Chapter 3
They walked around together checking out all the other areas, they looked at the dinosaurs and they were talking and pointing out facts the others didn't know.
''Woah really I don't remember reading about that in History.'' Juliet said impressed about a fact.
''I know I did my own research and its amazing what they leave out of those books.'' He said.
They came to the place where all the jewels were. ''And the most beautiful room in this museum.'' Juliet said looking around.
''Yeah they have so many cool diamonds and jewels that come from all over.'' Gnomeo said they were looking.
Juliet was looking around the room taking in the exits and what she could use to hide she looked up and saw a way to get in and she looked all the diamonds, and she was looking for the one in particular.
''And the best and latest edition The Blue Sapphire!'' Gnomeo said in a commentator's voice.
Juliet giggled and her eyes widened it was beautiful more so then the Orchid Diamond. ''Woah i heard that this came from another museum.'' Juliet said looking at the design and reading the plate.
''Yeah and its there new thing I wish the orchid stone was here it was so beautiful, but someone stole it and now its not here.'' He said nodding to the empty display case.
Juliet felt bad about what she did, but she had to. ''Hmm I bet it was a beauty.'' She said.
''It was and I failed to protect it.'' He sighed.
She did feel bad for him over that. He turned and looked at her. ''Never mind me.'' He said.
''Oh cool look at that picture!'' She ran over to.
He went over and looked at the picture all it had was line and shapes on it. ''I heard that this painting you can stare at it for hours and never leave.'' She said excitedly.
Gnomeo looked trying to figure it out but found himself looking at it and he froze looking at it until he felt a tap on his shoulder he turned to see Juliet grinning at him.
''Told you so.'' She laughed.
He smiled they finished looking around and then they were outside. ''I'm hungry want to get something to eat?" He asked.
''Um well really I-'' She started.
''There is a a place right around the corner easy for walking, besides you look like you could eat besides I'll pay.'' He said.
''Um alright sure.'' She said as they went walking.
They came to a small sub shop and they ordered a sandwhich and they were talking, and he made her a swan out of the paper. ''For you.'' He bowed his head.
''Your so funny and sweet Gnomeo your girlfriend is a lucky girl.'' Juliet said she was enjoying herself and she was starting to warm up to Gnomeo dare she even say she had a small crush on him.
''Hmm yeah she would be if I had one.'' He said.
''Hmm your single? I find that hard to believe your every girls dream guy.'' Juliet said.
''Well I'm flattered you think so, no most of the ones I was with used me my last girlfriend I broke up with her because I caught her cheating on me so I'm single. What about you, your a beautiful, nerdy perfect girl who's the lucky guy a book worm?'' He asked teasingly.
Juliet giggled. ''Well like you Gnomeo I am single well, I moved a lot so there no way to get a steady guy.'' She said.
Part of it was true once this diamond jewel stuff was done she would have to move on to the next place she had two more years of doing this before she could free her dad.
''Oh so your only here for how long?'' He asked.
''I don't know at least the rest of the year.'' She said.
They talked more and finished eating and made their way back to where their cars were they were holding hands.
''I had fun this evening.'' Gnomeo said.
''Me too it was a blast haven't done anything like this since I can't remember when.'' She said smiling.
''Yeah well we should do it again sometime.'' Gnomeo said.
''Yeah-- maybe.'' She said she enjoyed it very much and she wanted to do it again.
''Well here is my number.'' He gave it to her.
She gave him hers. ''Here is mine.'' She said.
''So um next time your bored or want to do anything call me I'm open all night. Sorry that was a bit creepy.'' He said.
''No I thought it was cute.'' She giggled.
''Yeah um message me when you want to go on another one.'' He said.
''Got it.'' She smiled and then tripped as she felt an arm wrap around her catching her.
''You ok?'' He asked.
They stared into each other's face and he pulls her closer until she pulled away.
''Um thank you and I'll text you later.'' She said and got in her car and watched him leave as he waved at her.
She waved back and got in her car and smiled as she went back home.
''Juliet your here girl where have you been?'' Asked Daphne who hugged Juliet.
''I was out scouting as usual.'' She said.
''Wait.'' Amber said she went over and looked at Juliet and grinned. ''You sly girl you met a guy right?'' Asked Amber.
''What no well yes, yes I did and he is so handsome and wonderful and he is the night guard at the museum that we rob from.'' She said.
''Oh that cute guy we saw on the roof?'' Asked Daphne.
''Yep and we bumped into each other at the supermarket and then we bumped into each other at the museum, and we looked around together and went out for subs and wow it felt good he is single.'' She said quietly.
''Oooh seems dreamy.'' Amber said.
''Yeah but this might be good if I can get to be friends with him then it will make robbing stuff easier if he is there.'' She said.
''That could work.'' Daphne said.
''So where is Marcus?'' Asked Juliet.
''Oh he is upstairs on the phone.'' Daphne said.
Juliet nodded. ''For now lets not say anything about this.''
''You got it.'' Amber said.
''Now you girls pick out a movie and I'll make some popcorn.'' Daphne said.
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