The Night We Met
Flora: Graham Dunne...where do I start?
"Just start from the night you two first met."
Flora: well, we met at a park. More so I saw him at a park he was performing at. They were still the Dunne brothers at the time. It was some graduation party I was crashing. I was also graduating that year but uhm - I wasn't having a party obviously because my parents wouldn't throw me one. I wasn't even acquainted with the young lady who the party was for. I just saw a live band and food and walked my happy ass over there. That's when I locked eyes with Graham. I was about to leave and I saw him and quickly changed my mind. He was so ....Beautiful. I couldn't take my eyes off him. At the time I will say it was mainly lust. I can't say I wasn't sleeping around or looking to hook up with as many band mates as I could...I mean I was a groupie for gods sake, but there was something in the back of my mind telling me that he was more than that.
Graham: I wish I could say I remember seeing her but I was so drunk off my ass from some argument that me and Billy got into - I definitely remember seeing her but I can't recall that day. I've always thought Flora was lovely though. My first memory of meeting with her though is a couple weeks after that. We were practicing and I saw her roller skating by. She looked over when she heard billy singing but made eye contact with me again.
Flora: I genuinely didn't know what's where they'd be. I didn't even catch the name of the band. But it was a very nice surprise.
Billy: I remember seeing Flora around a couple times before her and Graham started becoming close. She'd just - Show up randomly to shows or practices. It was always creepy to me.
Flora: As if Camila didn't do the same thing....
Pete: Flora was hot. I can't say I wasn't jealous of Graham and they weren't even together.
Flora: yep...after over a year of us hanging out we never hooked up. I know he noticed how I looked at him but he knew how I was. As much as I liked him he made no moves on me and even if he did- we weren't together so I was free to do as I pleaded. The Dunne brothers weren't the only band I was hanging around with. I wasn't one to stop having sex with people over a crush.
Graham: she's a very confident woman. If she wanted to get with me back then she would've. I didn't want to push boundaries she already had put up. I mean we had been hanging out for so long and she was nothing but friendly with me.
Camila: I call bullshit. You could see how in love they were with each other from a mile away .
By 1969, it was clear Flora couldn't stop hanging out with the band. She had created such a close friendship with Graham, Eddie , and Warren that nobody -except maybe Billy wanted her gone. When Camila started coming around, the two clicked and were inseparable. The band + Camila and Flora were always seen together up until Chuck announced he had been drafted and immediately had to leave.
Flora: hearing that Chuck had been drafted broke us. We weren't friends nearly as long as the others were but I sure did miss him. Then when he died I just- I'm sorry I need a minute.
Camila: it was heartbreaking. We were all so close , we were already family at that point. To have a member leave and for it to be not there choice? It was devastating for sure. I wish he could've been there with us- without him the six wouldn't have even been created. Every single person along the way - good or bad made us who we were.
Billy: not only were we losing a brother, we were losing a band mate too. I thought we were over at that point. I feel guilty all the time that back then my main focus was the band. He was out dying in a war and all I cared about was losing a band mate.
Pete: that's when I recommended my brother Eddie to join. We were down a member since Chuck left and I could tell Billy was stressed.
Eddie: I wish I could've met Chuck, thanked him for giving me the chance to join. It became the best and worst things I've ever done.
(Hi everyone! I've never wrote in interview mode so sorry if it's kinda all over the place. Next chapter is out soon! I'm hoping to include more story telling in the middle or have full chapters of no interviews. Also if you couldn't tell, while this is not all canon or word for word I'm mainly basing it off the book which is why I have Pete im here! I hope you guys have been enjoying so far🫶🏻)
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