Spencer Reid- Dangers and All (h)
You had been in a relationship with Spencer for around three and a half years, you were approaching four years together.
You were at Aaron and Haley's wedding, you were Jack's godmother, you had basically been there since the beginning and you loved being so close with them all.
Spencer had met you about a year after he started working with Aaron, Penelope, Derek, Jason, Elle and JJ. Of course, he still referred to them with their last names instead of first names, unlike you.
Dating Spencer was a lot of work, as he could be in Quantico one day but then would need to go to a whole other state the next day. You always worried about him when he was gone, as you knew that practically anything could happen, however Spencer always returned home.
A lot of the time, people found it surprising that given how long you and Spencer had been together, you weren't married yet, or at least engaged.
Neither of you were against the idea of marriage, however it just hadn't happened and the both of you were happy being in your bubble.
But recently, Spencer hadn't seemed himself.
You understood that the whole team was recovering after what had happened to Aaron and Haley, it was devastating that Haley was gone and Jack now had to grow up without his mother.
You wanted to be there for them all at once, but you couldn't do that, you just had to be there for Spencer as much as you could.
You never knew exactly what was going through his head, even on a good day, and lately you couldn't even get a snippet of what he was thinking.
You were sat on the sofa, with your legs stretched out to the other seat which was where Spencer was sitting, so your legs were on his lap, and he was mindlessly tracing small circles on your bare legs whilst the two of you read your books.
When Spencer stopped his movements, and left his hand resting on your leg, you looked up from your book to face him "Everything okay?" you asked quietly.
His eyes locked with yours, and you saw worry in them, but he shook his head and then took a deep breath "I love you Y/N, you know I do, but I can't possibly lose you" Spencer's words surprised you, he wasn't one to have a sudden outburst, "Hotch is so distraught, and I don't know how he's coping because I couldn't" Spencer's gaze flickered from you to the floor multiple times whilst he spoke "I'm not going to expose you to this world, not anymore...not after what's happened" he shook his head again after finishing his explanation.
"You can't break my heart like this, Spence" you told him, tears beginning to well up in your eyes.
Spencer sighed and reached over to hold your hand "I'm not trying to" he tried to defend himself.
You held his hand tighter, moving to intertwine your fingers, "Then don't do this...don't leave" you tried to reason with him as you definitely didn't want your relationship to end.
Your boyfriend sighed once again "I do, I have to" he seemed as if he was telling himself more than you.
"No, you don't" you told him sternly – you understood why he was thinking this, you just didn't want him to leave.
Spencer suddenly stood up and ran a hand through his hair "Yes I do! Y/N, don't you get it? I will not stand by and willingly let what happened to Haley happen to you; I wouldn't be able to live with myself, or without you" he explained his reasons to you, all whilst pacing and repeatedly running a hand through his hair.
You stood up next to him, placing your hands on his upper arms to get him to stop pacing "Answer me this Spencer...are we Aaron and Haley?" you asked as you softly rubbed your thumbs on Spencer's arms in an attempt to calm him down a little.
Spencer sighed and shook his head "No, no we're not" he admitted which caused you to smile slightly as you managed to get through to him, even if just a little bit.
"So...what happened to them won't necessarily happen to us. I know you're only doing this because you have convinced yourself you need to, but you really don't" you kept your eyes locked with Spencer's as you talked, wanting him to realise what he was actually doing "I love you Spencer Reid, and I want to marry you some day, dangers and all"
Written by Hannah
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