Chapter 11-Brothers
I wake up to the sound of the alarm blaring. The same alarm that alerted the prison when Craig and I arrived. There must be another new prisoner. I toss off the woolen blanket and jump down off my bunk. I shake Craig awake, and then I pull my sneakers on. I look at him as he slowly sits up. "Come on, Craig! There's a new guy coming in. I wanna see who it is!" Craig yawns, and pulls his shoes on wearily. I jump up, and sort of jump around a bit, hyped up, waiting for Craig. He looks up at me. "Jon, if you want to go, go. I'll meet up with you." I smile, and dash off towards the locker room. It seems that no one else is up yet. My sneakers slam on the floor, echoing down the hall. I screech to a halt in front of the locker room door, and I think to myself, "Who could the new guy be? I wonder if they're going to be friendly? I wonder what their name is? I wonder if they'll like me?" I slowly open the door, and right as I do so, someone bumps right into me and drops the blanket and metal cup they were carrying. I gasp, surprised. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!" I say as the guy bends down to pick up his stuff. He looks really young, maybe 18 at the oldest. I shuffle my feet. "Hey, I really am sorry that I bumped into you. I wanted to see who the new guy was. I guess I found out." I stick out my hand. "Anyway, I'm Jon." The metal cup clatters to the ground as the kid stops short. "J....Jon?" He says, and his voice gives me a start. My eyes widen, and I look at him. "Cody?" I say quietly, and the kid raises his head and looks at me. His eyes are wide, and the corners of his mouth turn up in a grin. "Hey, Jon." He says quietly, and I pull him into a hug. He wraps his arms around me, and hugs me back. I pull away, and put my hands on his shoulders, holding him at arm's length, looking at him. "Cody, what are you doing here?!" I ask, and he smiles. "I guess I kinda followed in your path a bit." He grins mischievously, and I laugh. Then the sound of running feet behind us makes me turn. Craig comes running up, and stops in front of us, out of breath. "" He gasps, and I smile. "Craig, you are out of shape." I say, and he laughs. He looks up at us, and points to Cody. "Who's this?" he asks, and I smile, putting my arm around Cody's shoulder, and messing up his hair. "Craig, this is RacingCatz. His real name is Cody, and he's my little brother."
Craig looks from me, to Cody, back to me, and then back to Cody. He scratches his chin. "Yeah....I kinda see it. But, Jon, what is your little brother doing in the highest security prison for hardened criminals?" Cody shrugs, and looks up at me smiling. Then he looks back at Craig. "I guess I just wanted to follow in my brother's footsteps." I laugh. "Really, Cody? You could have done anything, and you choose to become a psychopathic murderer? I mean, I'm flattered that you want to be like me, but still!" Craig and Cody both laugh, and I pat Cody on the back. "Come on. There is an empty cell right next to ours. You can take that one. After you ditch your stuff in there, let's get some food. And before you ask, yes, the food is almost as bad as they say." I chuckle, and we walk towards the cell block.
Cody drops his stuff on the bottom bunk of the bed, in the cell next to Craig and I. He steps out, and looks at me. "Now. Where is this food?" He says, and Craig thumbs at the doors. "Through there. The canteen is just past the recreation area. Let's go." He says, and he leads the way as we head to the canteen.
Craig P.O.V
As I walk with Jon and Cody to the canteen, another alarm blares out. Another new prisoner? Jon turns to look at me, and I shrug, clueless as to who it might be. "Wanna go see?" I ask, and Jon nods, as well as Cody. I turn and start walking back towards the locker room. I start jogging, my curiosity getting the better of me. The door opens when I'm about 20 metres away. I see a young boy, about 17, with a tuft of bright pink hair atop his head. The same colour pink as me. Exact same. My eyes widen, and I yell down the hall. "DEAN?!" The kid looks up, and my excitement and fear is confirmed. I look back at Jon. "It's my brother!" Jon raises his eyebrow, and Cody starts running towards me. I think he's going to stop, but he sprints past me and tackles Dean to the ground. I look at Jon questionably, and he shrugs his shoulders. "I have no idea." He says, and we both walk over to our brothers. I get to them, and Dean and Cody are hugging. I raise my eyebrow. "Dean?" He lets go of Cody, and looks at me. He breaks into a massive smile. "CRAIG!!!!!" He screams, and jumps on me, wrapping his arms around me. I stumble a bit, and then lift him off of me. "Dean, what are you doing here? And why did Cody tackle you?" Jon walks up to us. "Yeah, Cody. That's what I want to know." Jon has his arms crossed. Cody looks up at him. "Dean and I are partners." I look at Dean with wide eyes. "Dean, you're gay?" He rolls his eyes. "Craig, he meant we're partners in crime. You dumbfuck." I frown. I hate it when he calls me that. Then I look back at him. "'re not gay?" He shrugs. "Well, I mean, I am, and we are partners in that sense as well, but mostly in crime." He smiles at Cody, who hugs him again. I ruffle his hair. "It's good to see you, Dean. Even though it's in prison. But it's still nice." He smiles, and then re-styles his hair. Jon frowns. "Dean, what are you doing in prison?" I turn to look at him, and he smirks. "Well, I was on a job that Cody and I had been working, but when he got taken in, I had to finish it alone." Cody puts his hand on Dean's shoulder. "Sorry I left you." Dean smiles, and puts his hand on top of Cody's. It's weird seeing my little brother with someone. Dean continues on. "I got into a fight with some of the guys we were issued to take out. They put up quite a fight, but I took them in the end. Then the fucking cops showed up, saw me standing over the dead bodies with a knife in one hand and a gun in the other, and arrested me on the spot. They actually shot me when I tried to run away." My eyes widen. "Dean, you got SHOT???" He nods, then stumbles a little. "It's not that bad." He says weakly, and Jon and I hold him steady. Cody unbuttons his jumper, and gasps at the growing blood stain on Dean's shirt. I look at Dean. "You fucking idiot." I say, and then I yell down the hallway. "MOO! I NEED YOU!" Dean collapses in my arms. Moo comes running up to us, and then he looks at Cody. "Who the hell are you?" Cody smiles. "I'm Jon's brother." he says, and Moo shrugs. Then he moves his gaze down to Dean, and his eyes widen. "Well, what the fuck happened to you?" He crouches down next to Dean, and then he looks up at me. "Let me guess; he's your little brother." I nod, and he smiles. "The pink hair gave it away." He moves to check Dean's wound. He mutters something, then glances up at us. "We need to get him to the infirmary. Now." Moo and I lift Dean up, and start to carry him down the hall. I look at Jon. "Can you put his stuff in the cell that Cody is in? He needs to have a cell ready." Jon nods, grabbing Dean's stuff and running off down the hall. Cody runs alongside of Moo and I, giving Dean a caring and loving look. He holds Dean's hand while we walk, and I see a tear run down his face. "Please, buddy. Don't leave me, you dumb shit. You went and got yourself shot, without me to protect you. Goddammit." I smile. I'm glad that Dean has someone that cares about him and is watching out for him. We open the door to the infirmary, and we carry Dean over to a bed. Setting him down gently, I look at Brock, who sets to work getting bandages and gauze ready. Cody is kneeling on the floor, holding Dean's hand and stroking his hair. I smile, and turn to Brock. "How can I help?" I ask. He looks at me sympathetically. "Craig, right now, the best thing you can do to help is to get Cody and yourself out of here so I can get to work and help your brother." I nod, and I beckon Cody to follow me. He doesn't move. I sigh, and grab him around the waist, and carry him out of the room while he struggles to get out of my hold. I close the door, and put Cody down, still holding him back. "Let me go, Craig! Dean needs me!" He yells, and I spin him around to face me. "Cody, Dean is in good hands. Brock is the best doctor I know. The best thing we can do to help him right now is to let Brock take care of him. If you love him, you'll understand that." Cody hangs his head, and I see a tear fall from his cheek. I put my arm around his shoulder. "Come on. Let's go back to the cells and wait." Cody nods, sniffling and wiping his nose. We walk back towards the cells. I glance back over my shoulder. Dammit, Dean. Please be okay.
I had to write myself into this. I know it makes me seem like a pretentious gobshite, but I like to put myself into the stories with my idols. I love to write about them, and be writing me in with them. To be with my favourite people who I honour so much, to be with them in a story is sort of like getting to actually do stuff with them. But I someday hope to actually meet them all. I would love that. But, yeah, I just had to write Dean in. XD
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