Russ 'Monty' Montgomery- Video Call (c)
"You definitely like him," Mae grinned.
You rolled your eyes. She had been going on about it for what felt like forever but was more likely to have only been the best part of an hour. Your team seemed to always know everything about each other so truthfully it didn't seem out of the ordinary when Mae approached you telling you that she knew that you were interested in one of your team mates.
It was true. You had fallen hard for Monty, the technical analyst for the team, but you were pretty sure that he could only ever see you like an awkward sister.
"You're mad," you stated trying to keep your interest for him a secret, but knowing Mae well enough, it was unlikely she'd believe anything you were to say in attempt to argue your point.
The team were too smart. It was an amazing thing for the job, but in an attempt to keep something to yourself, you were unable to do such a thing.
"That is completely accurate," she laughed. "However that isn't the point. It's clear that you like him, and he likes you, we can all see, you are both just too blind."
You let out an exasperated sigh. "Fine I like him. But he doesn't like me. He treats me how he treats you and Clara. Nothing special. I've tried to stop liking him. I really have, but then he cracks another terrible joke or a pun, and just the fact that he can find himself funny, makes me smile. I just don't know how to stop feeling like this."
Mae laughed softly rubbing your shoulder as you held your head in your hands. You appreciated having him as a colleague and a friend and you certainly didn't want to ruin that by telling him that you felt anything more for him. It was a hopeless unrequited emotion.
The two of you sat in silent for a moment, until someone clearing their throat knocked you out of your self-deprecating thoughts.
Your head snapped up, locking towards to door, however no one was stood there. You looked to Mae, confused, but her sympathetic expression didn't fill you with any form of relief. She leaned forward, towards the coffee table in front of you, pulling up the lid of the laptop that had been closed to.
As she raised it, you saw the face you didn't want to see.
"Monty," the two of you said at the same time.
"Hello ladies," he smiled awkwardly through the computer screen.
"How long have you been listening?" You asked trying to not make it seem suspicious hoping he'd only just connected through and had heard nothing you had said.
"A little longer than I should have been listening to your conversation for," he sighed looking down.
Mae couldn't help her growing grin. She gave your shoulder a gentle rub, before standing up.
"I think that Simmons needs me," she smiled, giving you a wink before scurrying from the room.
If you didn't love her like a sister you would have shot her. It wouldn't have surprised you if she had set the whole thing up but you can't possibly be angry with her, as for as far as you knew it was a terrible coincidence.
"Hi," you whispered, hoping that the situation wouldn't continue to be this awkward.
"Hello," he said in the same hushed tone. "So... urm... you like me?"
"Yeah," you sighed, not wanting to have to admit the fact to him, not being too hopeful with how he would respond to the situation.
His smile grew through the camera, confusing you slightly.
You nodded your head, your cheeks growing redder with the situation grower more awkward on your own behalf.
"Well... would you... maybe... like to... possibly... go out for... dinner... or lunch... with me?" He smiled trying to seem confident but you could see the uncertainty in his eyes.
A breath escaped that you didn't know you had been holding in. Did this mean that he had felt the same?
"I would love to," you practically squealed, before trying to hold yourself back from seeming so excited.
He let out a chuckle. "I don't think I've ever been so excited for you to come back to the states."
You smiled softly back to him. "Well I don't think I've ever been so excited to come back."
Written by Charlotte.
Tumblr Request.
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