Chapter 9-Visitor
As I walk back to our cell, I think to myself what good friends both Craig and I have made so far. Tyler, Lui, Moo, Brian, Jack, Nogla, Anthony, and everyone else. Evan still is a little on the edge, but other than him everything has been great. Not noticing where I'm going, I bump into a guard. I stumble back, and look up at him. He's actually not that menacing looking like the other guards here. He smiles at me. "Jonathan Dennis?" He says, and I raise my eyebrow. "Yeah?" I say slowly, and he puts a hand on my shoulder. "I am to escort you to the visitor booth, where you have someone waiting to speak with you." I rack my brain. Who do I even know outside of this prison that would want to talk to me? I glance over at the guard as we walk, and he looks over at me. He chuckles, and grins at me. "I should probably introduce myself. My name is Scotty, but to some people Im known as Fourzeroseven. Nice to meet you." I look at him quizzically. " Like, the numbers?" I ask, and Scotty nods. I shrug. "Okay." I continue walking, and Scotty guides me into a room with small booths that have telephones in them, and a glass pane with another booth and a telephone on the other side. Scotty motions inside, and I sit down in the chair. He smiles at me. "I'll be waiting for you when you're through." And he closes the door. I turn to face the glass, and wait a couple minutes. Then the door on the other side of the glass opens, and who should walk in but Carl Anderson. I should have known. He said he would check in on me in a couple days. I pick up the receiver, and he does so too. He leans on his elbow on the table, and smiles at me. "So, Jonathan, how are you liking Grimsborough? Making some new friends? How's Craig? I know you two were made cell mates." I make a sideways grin. "This prison is pretty nice. It's not shitty like the local one. It has actual criminals here. And yeah, I've made some friends, and Craig is great. He and I are very good friends. Thank you for making us cell mates. But you know, I would have thought that with a prison like this, there would be more guards. So far, I've only seen......two." I shrug and look at Anderson. He bites his lip. "Well, since this is a high security prison with very advanced technology, a large guard number is not necessary. I see that you met Scotty. He's the best guard we have here. He connects with the prisoners, but he still is dedicated to his duties. He's a good man." I drop the receiver from my ear for a moment, and I scratch the back of my head. I put the receiver back up to my ear, and look at Anderson. "Listen, I told Craig that I would meet him back at our cell soon. He's going to be wondering where I am." Anderson smiles at me. "Sure. You can go, Jonathan. But just so you know, I will check in again in three days, and I will expect some more detailed happenings from you. Thank you for your time." He hangs up the phone, and pushes the metal chair back. He walks to the door, and stops in the doorway. He turns back to me, and nods in my direction. He shuts the door behind him, and I am left alone. I push back in the metal chair, and the screech of it on the floor makes me flinch. I knock on the door, and Scotty opens the door He smiles at me, and I step out of the room. "How was your conversation with Carl?" He asks, and I look at him. "He said he wants more info from me in three days. Do you know what he meant by that?" I ask, and Scotty frowns. "Oh. You must be one of the guys he chooses to gather intel on the prisoners to check that everything is going well, and to have statistics on them if need be. He did that with one of the other prisoners a while ago. When he was first locked up in here. It was about five years ago, when those mass murders happened. The guy was caught, and his first years in here were not easy, and they were not made any better with Anderson. He harassed him, and wouldn't stop pestering him for information. If you want my advice, stay away from Anderson. Don't give him any info at all. He'll just use it against you. Every time he chooses a new person, I always think about that one kid, and all the shit he had to go through. He was always talking to me, and I tried to comfort him. He got the living shit beat out of him on a daily basis here, and he spent quite a lot of time in the infirmary. I felt so bad for him. Still do. He comes to talk to me sometimes. We're still pretty good friends, and even though he's made good friends over the years here, he still has those scars from the torture he endured." My eyes are wide, and I stop and stare at Scotty. "What? This guy is still here?" Scotty nods. "Yeah, and I bet he'll be here for a while yet. None of you guys here are getting out anytime soon." I look away from him, and think for a moment. I turn back to Scotty, and raise my eyebrows. "Scotty, what was the name of that kid?" He stops walking and looks at me. "The kid? His name is Tyler."
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