I woke up to darkness along with a sharp pain in my head. I try to move, but can't. I remember what happened. The light, the smoke, the destruction.. I pull my hands out from under the rubble, and try to push the rest out of the way. It is extremely heavy, but I eventually get to the top.
What I see scares me. Everything is wiped out, destroyed. The enemy must have dropped some type of atomic bomb on us. I look around for someone, my mom? My mom! She must still be buried under the rubble.
"Mom!! Mom where are you?! Mom say something!!"
I dig through the pieces of what used to be my house. I can't find her anywhere, and I'm not strong enough to move all of these pieces. I start to cry. I don't know what to do. I look around and still nobody. Am I the last person alive? What if I am all alone? Thinking this only makes me more miserable.
While I'm sitting down I hear an engine in the distance. I look up and see a truck coming this way. I'm not sure whether to stay to ask for help, or hide. I chose to hide. I go behind this pile next to my house. I hear the truck coming closer. I'm hoping it'll keep going past me and leave me alone, but I also want it to stop and help me. I peak around the pile and I see it coming really close. I duck back, and hear the truck slow down, then stop. It's stopped a few houses back. I move to the other side of my house and dive behind a fence that's barely held together. I listen to try and hear what they're saying.
"Any signs of life here?" A man says. About 40 years old it sounds.
"I don't think so. Keep looking, some might be buried under the house." Says another man, except he sounds 30.
I start to feel relief, they're looking for survivors. As I'm about to walk out from my hiding spot, I hear another voice.
"Here! Here! Come here I'm stuck! Help HELP!"
I peer around the edge of the fence. I see the two men walk towards the sound. No, they sneak towards the sound. Strange. I continue to watch them, making sure I'm still hidden. I don't trust them. The person keeps yelling, "HELP!! Somebody HELP ME!"
Then the men start digging, moving stuff out of the way. The person talks again, "Oh my goodness thank you!! You guys are saviors! I don't know what happened! What's going on? Who are you? What's the date? What was that expl-"
The two men shot him. I started to mentally freak out, why would they shoot him? He was just an innocent person! I was really scared. I looked at the men again, they started walking towards my house now. I got up and snuck into the forest behind my house. I waited for them to go into my house, then ran to where I heard the other guy's voice.
I look around and then I find him. I knew him, he went to my school, but was a freshman, I'm a senior. Something was wrong. I mean, I didn't expect him to look perfect for what had just happened along with him being trapped for who knows how long, but there was something wrong. His mouth was rotting away, showing all of his teeth, and his teeth, they were sharp like a dogs or cats. I look at the rest of him, and find this nasty looking bite on his arm.
"Poor guy."
I look over where the men were. They were digging around where I escaped. I suddenly got an idea. I look at their truck, look at them then run towards it. They see me and yell, "HEY! Get back here! We only want to help!"
I do not trust them. I pull on the door handle and of course, it's locked. They are running towards me now, so I run down the street. Luckily, I'm a pretty fast runner so I gain some space between us. I round a corner and look around. I need someplace to hide. I hear their yelling come closer, and frantically look for a spot. I find a dumpster and jump in.
"Oh my God this is so nasty."
I hear the men come running by. Good. Great. They didn't notice me. I peek out and they're still running down the street. I climb out and start walking around the opposite way.
I walk towards Stori's house, hoping that maybe in some way she survived and is fine. Maybe she's waiting for me. Maybe it's all a dream and I'll wake up in class to find that this was all a lie. Maybe my mom is alive. Maybe that freshman boy didn't just get shot. Maybe.
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