Chapter 10-Backstory
I stop dead in my tracks. I stare at Scotty with an open mouth. "Tyler? As in, Wildcat Tyler?" Scotty nods slowly. "Yeeeeesssss..." He says, and I turn away from him, my eyes wide. Tyler was in the same situation as I am? He had to deal with Anderson? And what Scotty said, about Tyler getting the shit beat out of him.....I can't imagine that happening. He seems so strong, and he looks like he would be the one doing the beating. I would know.I felt his mean right hook. But, he's really been here for six years? I don't think anyone else here has been here nearly that long. So he's the one who started the gang here......I shake my head. Turning back to Scotty, I smile at him. "Thanks for the talk, Scotty. I have to go find Tyler." I take off running in the direction of the cell block, waving at Scotty over my shoulder. He smiles and waves back. "Tell him I say hey!" He yells, and I give him the thumbs up without looking back. I run to the cell block, and screech to a halt outside Tyler's cell. I stand there for a moment, thinking about what to say. I poke my head into the cell, and look around. I see Tyler lying on his side on his bunk, and when I clear my throat, he rolls over and looks at me, then smiles. "Hey, Jon. What are you doing here?" He asks, and I sit down on the floor, leaning against the wall. I sigh, and look at Tyler. "Ty, have you ever heard of a man named Anderson?" I see Tyler tense up, and I know that we have the same problem. Tyler looks at me, and in his eyes I can see hate, fear, resentment, empathy, and sadness. "Jon, how do you know who that is? Anderson using you, too?" I turn my head away slightly, and Tyler gasps. "Jon, do not give him any information. He will make your life a living hell." He turns away and says quietly, "He made mine one." I look at him, and wonder. "Tyler, what did he do to you?" Tyler glances over at me, and then leans back onto his bunk. "Well, it was kind of a series of events that occurred, you know? At first, he just wanted information. Little things, like the prisoner's names and what they were in for. But as time wore on, he came to "visit" more and more, and he wanted more and more information. Personal things. Dirt on the prisoners. I didn't want to give that information to him. Some of the prisoners had become my friends. But then he started to blackmail me. He said he would hurt my family, my little sister. I couldn't let that happen. I....I told him what he wanted to know, and he would leave my family alone. But soon, one by one, the prisoners that I told him about started to disappear. Soon I found out why. They were being taken out of jail and used for some fiendish plot that Anderson was part of. The prisoners that were still in found out pretty quick what was going on, and soon after that, they figured out it was me who had sold them out to Anderson. They all beat up on me, blaming me for everything that happened. I spent about two and a half years in and out of the infirmary, always getting the shit beat out of me." He pauses for a moment, and I realize my mouth is hanging open. I can't believe the pain and torture he's been through. He sighs and continues on. "There was one guy who always helped me out. A guard who thought it was wrong that the prisoners blamed me. He stood up for me, protected me, and he became my friend. I owe a lot to him." I sit up. "Scotty." I say, and Tyler props himself up on his elbows. "You know him?" I nod. "Yeah. He helped me out earlier today. He warned me about Anderson, too. And he told me that you had been used by him, and that's why I asked you. He's a really good guy, Tyler. You got some good friends looking out for you." I smile, and Tyler grins. "Thanks, Jon." He says, and I look at him. "For what?" I ask. He smiles and sits up, leaning forward and putting his elbow on his knee, resting his chin on it. "For listening. I needed someone to listen. And you did. So thank you." I smile back. Standing up, I fist bump him. "Always, Tyler. Always."
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