Maybe." Anakin smiled, halting in his tracks and lifting his weapon before his face, narrowing his eyes. My muscles were already aching at the thought of him attacking again. "But you'll have to show the masters that you can control your emotions, even when fighting."
"I don't have anything to prove to them." Snarling, I stepped forwards daringly, landing a strike right at his side. Anakin had seen it coming from miles away, blocking the attack easily and swirling his own blade around mine. In one swift move he knocked the weapon out of my hand and threw it a few feet away, the far end of his own placed right against my throat afterwards.
Smugly, Anakin raised his eyebrow. "I'm tired." I narrowed my eyes in response, pushing him away and walking towards the dummy sword, picking it up from the ground while letting out a deep sigh. "You try being hunted, locked up by people who distrust you and have a sith lord rummaging around in your head while you do so."
"Huh." With one flip of his head, he threw his dark hair away from his face and widened his grin. "I think you're forgetting something, feathers." Anakin lifted one eyebrow, smirking. From the corner of my vision, I could see Ahsoka glance up from her datapad, puzzled by her master's tone. She diverted her gaze away from him and towards me when he spoke again and winked. "Or rather, someone."
"Careful, Skywalker." I growled. "There's no water around and your tunic looks a bit... flammable."
At that he laughed again, drawing his fingers through his hair and walking away from me. "All right, I'll give you a break." Anakin yelled over his shoulder, placing his sword back in the weapon racks against the wall.
"Maybe you can convince the council to do the same?" As I let myself relax a bit, feeling the tension leave my shoulders, the door to the training room opened with a hiss, revealing the man I hadn't seen for days.
"Do what, exactly?" His auburn hair was neatly styled, his blue eyes again twinkling with a certain mischief I couldn't quite place. The corner of his lips was pulled upward when he saw the display in front of him.
"Obi Wan! We were just talking about you." Anakin clapped excitedly, earning only an eyeroll from his master and a deep sigh as he walked towards him.
"Master Kenobi." Ahsoka quickly stood to her feet, giving him a small bow in respect.
"Ahsoka." He greeted her warmly, bowing to her in response before turning towards me, his eyes widening for a moment when he met mine. Obi Wan let his gaze wander over me for a short moment, the jedi tunic I was wearing and the dishevelled look of my hair, loose strands of orange hanging before my face.
I felt exposed, especially with him looking as neatly as he was. There was no doubt in my mind that I looked like an absolute wreck; red cheeks and sweat-covered forehead. My voice seemed to have disappeared altogether for I couldn't even muster out a simple greeting. Instead, I only shuffled on my feet awkwardly, excited to see him yet slightly frustrated by the fact he had been gone for days without a word.
Anakin watched the silent greeting unfold with a knowing grin; his arms crossed before his chest. "You've been given a new assignment, Anakin." Obi Wan cleared his throat, redirecting his gaze back to his friend. "There's been a separatist invasion on Cato Neimoidia, the council is asking you and Ahsoka to repel this attack. The briefing will start in a few minutes."
"Great! I hope Rex is coming too?" Anakin asked as Ahsoka stood up, listening in with interest. Obi Wan only nodded in response. "Good. I'll be back in a few days. You better have taught her a few tricks by then." He patted Obi's shoulder as he walked by him, shooting me a smirk over his shoulder as he walked towards the exit. "In sword, of course." He felt the need to add as he turned around for a moment, bowing slightly and then rounding the corner, out of our sight. "Good luck, feathers!"
I rolled my eyes and sighed deeply, trying to avoid the glance I was awarded by Obi Wan. Placing my hands on my hips, I cast my gaze downward. "I'm sorry, master. I don't know what has gotten into him today." Ahsoka's shoulders were tensed as she glanced up at Obi's towering figure.
"It's all right, Ahsoka." He gently laid his hand on her shoulder and then guided her towards the doors. "Look after him for me, will you?"
"Always." She smiled and then waved. "Good luck, your majesty!" Her blue eyes met mine as she crossed the threshold. Waving back, I smiled softly back at her, still having lost my voice somewhere in the conversation. With a loud thud the door closed afrer her and I was left with Obi Wan once again.
"All right, let's see what you have learned." He wasn't wasting a second, I soon discovered, as he threw off his dark brown cloak in one swift move and started circling around me. For a moment I was left breathless, baffled by the grace with which he did it, and partly because of the now dangerous look I spotted in his eyes as he pulled one of the dummy swords from the racks using the force.
"Woah, hold on." I threw my hands up in the air, chuckling nervously and stepping back from him. "Last time you and I battled it didn't end so great." I could almost picture us again, him kneeling before me in the highest tower back in Velen, having defeated him simply because he underestimated me. I had been so close to drawing the steel through his neck, if it hadn't been for my intuition telling me to stop.
"Oh, I remember, I still have the scar." Obi Wan chuckled, letting his gaze drop to the floor. For a moment I could see his fingers drawing to the sensitive spot on his wrist, where a flaming scar covered his skin. "This time you aren't allowed to use the force. This is about sword practice, only."
"I thought I was here so you could study the seidr, not to practice martial arts." We started circling around each other, watching one another closely. It felt like an intricate dance, each step well thought-out and matching the other's perfectly.
"Do you think you don't need to be taught?"
"I know I don't." I countered, narrowing my eyes to slits. When he only lifted one eyebrow in response, seemingly unimpressed, frustration started to build up in me, fuelled by the need to prove myself to him. "I could easily burn you to a crisp right now."
"Huh." Obi chuckled lightly. "That's why I am here, and not master Windu." He spoke almost joyfully, his hand rising to gently touch his beard. "This is about your emotions, my dear princess, and how you need to learn to control them. I can already feel your frustration. They threaten to throw you off balance, leaving you vulnerable to whatever haunts you."
"Actually, it's queen, now." We both halted in our tracks. His unimpressed gaze deepened even further.
Somehow, I felt the need to prove myself to him, only him. I wanted to wipe that self-assured look off his face. It gave me new-found determination, a burst of energy that wasn't there before and a twinkling sensation in my stomach. "How about 2 out of 3? If I win, I don't have to go through these ridiculous training sessions. If you win, well... you can work me as much as you like." The corner of my mouth lifted slightly at the last few words, eyes narrowing daringly.
He stilled for a moment, sensing the double meaning behind it. Smirking, I knew my little diversion had worked and thrown him, the master of resolve, off balance. "If that is what you want." Obi said, throwing his sword to the ground and suddenly ripping my own from my hands. Before I could protest, he grasped a real lightsaber from one of the racks and threw it my way while turning his own on.
"It is." As I turned on the lightsaber, its white colour blinding me for a few seconds, I readied myself. I could almost feel every single muscle fibre as I bend my knees slightly, my eyes narrowed at him as he himself shuffled into one of his stances.
A smile covered his face as he watched me, which only irked me on further. He was way too sure about his own skills, and I was determined to show him who was best. I stormed towards him, jumping in the air and trying to land a hard blow from head on. He stepped backwards, lifting his own saber and letting it clash against my own right before his face.
"Predictable." He shook his head, pushing his saber forwards and making me stumble backwards clumsily. He could've easily landed an attack yet refrained himself from doing so. "Surely you can do better, my dear."
Huffing in frustration, I tried to land blow after blow. Yet, he parried each easily, dodging those aimed for his head and deflecting the ones aimed at his body. He was on the defending side, that was the only thing I had. With every ounce of frustration in me I jabbed the sword forward when I thought there had been an opening.
With the same motion Anakin had used before, he twirled his saber around mine and ripped it from between my fingers. For a moment my eyes widened and I froze, our gazes meeting as he lifted his sword and placed it against my throat.
"Concentrate, princess." He spoke, his coruscanti accent clearer than ever.
"Oh, shut up, Kenobi." I duck underneath his saber, darting for my own, rolling over the ground and grasping it tightly in my hands. In one swift move I was back on my feet again, eyes meeting his as I smiled in mischief.
Again, we started our dance, lancing at each other, back and forth until one would lower their defence and leave him or herself vulnerable. Our breaths hastened as the battle continued, both our determination keeping us from losing our focus. Yet, I had one advantage. His previous swift victory had lowered his expectations, which made me able to defeat him easier now.
When I attacked once again he'd expected me to go for another hard blow from the top. Instead, I went for his legs, swooping them from under him and making him loose balance and fall on his knee. He yelped in surprise, but quickly raised his saber, expecting me to land another blow from the top like before.
Again, I surprised him by doing the exact opposite. I jumped right on him, pushing his shoulders and throwing him backwards till he was lying flat on the ground. His saber hand I had trapped with my own, pushing his wrist to the ground with my fingers wrapped around it.
With my other arm I placed my saber against his throat, smirking widely as I lifted one eyebrow. "What was it you said, general?" For good measure I straddled his hips, pinning him to the ground with my body as I proudly looked at him from above. He supressed the soft groan that had tried to escape his lips, his jaw clenching tightly. "Concentrate?" I drew out the word, eyes scanning his face.
Obi narrowed his eyes to slits in response, a smile playing around his lips as he lifted his free hand and ran it up my thigh, squeezing gently when he reached my hips. I stilled for a moment, feeling the flutters in my stomach, glancing down at his fingers as they softly caressed the skin before lifting my gaze back to his. I should've seen it for what it was, a diversion.
Sensing my hesitation, he quickly flipped us over and threw me on the ground next to him. "I did, my darling." Obi Wan said, looking down at me from above for a moment before he darted for his lightsaber and rolled back to his feet, his auburn hair hanging before his eyes in strands. I glanced at him from the ground, smirking and chuckling at his dishevelled appearance, liking it a bit too much.
"Try not to get distracted." He said as he swirled his lightsaber around, grasping it tightly in his hand and readying himself for another attack.
"What, by you?" Following in pursuit, I was soon back on my feet and waving the white lightsaber before my body. "I wouldn't dare, what would master Windu think?"
Obi Wan chuckled lightly as he circled around me, saber raised before his face. "I try not to think about it." When he sensed an opening he dashed forward, starting our battle once again. This time though, it was the endgame. Whoever won now would get the final decision on the continuation of these trainings.
I didn't even care anymore. I only wanted to wipe that smirk off his face and use it against him later. We continued for minutes but which felt like mere seconds, chuckles falling off our lips every so often. As we went on, our gazes turned serious and our movements rasher and more decisive, for there had to be an end to it no matter how much we enjoyed it.
Obi Wan's attacks were getting faster by the second and harder to deflect, making me step back with each blow he landed. Even though I blocked every move, he kept on driving me back. No matter how hard I tried, he didn't give me even a second to recollect the advantage, didn't give any opening to fight back. His years of experience on the battlefield were showing and made me realise I was only a novice compared to him.
Before I knew it my saber was knocked out of my hand. I hadn't even processed it before I felt his foot on my stomach, kicking me backwards and up against the wall. I took in a deep breath as my eyes widened, meeting his intense gaze as he threw me against the cold stone and placed his free hand right beside my head, trapping me between his legs, his saber dangerously close to my throat. I could feel the searing heat on my skin but it was nothing compared to the warmth he'd created in my body.
Green met blue as I waited, mesmerized and captured by his gaze, heart stopping beating all together as my breath hitched in my throat. Gods, he was close. I could almost feel his heart beat against my skin.
"I'm sorry, princess." Obi Wan whispered, the soft gushes of wind falling from his lips and fanning over my cheeks as he glanced down at me. "Seems you'll have a bit more training to do."
"Do I?" I lifted my hand, which was holding my very own sword, and placed it against his stomach. The moment he'd knocked the saber out of my hand I'd grasped it out of my pockets. If I'd turned it on and let it unfold to its full blade, he'd be impaled in a second. Obi Wan hissed when he felt the metal against his stomach, his eyes narrowing in response.
"That's cheating."
"War is never fair, my dear Obi Wan." I whispered back, never diverting my gaze away from his. "You especially should know that."
Something flickered through his eyes as he shut off his lightsaber, putting it back on his belt but not moving an inch. No, he kept me captured in his gaze, hand rising, fingers placed beneath my chin and pulling me up to face him fully. I was breathless, completely lost in his eyes. It almost felt like I was floating and he hadn't even kissed me yet.
A smile decorated his face as he watched me, making my heart melt almost completely as he slowly lowered himself, lips ghosting over mine but not fully touching yet. I felt bare, completely stripped from dignity. He had so much effect on me that I was left a trembling mess and he hadn't even done anything.
I had to try and seem like he hadn't completely hypnotized me. "Are you distracted, master?" As my lips moved, I could almost feel his. I kept my eyes locked with his, frozen, waiting for his reaction and watching his pupils dilate.
In response he lowered his hand from my jaw, letting his fingers envelop my neck delicately, thumb pressed against the pulse point. My breath hitched in my throat when he lowered himself to me, electricity crackling beneath my skin. When he finally placed his lips against mine my entire body burned and the sword fell from between my fingers, clattering on the stone as his hand went for my waist to steady me.
My legs almost gave out. I had to hold on to him, hands gliding over his arms till they were over his shoulders, nails digging into his back. My whole world was swirling and he was the only vast thing keeping me standing. Reaching up on my toes just so I could reach him, I let myself drown in his embrace, deepening the kiss and loosing myself in the process.
My back was pressed harder against the wall as he pinned me against it, drawing kisses down to my neck and nibbling at the skin there. His beard scratched the sensitive spot perfectly, making soft moans escape from my lips.
"Obi." Whispering softly, my hand grasped the hairs on the back of his head and drew him back to meet me, pulling him right back into a passion-filled kiss before he could respond. Instead, a low moan escaped his throat and his hands grasped my thighs tightly to lift me up, holding on tightly and squeezing the flesh as I wrapped my legs around his waist.
Gods, the way we fitted together perfectly was driving me crazy. His very smell flooded my senses, together with his warmth and the gentle yet fierce touch of his lips against mine, his tongue delicate yet passionate. He tasted like mint, sweet and fresh. He was intoxicating and I couldn't get enough of it.
When he pushed his hips into mine I moaned into his mouth, pulling on his hair harder and letting my nails scratch his skin. There was a heat rising in the bottom of my belly, an ache I knew all too well. The dangers of kissing him here, in the training room in de midst of the jedi temple, didn't exactly numb that feeling but only made it a thousand times worse.
Obi Wan seemed to have forgotten about it all together; hands going beneath my tunic, gliding over my chest and caressing my sides, dangerously close to where I needed them most. When my back slid down the wall, he pressed against me harder, legs trembling around his waist as it overwhelmed me and drawing loud moans from my lips.
"Sssh, princess." He whispered against my neck before placing another kiss there, right beneath my jaw, pulling on my hair and laying the skin bare before him. "Don't let them hear you."
Obi continued his ministrations, hands gliding over my skin, holding my legs in place while his lips awakened pure fire. "For Gods' sake, Obi." I bit my lip and pressed my eyes shut. "How am I supposed to, -" When his teeth sunk into my neck I couldn't help the sound that escaped my lips.
Proudly, he pulled himself up to look at me again, a fained angry expression playing around his eyes. "Please tell me you're the one on watch duty tonight." I pleaded as I held onto his shoulders tighter, eyes begging him.
"Well, I could try to, -" Suddenly his loving expression changed, eyebrows scrunching together as his eyes flew away from mine. He seemed to concentrate on something as his body froze in place until he suddenly let go off me all together, turning around and stepping away quickly.
"Hey! What are you, -" Complaining after I had very narrowly succeeded on keeping myself standing, I watched the back of his head. When the door opened I refrained myself from saying anything else, especially when the all too familiar face of master Windu came into vision. "Oh, dear." I mumbled, quickly grasping the saber from the ground and trying my best to look like I hadn't just been completely lost in a heated make-out session.
"Master Kenobi, how goes the training?" Windy asked, huddled in his brown cloak and stern eyes gliding over my figure before going back to his colleague. He didn't even address me, but he also didn't seem to notice anything out of order.
"Her majesty is determined and passionate, as we expected." Obi Wan answered dryly, making me snort in response. Both looked at me with bewildered glances.
"Sorry." I shrunk, trying to make myself smaller under their hard gazes.
"But she still has to learn to focus." Obi narrowed his eyes at me, warning me not to do or say anything else that might betray us. "And let go of her emotions."
"You need to let go, -" I interrupted myself before I could say anything else, coughing awkwardly as I shuffled. "You're right." Obi Wan lifted his eyebrows in response, looking at me scrutinisingly but hiding the amused grin that threatened to spread.
"I'll be taking over for now. Master Yoda is expecting you." Windu glared at me and then turned his full attention to Obi Wan.
"Very well." He muttered, glancing back at me and watching the slightly feared expression appear on my face. "I will see you soon, your majesty."
I shuffled awkwardly, mentally preparing myself for the fierce training I was about to endure. "I surely do hope so, master Kenobi."
Just a quick update: I've started my studies again and I'm loving it. Sadly, I have little spare time to keep writing. So please excuse me if I don't update twice a week anymore! Hope the returned romance makes up for it :)
Stay safe my darlings!
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