Chapter 23- Broken Evan
I sit up in my bunk. I throw off the woolen blanket and jump down to the floor. I shake Craig awake, and he mumbles. "Jooooonnnnnnnn......Lemme sleeeeep! Pleez......" He rolls onto his stomach and puts his pillow over his head. I roll my eyes. "Craig, if you don't want the eggs to be more rubbery than they already are, then you need to get up." I hear him sigh loudly under his pillow, and then he sits up, tossing his pillow to the end of his bunk. I smile at him. "Atta boy." I say, and he grins at me, rubbing his eyes and yawning. We both sit down and pull on our sneakers, and I stand up and stretch out my hand to Craig. He takes it and I pull him to his feet, kissing him as he stands up. We walk out of our cell, and as we walk down the long hallway towards the door, I stop at Lui's cell. I slide open the door, and peer inside. "Hey, little man? You up yet?" I whisper, and I see a lump under the covers on the bottom bunk move. I smile and walk over to the bed. I pull the blanket back, and Lui is all curled up in a little ball. He may be one of the oldest, but he is definitely one of the most childish, and he is adorable. I poke his cheek. "Luuuuiii. Time to get up, man." I say, and he slowly opens his eyes. He looks up at me, sighs and sits up. He blinks his eyes sleepily, and stands up groggily. I hand him his sneakers, and he slips them on. "Come on. Craig and I were on our way to get some breakfast." He smiles a little, still half asleep. We walk down the hall, and then I hear the sound of running footsteps. "Hey! Wait up!" I turn around and see Anthony running towards us. "Hey Panda." Craig says, and Anthony smiles. "You guys ready for some chow?" He says, and we all nod. I push open the door to the open area, and then we walk through the weight area. I push open the door to the canteen, and hold it open as everyone walks in. I let the door ease shut behind me, and walk over to get in line. I grab my tray, and wait to get the food. Craig looks over his shoulder at me, and he smiles. I smirk back, and stick my tongue out at him. He giggles, and then turns back. The line moves forward, and I step up to get my food. Nogla smiles at me. "Murning, Duleereeos. How yoo dooin?" he asks, and I stifle a laugh. "I'm fine, Nogla. How about you?" He shrugs. "Purty gud. Thanks." He puts a spoonful of eggs on my plate, and a piece of toast. I walk away, and snicker. His accent makes me laugh. I can't help it. I sit down next to Craig and Lui, and Anthony sits across from us. He grins at us. "So, what do you gysh wnrt a drv tvddry?" He mumbles as he shovels food into his mouth. I look at Craig and Lui, and we burst out laughing. Anthony shoves more food into his already full mouth, and smiles, making us laugh even harder. Lui falls off the bench, and Craig has tears streaming down his face. Why do we find this so funny? I don't know. I pull myself together, and take a deep breath. "Wow. Anthony, you really know how to make us laugh." He shrugs and raises his hands in question. "I wasn't even trying!" He says, and I laugh again. Then out of the corner of my eye, I see Craig get pulled up from the table. I turn, and Evan is holding Craig by the front of his shirt. I stand up. "Evan, let Craig go." I say sternly. The whole canteen has gone quiet. Everyone is watching this go down. Evan looks at me, and he has this crazy look on his face. He shoves Craig to the ground, and turns to face me. "Look, Jon. I didn't want it to come to this. I tried to get you to listen before." He walks slowly over to where Nogla is standing. He slams his hands down on the counter, and hangs his head down. "So many times, Jon. But you just won't accept it." He reaches behind the counter, and grabs a steak knife from the rack. Nogla steps forward. "Hey, Ehven, yoo cahnt take thaat." Evan glares at Nogla, brandishing the knife. Nogla puts up his hands in surrender, and backs up. Evan spins around to face us. Everyone in the canteen is staring. I hear the doors open, and then I see someone pushing through everyone. "Come on, let me through. What's going on? Let me through....." Tyler pushes Max and Adam out of the way, and stops when he sees Evan. "Evan! What the hell are you doing?!" He shouts, and Evan turns on him, eyes narrowed and his hand tightly holding the knife. "Stay the fuck out of this, Tyler! It is none of your fucking business, so back off! This is between me, Jon, and Craig!" He turns back to me. He glares at Craig, still on the floor. I look at Craig, and Craig looks at me with his beautiful brown eyes. I grab his hand and hoist him up to his feet. I look at Evan. "What do mean, this is between me, you, and Craig? What's between us?" Evan sighs, and looks at me. His eyes are soft. "Jon, we were meant to be together. You should be with me. But as long as you're with this bitch," he yells, pointing to Craig, "you can't realize that!" I look at Craig, who stares at me with wide eyes. I shake my head. "Evan, you need to get it through your thick fucking head that I am not interested in you whatsoever. I thought we might be able to be friends, but your obsession with trying to get me to be with you has only turned me away. I love Craig, and you can't change that." I put my arm around Craig, who presses against me. Evan frowns and grits his teeth. He raises his eyes up to me, and then moves his gaze to Craig. He walks towards us, and I step back a little, still holding Craig. I stumble a little when I hit a pole, and Evan advances on us. He gets right up in our faces, and switches his gaze from Craig to me, and back again. He smiles, and then he grabs Craig, wrenching him from my arms. "Craig!" I yell, and Craig struggles against Evan's hold. Evan slams him to the ground, and kicks him in the stomach. Craig gasps, and starts crying. "Jon!" He sobs, and I snap. I run at Evan, but screech to a halt when he holds the knife out at me. "No. You are going to watch as I beat the shit out of your little boy." He turns back to Craig, and I feel my eye twitch. Every muscle in my body tenses up. I clench my fists, and look at Tyler. He nods, and steps forward a little. Evan kicks Craig again, and laughs. As he goes to kick him again, Tyler runs over to Craig and grabs him under the arms, dragging him out of the way. Evan spins around, and hits Tyler over the head. He collapses to the ground, and Evan grins deviously at me. He raises his knife, and turns to Craig. Craig raises his arms in front of him as a shield. My eyes widen, and my adrenaline pumps through me. "NOOO!" I scream, and I jump in and push Craig out of the way. Evan slams the knife on the floor, missing us both. He raises his head up, and looks at me with love and hate in his eyes. He looks at Craig, and smiles deviously. "Fine. If I can't have him, then nobody will." He whips around and grabs my shoulder, and plunges the knife deep into my stomach. I gasp, and sort of choke. I hear everyone gasping and yelling, and through it all I hear Craig scream my name. "JON!!!!!" I feel the cold metal blade pierce all the way through, and protrude out my back. The metallic, salty taste of blood fills my mouth. Evan smiles, and whispers in my ear. "Jon, you wouldn't be mine. Now, you won't be anybody's." He twists the knife to the side, making me gasp again. He pulls the knife from my chest, and a spurt of blood follows it. I drop to one knee, my hand holding my stomach. I look at my hand, and the blood running through and over my fingers. My stomach feels warm, and I cough. Blood drips from my mouth as I do so, and I choke again. I brace myself up with one hand planted firmly on the floor, but my vision grows blurry. Evan stands over me, and as I look up at him, he kicks me in the face and pushes me over. My stomach spurts blood, coating the floor red. Evan raises his foot to kick me again, but Max grabs him by the arms and holds him back. Adam is pressing Evan back, and looking at me in concern. Craig is suddenly at my side, along with a beaten up Tyler, and Brock, as well. Craig starts to cry, and I try to talk, but I choke on my blood. My vision starts to fade, Im losing too much blood. I reach for Craig, and he grabs my hand and squeezes it. I grin a little, and blood escapes my mouth in a stream. My blood courses from my stomach like a fountain, more spurting out every time I breathe. Tyler looks at Brock. "We need to get him to the infirmary. NOW!!" Brock yells, and Lui runs over, along with Nogla and Brian. They all pick me up, and I scream as my wound burns. I see Cody and Dean come running in, and one look at me causes their eyes to go wide. Cody runs over to me, and he and Dean help to carry me. They carry me out of the canteen, all the while Craig holding my hand, stroking my face. I hear Evan screaming after us. "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET CRAIG!!!! A DEAD BOYFRIEND. HE WOULDN'T BE MINE SO NOW HE WON'T BE YOURS EITHER!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Craig turns and yells back, "SHUT THE FUCK UP, YOU PSYCHOTIC SON OF A BITCH. I SWEAR IF HE DIES THE FIRST THING I WILL DO IS BREAK YOUR SCRAWNY LITTLE NECK AND EVERY SINGLE OTHER BONE IN YOUR BODY AND THEN SLIT YOUR THROAT AND WATCH AS YOU CHOKE ON YOUR OWN BLOOD AS YOU BLEED TO DEATH YOU FUCKTARD!!!!!" He turns back to me, and I see his anger turn to fear. "Jon, please don't leave me. You're the first meaningful relationship I've ever had in my life. I love you so much, so please don't die on me. I need you...." He starts to cry, and although I can barely see him, I slowly raise my hand to stroke his pink hair, leaving a dark red streak. His eyes widen, and I smile at him, then wince in pain. I feel myself growing weaker. Brock looks down at me, then back at everyone else. "We're losing him, guys. I need three CC's of blood, and some gauze. Brian, go get me some thread and a surgical suture." He says, and Brian runs off. They set me down gently on a cot. I feel my blood dampening the canvas, already soaked through my jumpsuit. I raise my eyes to look at Craig. I try to smile, but blood drips out my mouth instead. Craig has tears streaming down his cheeks. I meet his eyes, and his big brown eyes scream love and fear and anger. I can't bear to see him so sad. "I.I....l-love....y-youuu.........." I manage to say, and my voice trails off. Craig strokes my face. "Jon, please don't die. Please." He kisses me, and I feel my life slip away. My eyes slowly close. "Jon? Jon???? Oh, god......Jon!? Please......JON!!!!!!!"
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