Chapter 1
Raven POV
"Hey guys." I said as I walked to them.
"Raven?" Asked Derek as I looked at him and then at the floor.
"Why are you here I thought Hotch said he gave you a vacation." Said JJ.
"Yeah well-" I was cut off by dad.
"I'm assuming you're the BAU agents." Said dad looking at me.
"Yes. I'm agent Hotchner, that's agent Morgan, Dr. Reid, Jennifer, and agent Prentiss." Said Hotch shaking dad's hand.
"Gibbs." He said and started to walk to the others as everyone looked at me and then at dad.
"What?" I asked them before I started to walk behind dad.
"Ay Raven." Said Tony and I walked towards him.
"What's up Tony?" I asked him.
"Why don't you introduce us to your new friends?" He asked with a small smirk getting up and wrapping his hand around my shoulders while looking at JJ causing me and Ziva to hit him in the back of the head like dad does.
"Ok I probably deserve that." He said looking away.
"I'm sorry am I missing something here?" Asked Derek glaring daggers at the hand around me.
"Well, Tony, Ziva, McGee. This is my team, Hotchner, Reid, Morgan, Jennifer or JJ, and Prentiss." I said.
"Guys this are my... family in a weird way. Tony, Ziva, and McGee. The guy from before is my father and were missing Abby and Ducky." I said.
"Anyway back to business. Did you figure out what could of caused our unsub to kill this men and take their testicles away?" I asked my team.
"We still don't know who our unsub is so we don't have any background information on him." Said Hotch.
"But by the way he beats the men before taking his testicles away from them and the fact that their girlfriend or wife was pregnant and they weren't so sure if they wanted to have the baby or not shows that he may have gone through abuse maybe his father?" Said Reid.
"Maybe, his father didn't want him and beat him? But then why wouldn't he take it out on the women as well? Where was his mom during all of this?" Said JJ.
"Well she could of been beaten like him." I said.
"But how do we know it's a he?" Asked Tony as we all looked at him.
"The men didn't seem to be tied up in any way, and these men weren't exactly light which means it had to be a guy, probably from 30 to 40 years of age, big and strong, somewhat controlling, he may have some assault records on him." I answered Tony.
"Abby found something." Said dad and I jumped with a smile.
"That's right I haven't seen Abby yet. Anyway guys I'll go with them I'll inform you of anything." I said running behind dad to Abby's lab. I made everyone stay quite when we entered the room with the music blasting in the background.
"Talk to me Abbs." I said causing her to turn around and look at me.
"Raven!" She yelled hugging me half to death.
"Can't.. breath." I said and Abby let me go.
"Anyway back to the case Abby. What do you have?" Asked dad and Abby walked to the table.
"I actually found a fingerprint in a piece of clothing that was found in the crime scene. My guess is his glove ripped and he accidentally left the print there without noticing it." Said Abby.
"Did you find a match?" I asked her.
"I did actually. Peter Davis." Said Abby.
"Alright I'll go talk to my team about this see what we come up with." I said.
"Before that I got you an address though I don't know if he'll be there." She said and I nodded.
"Send it to my phone Abbs, thanks." I said running out to meet with my team.
"So Abby found a print on the cloth belonging to the victim. The print belongs to Peter Davis Abby also got an address though she said she doesn't know if he'll be there." I said.
"Alright, go with Morgan and Reid to the address." Hotch said tossing me keys.
"Alright." I said catching the keys and walking to the elevator with Derek and Reid behind me.
"So you know all this people?" Asked Derek and I nodded.
"Did you think my shooting, fighting, strategy, puzzle and drawing skills came out of no where?" I asked him.
"It's just you've been working with us for a year yet we know next to nothing about you." He said kinda hurt. I didn't answer and walked out of the elevator when it opened and walked to the car.
"Let's hope we find out something good." I said driving to the address Abby sent me.
"So you know them, how do you know them? Other than the boss being your dad." Said Reid.
"Well my dad was a Marine and then he started working for the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, so that's how I know everyone there." I said.
"Cool so you had an idea of what you do now." Reid said and I nodded.
"I guess you could say that." I said as we finally made it to the house and knocked on the door and a woman answered.
"FBI, We'll like to do some questions." Morgan said as we all show our badges.
"Uh, yeah, of course come in." She said letting us in.
"So ma'am, I'd like to ask you if you know a man called Peter Davis?" I asked her and her face paled.
"Uh, yes.. or at least I did." She said now looking at her hands.
"Used to?" Said Derek.
"Yes.. he's my ex-husband." She said.
"I'm sorry to ask but why did you two end things?" I said.
"Well.. he liked to beat me and it only started when we got married.. he also got me pregnant though in one of his beatings I lost the baby.. that's when I got a divorce." She said and I blinked.
"Would you happen to know where he is?" Asked Reid.
"No sorry." She said.
"Do you know if he got beatings from his father?" I asked her.
"I think he mentioned something like that once." She said.
"And what about his mother?" Asked Derek.
"I think she died in a complication with the pregnancy." She said as well nodded.
"That would be all thank you for your time." I said getting up.
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