Chapter 15-Family
As Craig and I walk down the corridor to the canteen, I look over at him and see him smiling a wide grin. I know why he's so happy. Dean is getting let out of the infirmary today, and Craig is excited for everyone to meet his little brother. We push the doors of the infirmary open, and Dean is sitting up on the bed, his legs hanging over the side. Brock has Dean's arm wrapped in a sling, and they both look up as we enter. "Hey, Dean." Craig says, and I nod at him. Dean smiles his quirky grin, and stands up. He wraps his arms around Craig, and laughs. "Man, I thought I'd never get out of here! Having to stay in bed for that long drove me nuts!" Craig rolls his eyes. "Dean, you were in there for two days." Dean smirks. "Yeah, but you know I can't sit still." Craig sighs. "Do I ever." I laugh, as does Craig. I put my arm around his shoulder. "Well, Cody is eager to introduce you to everyone. Dinner is ready in the canteen, if you want." I say, and Dean's eyes light up. "I'm fucking starving!" He says, and I point towards the door, and Dean runs out, into Cody waiting at the door. He wraps his arms around Cody, who picks him up and spins him around, hugging him. Both of them are laughing, and I look at Craig. I love him so much, and I know he loves me, but it seems that our relationship isn't as happy as Cody and Dean's. I watch as the two of them walk down to the canteen, hand in hand. "They're cute together, aren't they?" Craig asks, and I nod silently. He looks at me. "Jon, what's wrong? And don't you fucking dare tell me nothing, cause it's obvious something has got you thinking." I smile slightly. "Craig, do you you wish that we could be as simple and happy as them? I mean, it's kinda hard, since we are in prison, but do you ever wish that we could be closer?" Craig looks at me for a minute, and then he nods, smiling. "Yeah. I wish that all the time. But us being in prison doesn't have to stop us. We can be perfectly happy here. I know that whenever Im with you, my day is already ten times brighter." He reaches for my hand, and I take it. I smile at him, looking into those beautiful brown eyes of his. "Hey, Craig, I'm not that hungry, Wanna just head back to the cell?" Craig thinks for a second, then nods. "Yeah. Let's go." He pulls me along, still holding my hand. He opens the cell door, and flops onto his bunk, pulling me down with him. I laugh, and I pull him on top of me, kissing him. He snickers, and I nuzzle my nose against his. Smiling, he lays his head down on my chest, and snuggles into me. I sigh. I lift my head up to look at him. His pink hair is so vibrant. And adorable. He and Dean are the only guys I know who can pull off pink hair. I laugh to myself, and Craig lifts his head to gaze at me. "What?" He asks, propping himself up with his elbows. "First of all, you have very sharp elbows, so if you wouldn't mind moving your arms..." I say, and Craig gasps. "Oh! Sorry." He leans on his forearms instead, and I smile. "Anyways, I was laughing because you are the most adorable and sweet guy I could have ever hoped to meet." He smirks, blushing. I pull him into a kiss, and I feel his arms snake under my neck. I pull away for a moment, and Craig looks at me questioningly. I feel myself get lost in his eyes, and I smile. I run my fingers through his hair, making it stand up in some places. "Craig, you and Cody are the most important people in my life. Before I met you, Craig, I was always alone. I never knew where Cody was, cause he went off on his own when we were still young. Turns out he found Dean. Im glad they're together. But me, I never had anyone. Except when I met you. You were the first person to ever understand me. Like, actually understand me. And.....I dunno. It's just..." I avert my gaze, and look at the floor. Then I feel Craig's hand on my chin, and he pulls me back to meet his eyes. He grins. "Jon, you don't even have to say anything. I was the same way, pretty much. Dean left when he was still pretty young. Just a kid. I tried to get him to stay, but he said he had to find his own path. And thank god he met Cody. Im glad they look out for one another. I only ever really knew what Dean was doing from the letters he sent. And I use that term loosely because in six years he only sent two letters. But I was alone too. I felt I had nobody I could be with or rely on. But I felt that connection when you first looked at me in the van. When you said, 'Hey,' to me." "And you jumped about a foot in the air?" I ask, and he laughs. "I was a bit high strung, okay? But it doesn't matter. Because now I have the best man ever as a cellmate. I couldn't ask for anything more than that." He kisses me, and I pull his body close to mine. "I love you, Craig." I whisper, and I feel him nod. "I love you, too, Jon." He says quietly, and I kiss him deeply.
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