chapter 6
Warning: bullied and violence ⚠️⚠️
In the Kim's mansion
Jin and the rest of the members was waiting for namjoon to come. Jin was so stressed that he wanted to cry after yelling at yoongi. Jimin felt bad that he felt insecure about his disability.
"Hyung he be fine I promise. Namjoon Hyung is on his way. "Jimin said comforting Jin.
"Minnie what if he seriously isn't well I mean you said he had a nightmare. That's not good "Jin mumbled.
"Hyung!" Jungkook whined
"What Kookie?" Hosoek looked at Jungkook who was getting restless
"I'm hungry and I still have to go and do my work. So can I please go. " Jungkook who was rubbing his stomach and was whining really badly.
"Kookie really you hungry well let's go. I come so Hyung you okay with Jimin." Hosoek said as he looking at Jin. Who was typing on the computer after the comfort with his fellow members.
"I be fine you go Jimin and I will wait and give feedback about the mission". Jin said as he was done with the work and went to the living room.
"Ok so bye Hyung I see you tomorrow. We won't let you down boss."Jungkook waved as he went with Hosoek.
"You brat I get you" Jin yelled as he saw Jungkook and Hosoek leaving and he went downstairs to wait for their doctor.
5 minutes (20:30)
Jin and Jimin were waiting until they heard a doorbell.
"I should get it Hyung". Jimin went and opened the door revealing the dimple and tall man. Well his Kim namjoon also known as Dr. Kim.
"Omg !Hyung thank goodness Jin Hyung was waiting for your call. Come inside boss is waiting." Jimin squeals while namjoon went to see Jin in the living room.
"Is everything ok park? Hyung okay is he injured I got a call saying it's an emergency. "Namjoon rushed to the living room seeing Jin stressed out.
Living Room
"Hyung what happened why you so tensed?" Namjoon went and saw a very upset Jin sitting on the couch with his hands on his face.
"Joon I shouted at him." Jin whispered softly not wanting to wake Yoongi up due to yesterday's incident.
"Wait, who's him Jungkook or hosoek? I'm sure they never did their work probably "Namjoon looked at Jin
Jin explained everything to namjoon about yoongi having a scholarship and how he shouted at yoongi and blaming him for his parents death.
"So you shouted at yoongi and accused him for your parents death. This is bad" Namjoon looked worried
'What you mean bad. Yoongi had a panic attack and a nightmare. His asleep but please go joonie I can't see my brother like this." Jin went to namjoon.
"Ok I'm going well don't expect me to give you an injection for misbehaving Hyung. "Namjoon chucked.
"Well you better or else I tell taehyung you broke the vase. "Jin smirked
"No it's not my fault I am cursed with this. "Namjoon pout
"Ok sorry I'm just joking."
"I know Hyung" he went to yoongi room and found the sleeping boy. He frowned when he heard unstable breathing. He then prepared everything he has to do.
After he finished he went downstairs and gave feedback about yoongi.
"So Dr Joon what happened?_ Jin looked at namjoon
"Hyung stop you can call me Joonie when we not in the hospital ok so yoongi had an anxiety attack and passed out. He exhausted but I gave him an injection so he calmed down and he unstable and resting. And control your anger Hyung. He probably was scared. So don't worry. I'm sure he forgive you. So I'm going and good night Hyung."
"Thanks joonie and night."
After namjoon left. Jin went to yoongi and apologies.
"I'm so sorry my meow. I shouldn't have said that. I love you so much I can't live without you. My meow. You the only person I have and don't worry I find that Jackson and get him."He told yoongi
He tucked yoongi and switch the light off. He went to his room and told Jungkook and Jimin for the information updated about their mission.
He went to sleep and promise his parents to look after yoongi.
In the morning
Yoongi eyes were opening and he looked and saw that it was morning. He went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth and took a shower. He took a pair of ripped jeans and a t-shirt
He went downstairs and saw Jin making breakfast. He then went to sit and looked down remembering what happened last night.
"Morning meow how you sleep. Jin looked at yoongi with a smile
"Morning Hyung" he looked down.
"Meow you hungry I made you your favourite and just the way you like it."
Chocolate milkshake
"Thanks Hyung."
As soon as Jin and yoongi began to eat. Jin apologies about last night. Yoongi could feel his tears forming but he held it. After breakfast yoongi got ready and went to college.
7:30 am at yoongi college
Yoongi reached and met Minji. He was happy to see her and she greeted Jin. They soon went to class and minji went to her class.
As soon as yoongi was about he accidentally bumped into someone he never wanted to see again.
"Oh look it's the quite cat who still owes money. Well let's see what you can do." Someone said
"Leave me alone Hyunjin you don't know me. May because your mother don't love you." Yoongi said with a smirk
"You little brat how could you say that you don't have any parents and you deaf you don't know who you messing with." Hyunjin said as he grabbed yoongi's collar
"Oh really at least I'm deaf and not dumb so move the shibal way before you face consequences. "Yoongi answers savagely.
"Oh my goodness I never seen yoongi like this "Felix one of hyunjin friends looked at yoongi.
"Oh really he needs some respect." Hyunjin went and grabbed yoongi but unfortunately yoongi punched hyunjin face (don't mess with agust d)
"You really don't want more you know who I am. I am Kim Yoongi the youngest brother of Kim Soekjin the most fearful Mafia gang. You want him to kill you I tell him you bullied me for 5 years. So don't test my patience."Yoongi looked at hyunjin
Yoongi went to class and was proud but still he didn't want to get bullied. He didn't tell his brother that hyunjin bullied him physically and mentally but he handled it.
So Hyunjin was Yoongi's enemy. He told rumours about yoongi and because was getting bullied for it. He had suffer from depression and because of that he nearly took his life but he was saved by Jin. Because of that Hyunjin was suspended but returned. Yoongi couldn't take his bullied so he went mute. finally yoongi said something savage and that's what happened.
"So you telling me that you told that one boy hyunjin the truth. Wow my kitten is savage." Minji
"Noona i know but he sometimes make me want to kill him." Yoongi sight
"So you told your brother well it's ok if I come to your house." She asked.
"Yes I informed Hyung "he smiled
"Thanks yoonie and bye see you in the next class. "She left
I think I should go to the bathroom.
Yoongi left and went to the bathroom and saw hyunjin and Felix with the rest of the gang. Well they stray kids.
"Boys this is yoongi. His the most or must I say can't hear." Hyunjin went to yoongi and pushed him
"So you better shut up or else you face trouble. Well you don't have a reason to live. Do you know that your brother doesn't love you No one wants you. Your brother is handsome unlike you"
Yoongi was about to fight back until hyunjin beat him so badly leaving him passed out. Yoongi couldn't help but cry as he couldn't fight back.
Hyunjin was laughing and went back to class leaving yoongi. Felix felt bad that he help yoongi and called Jin.
Meanwhile Jin
"So Hyung it is said Got7 had killed 50 innocent people. Well we have to do something. I sent our gang to go and investigate on them."
"What 50 are killed you have any other questions besides that. Well I have to go to Japan to get him" Jin yelled leaving everyone shock
"Hyung calm down we going to help. Right taehyung"
"Observations Hyung "taehyung looked at Jungkook.
As soon as Jin was about to continue his phone rang with the caller ID my meow
"Hello my meow what happened you don't call me unless it an emergency. "
"Hello it's Lee Felix one of yoongi classmate. Yoongi passed out and I have to take him to the nurse office. Please Hyung come fast he is ....."
"He is what Felix are you there." Jin looked at hosoek worriedly.
"Shiiibaaaallllllll!" Jin cursed out loud
"Hyung what happened why you cursed out loud ?"hosoek said
"Guys I have to cancel the meeting something happened to yoongi." He needs help.
"Is he okay?" Jungkook say
"I don't know but one of his classmates called." Jin said
As soon as Jin went and he was so scared that yoongi was in trouble.
He quickly went and saw yoongi in an unstable condition he never wanted to see.
To be continued
Poor yoongi always getting hurt. Beware of Mafia Jin mode hyunjin
Because Jin won't forgive you.
Enjoy 😊 😸
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